Be autistic LARPers living off of government benefits and subsidiesfor hundreds of years because of rigid caste system...

>be autistic LARPers living off of government benefits and subsidiesfor hundreds of years because of rigid caste system which places you at the top
>new government decides to modernise the country, rendering you pointless
>replaces you and with a modernised conscripted military
>hate the fact that peasants are no longer obligated to directly pay their taxes to you just because you exist
>try to push for an invasion of korea just so you can prove your worth and die an honourable death
>emperor refuses your crazy idea
>decide to fully sperg out and REEEE attacking various naval ports and arsenals
>government sends out modern military outnumbering you 60 to 1, begging you to surrender
>refuse and attack them anyway, get obliterated, proving their point that a modernised military is superior to your edgy LARPing
>emperor decides to posthumously pardon you anyway out of sympathy

The samurai were the bad guys in this movie

Filthy chinks are the bad guys in everything.

wtf i love samurais now

then stop buying their goods american pig dog!

yahnkee go home!

>Tell me how he died.
>I will tell you how he LARPED

Literally /our guys/

Why would they accept modernism?

>literally kill a man and steal his house and wife
>socially aceptable becuz you are know a samurai

I wish it worked this way irl

>>refuse and attack them anyway, get obliterated, proving their point that a modernised military is superior to your edgy LARPing

Because death was literally the only way out. Samurai would never give up on tradition.

>accepting a gaijin into your household

>samurai using 1600s gear to fight modern soldiers

This movie is kinda stupid. I mean, in the real rebellions they used modern weapons and shit. It's not like they were stuck in some technological bubble that they refused to burst. A lot even wore western clothes.

white men have a fetish for cucking the yellow man, meanwhile cry all day about being cucked by the black man.

who do black men get cucked by?

All of this applied to all of Japan during WW2. They're just autistic like that.

Is this the only samurai movies you dumb motherfuckers seen?


Spot on. The samurai were assholes that went extinct in real life because they were straight up obsolete and incompatible with modern life.

Seriously, they were dead weight even since the close of the Sengoku period, when various warlords had to make up bullshit bureaucratic positions to keep those meritocracy-hating welfare queens employed to justify paying their lazy asses.

Any attempt to preserve their way of life via revolt was a hopeless endeavor that was doomed to fail. Plus, by that time they were mostly cosplaying as competent warriors from centuries ago.

The Satsuma Rebellion might as well have been the NEET Rebellion.

Also their warrior code is the worst possible thing that could have been preserved into the 20th century.

If this movie were honest, it would've ended with a title card reading "60 Years Later" and showing the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Japan in WW2 was a hilarious trainwreck that wouldn't stop on giving, starting from the fact that just like Germany their planned short war turned into a protracted one that fundamentally fucked them up.

>admirals wouldn't report on the real situation accurately in order to save face
>people were under the impression Japan was winning until literally last six months or so
>actually competent people forced to commit suicide for shit like withdrawing from a hopeless battle to save their men

Seriously, just look it up. That's without thinking about how they whipped their people into frenzy by saying invading gaijin would massacre them all so it was to be a fight to the last civilians.

Maybe Asians?

>often seen as the ideal minority that is able to retain a lot of their their culture but still thrive and succeed
>doesn't get nearly as many handouts while still having to face racial bias and overcoming it
>their women often considered to be very attractive to the point where the females of most other races get angry at them

Asians are blacks but successful basically.

who was japan's rommel?

Ironically most of your post was Allied propaganda played up to justify the use of firebombing and eventually nukes on civilian targets, mostly based on what happened on Okinawa.

The average main island Jap really had no intention of throwing themselves at the enemy since they were mostly women and children. And even those people committed suicide rather than charge the invading Americans.

They took part in morale parades but that was about it.

Saigō Takamori, the person Katsumoto is based on, wasn't actually fully opposed to the modernization of Japan, particularly the military and he often wore a western styled uniform. Katsumoto's "dishonorable to use guns" shtick is one the most retarded things about the character.

IQ tests

Trump's working on it...

>Technology making the old order obsolete
If you haven't noticed this is why the fertility rate is too low to be sustainable and we're gonna die out like the samurai


Their ambitions in China weren't too farfetched but they simply didn't have the manufacturing power to support their other plans.

>still widespread use of horse and cart to transport machinery and equipment
>declare war on Britain and the USA in the same fucking day, two of the most powerful nations on the planet
>have a pretty large navy but absolutely no way to keep up with losses

They were doomed from the start. When the Americans or the British lost ships or planes they could soon be replaced, Japan's infastructure was practically wrecked immediately

>privileged feudlist soldiers have their privledges phased out in industrialization
>just like the Herons
This movie was some shit.

Samurai were using guns even in the 1600s

Japan would have forced the U.S into concessions if they didn't lose at Midway by pure luck on the U.S' part

>pure luck
The us did get lucky when the lost bomber squadron found the carriers but the "lucky american win" at midway is a meme.
Japanese codes were hacked, it was a trap from the start

Phasing out of old military castes caused upheavals and riots all around the world throughout history. Ottomans and Janissary, Japan and Samurai, Teutonic Knights etc. Modern, more national armies meant that they couldn't exist anymore, which is basically the equivalent of factory workers losing their jobs because their jobs can be filled with automation now. Their rebellion came from losing, but a desperate position. Kinda sad when you empathize with them, but ultimately inevitable.