What's his fucking problem?

What's his fucking problem?

He has cuckolditis. Not his fault.

His head looks like a thumb.

He's desperate to be let back into the club.

>no seal noises

You all need to go back.

Mommy issues


Didn't she shit all over his Avengers film (not sure which one it was) like a few weeks after this photo?

Yeah hork hork Jurassic World

His father was a giant and his mother was a dwarf

>His father was a giant and his mother was a dwarf

and his dog died at the wharf

Women have no sense of loyalty

he's a nice guy who can't think for himself much like the rest of hollywood. you guys say this shit is virtue signaling but it isn't. he's just conditioned to be this way because that lifestyle is all he knows and to even try to see the reason behind an opposing viewpoint or argument is preposterous to him.

Imagine being so desperate for sex that you would hang out with Anita Setakrien.

Remember when Anita Sarkeesian was still relevant?

Is Joss Whedon british?

He's nowhere near manly enough.

imagine the hatefuck session you could have with anita

if you didnt fuck her hard enough she would start laughing and push you away, so you had to hold her down while going raw on her asshole.

think of the irreversibel sex scene.

choose one

I'll pick 2 thanks

He looks like a brit. All pudgy and shit. Especially with those teeth.

>autism : the post

kek, delusional cuck

>>no seal noises
can you make some?

Did Anita put her penis in another man?


>lampooning being offended all the time by stupid shit means you aren't actually offended all the time by stupid shit.
They are ass.


My problem? Do you want to take this outside, kid?

>lol gettin' all OFFENDED n stuff ;^) :DDD
>if I joke about it then it isn't really true

his name is fucking Joss

Is there a more reddit-tier director/writer than Joss Whedon?

>tips fedora
>muh strong independent womyn
>quippy dialogue and puns


Didn't SJWs turn on him and it got so bad that he deleted his twitters?


Nice meme



To be fair, he deserved the shellacking he got for AoU. He was so gleeful in slamming Trevorrow for the "Seventies sexism" of Jurassic World and then went and had Black Widow infer she was as much of a monster as the Hulk because she couldn't have kids.


>Marvel nu-males hate Snyder

I'm not surprised. After all, their idols are Peyton Reed and Joss Whedon.

It's not just DC vs Marvel, it's an ideological battle. Trump vs Hilary. Alphas vs betas. Winners vs losers.

Seeing an alpha male like Zack Snyder causes them to remember how they were bullied by an alpha male and uncomfortable and lash out the only way they know how - impotently typing out hateful words on a Japanese jpeg board. Some, like Ant-Man director Peyton Reed when shown a statement from a capeflick rumor monger saying "DC directors can physically beat up Marvel directors," choose to withdraw into safe spaces instead. It's little wonder why Sup Forums connects with Marvel more.

Men are meant to be strong in mind and body. Aren't those the values of superheroes, the reason these characters impressed you as a kid? The divide between DC and Marvel isn't just about the quality in filmmaking (where DC obviously win). Some people grew up reading comics, looked up to their heroes and decided to follow their paths. They hit the gym and became better, healthier persons: leaders, alphas. Meanwhile, others neglected their bodies, because their minds stayed weak, they remained scared and pathetic manchildren even in middle age. If real life was a superhero comics, these guys would be the villains' victims at best and the villains themselves at worst. Would you really trust them to bring the true spirit and meaning of superheroes to the screen, when at their deepest core they cannot possible understand these values?

Snyder directs in sweatpants and Under Armour wristbands.

Snyder, Affleck, and Cavill get the bitches and gays all juicy. They are just ripe with raw sexual energy. This offends the virginal fanboi. MoS and BvS deal with emotional issues and belief systems in a mature way. This doubly offends the fanboi, who is stuck in perpetual adolescence. They can't process or register mature emotions. And people hate what they don't understand.

holy shit

fucking braindead liberals are actually proud and bragging about how much their career criminal politician family, the Clintons, have made off of the democrat sheep for the past 30 years.

being proud of how the Clintons made their money as opposed to trump is fucking irony at its best.

tfw i look like joss whedon :/

Post the one where trump gives cabinet positions to the highest bidder, I mean contributor to his campaign

The feminists who he repeatedly went to bat for decided to shit all over him for something he wrote Black Widow to say.

>Basically part of becoming an assassin was to get permanently sterilised so they couldn't get pregnant while murder-fucking their way through society.
>Widow referred to herself as a monster because of the things she's done.
>She basically said she wouldn't make a good mother so is sort of glad she can't have kids because of it.

Naturally all the feminists willfully misinterpreted what she said and went bananas calling for his public execution.

He tried his best to damage control but got blasted so hard by the very group he regularly shilled for he had to leave twitter.

Moral of the story? FUCK FEMINISTS. Never ever pander to them. You give an inch and they want a mile.

do you enjoy punching straw-mans all day? makes u feel like a big man

Wait, what exactly are the SJWs mad about? That they made it so she can't have children, or that she wanted to have kids but couldn't?

you are misinterpreting that image you drooling retard

I think the way it's worded in the movie makes it sound like Black Widow is saying she is a monster BECAUSE she can't have children. I've only seen it once though.

I think the scene was that she wanted to have kids (with Banner maybe) but couldn't because she was forcibly sterilised.

Widow also brushes it off by saying because she has murdered a whole bunch of people she doesn't feel like she could be a good mom, so it's a good thing she can't have kids.

Basically the scene is a woman trying to justify her childlessness by saying she's a horrible person and doesn't "deserve" children.

It's an awkward scene and one best not explored in the confines of a children's movie, and is too easily open to misrepresentation and misinterpretation. As was done almost immediately by 3rd wave radfems who decided Joss meant one thing and argued against that instead of what was actually said.

Most people who harassed him off twitter hadn't even seen the movie at that time anyway. It was just another case of who could cry offence the loudest.


She's responding to Banner saying he wouldn't want to get anyone pregnant because he's a literal monster. The implication being his unborn baby could suffer a rage fit in the womb and kill it's mother withour realising.

Widow basically counters this by saying she couldn't get pregnant anyway because of forced sterilisation.

She tjen goes on to say she'd make a bad mother anyway because of the things she willfully did in the past. So in effect she's a bigger "monster" than Banner ever will be.

Naturally radfems misunderstood the scene and drew the wrong conclusions.

Or more likely were TOLD this is what the scene was and decided to argue against that instead of the actual scene.


Pfffffha haha hahahahaha wow what a tough guy

Why do people mug for the camera past the age of ten?

>Black Widow infer she was as much of a monster as the Hulk because she couldn't have kids.
You have the processing ability of a screeching half shaved SJW. Congrats

>alpha male like Zack Snyder


>Remember when Anita Sarkeesian was still relevant?

Her review of R1 is practically identical to RLM's.


Joss Whedon is probably being ironic, but Anita isn't.

This is perfect
