Unpopular Opinion Thread: Your most hated opinions belong here

Unpopular opinion - Trout Mask Replica is complete hipster trash

10,000 Days is better than Lateralus.

Elliott Smith's voice is annoying

Is that why it influenced countless of artists since its release and spawned new rock subgenres?
Just because it's a meme doesn't mean it's hipster

>Saying the truth

lol ya missed the point

That’s the popular opinion amongst people with low grade taste though

I don't like Morrissey or the Smiths.

The Sex Pistols single handedly saved Rock and Roll

The Rolling Stones on started to get good in the 1980s

The Who only started to get good after the death of Keith Moon.


>The Who only started to get good after the death of Keith Moon.
Now that's a hot take.



Spiderland isn't that good

"Music taste" is lazy excuse for an argument desu

how is that unpopular

TMR frequently appears on best albums of all time lists and is unanimously considered a classic.

still not a popular opinion that it's a good album

are you trying to fight right now?

It’s the fact of the matter. Someone who hasn’t cultivated a taste for similarly off-kilter music or the music that led to the creation of TMR usually just can’t gel with it.

>Pet shop boys
The dude make amazing job in the synths but I hate the fucking nasal voice.


it's a sin is a banger though right

This is the best thing that came out of The Life of Pablo

i agree

I'm not enjoying it so far. but for something tryna do something completely different from the conventional rules of music it gets 10.

It was pretty jarring at first, but then it kinda clicked and I found myself able to tolerate it. It's not something that you can passively listen to and it's actually fucking exhausting by the end of the album.

It's not something I would listen to frequently. Maybe once a year or so when I need a jolt of something different to bring everything back into perspective. I appreciate that it exists.

It's a horrible sounding album made by a madman who held good musicians hostage and starved them while they meticulously learned terrible sounding songs for 10 months.

And the result is perfection

this is not an unpopular opinion

Trolling the internet is so 2008

If its made by white people itc actually not real music

I completely understand that. I don't get too exhausted by it anymore, but it's one helluva monolith to tackle in a sitting. Still something that takes a lot of time to get into though for most people, just like Ulysses

Well, I think that Jeff Buckley have better voice that his father

>rap mostly sucks
>Radiohead is wildly overrated
>Death Grips are shit and embraced by guilt ridden white faggots who want to go "le based black man leader"
>most Sup Forumscore is terrible
>most Sup Forums opinions are based on nothing but "how contrarian can I be?" circlejerks
>Lou Reed was awful

Tool sucks
Yes it does
Truth is usually unpopular
Wrong, stop being a hipster sheep
Shit taste

>most Sup Forums opinions are based on nothing but "how contrarian can I be?" circlejerks
This is a fact, though.

>The Sex Pistols single handedly saved Rock and Roll
I like their ONE album, but no. The Clash and Ramones did more for rock than the Sex Pistols. I'd argue that Cheap Trick and Van Halen did more for popular rock than any punk band.

>The Rolling Stones on started to get good in the 1980s
They were never good

>The Who only started to get good after the death of Keith Moon.
lol no. Face Dances is underrated, but it's not as good as any previous Who album

>most Sup Forums opinions are based on nothing but "how contrarian can I be?" circlejerks

>is contrarian

>The Sex Pistols single handedly ruined Rock and Roll


Only 5% of the posters on this board have decent taste in music.

Sup Forumscore list is fucking awful, nothing on there except maybe MBDTF deserves the praise this board puts on it.

That's what happens when the average age of the posters on this board goes down by 10 years over the course of a few years.

There are shit threads now that consistently get 120 replies that would've been saged to oblivion 6 years ago. There was a fucking Rush thread on here last night that had too many fucking replies on it.

ITAOTS is fucking terrible

You are certainly not in the 5% if you think Kanye West has ever done anything interesting.

>horrible sounding album
it isn't
>made by a madman who held good musicians hostage and starved them while they meticulously learned terrible sounding songs for 10 months
beefheart was nothing without his magic band. Once they left him, his music was utter garbage. Notice how the only beefheart albums worth listening to are the ones John French was on and the 80's ones. The music was much more of a collaborative effort than beefheart ever admitted to.

This except unironically.

Loveless is bad
Animal Collective is bad
Nearly all 21st century music with more than 500 listeners is bad

cLOUDDEAD is the best hip-hop project of the 2000s

Karma is real. Reincarnation is real. Jesus was black. Richard Dawkins is annoying. Everybody is going to die. You all belong on r/music. There is no such thing as "new music". Your parents (probably) love you.

the average death grips fan is either under the age of 16 or has an iq less than 95

big poo poo in the bum bum

In Rainbows is a mediocre album that any other shit indie band could release but people praise it because it was made by Radiohead.

at least strawberry jam is good


this is the truth

Basic bitch

You're both part of the other 95% though.

>>rap mostly sucks
I agree
>>death grips is for guilty white people
Death grips is the only good rap tho


Post hiphop better than death grips.
You can’t because the genre is devoid of creativity and is a style over substance dick waving exhibit in the primate play pen at your local zoo.

basically any good underground Memphis rap tape
any drill or bop
lots of older jazz-heavy conscious rap stuff that isn't too self-indulgent

the problem with DG isn't that it's bad hip hop tho; it's that it's bad electronic. the production is nauseating and juvenile if you've listened to literally any other noise or noise-adjacent electronic music.

Any recs for the electronic? I don’t like drill and conscious hip hop is normally pretty laughable from what I’ve listened to. I can’t into lyrics

Like it or not, I always thought that Back to School was just as good as Pink Maggit. Alternatively, I thought that Pink Maggit was the worst track on the album, and RX Queen was the best.

Haha look at this hipster faggot!

Migos, Gucci Mane, Young Thug, Travi$ Scott, Lil Uzi Vert, Future, Kodak Black, Rae Sremmurd.
All make the same shit awful song over and over and over again and idiots lap it up cause they're desperate to feel cool.

leave gucci mane out of this.

Leave Migos out of this.

WE as music fans need to do a new rule where if a band is not 5 years old, we won't see them in concert. We also need to respect old artists because its beginning to literally kill them.

The U2 ""review"" Fantano did was unprofessional and a sick joke. Do you think just because U2 is mediocre and bland that they still don't try their hardest and spend hundreds of hours making each album? Would it honestly kill him to make a 5 minute U2 review that spend a little time just going into SOME highlights and lowlights?

Instead he gives them a *brrrrrraaaaap* and moves on. 100+ hours making an album from a respected rock band gets a mere *braaap*.

This leads me to the recent musical suicides. The theory I have is that because of music fans disdain almost contempt that old bands EXIST sometimes, it becomes really depressing to continue in life. The Cranberries actually had a high quality album in 2009 but you wouldn't know it.

Then there are all the fans who magically appeared when Cornell and Chesterfield died. They wouldn't appreciate them out loud and support them in living but in death they sure express grief.

Will we see Bono kill himself next? What about Anthony Kiedis is he next?

I guess I am saying that my Unpopular Opinion TL;DR is that current music gets respected far too much and that older bands are being treated like garbage, just because a band is "boring" doesn't make them unlistenable or unworthy of your appreciation.

It can't get to the point where the artists want to literally stop life. One thing I can say for Baby Boomers is at least they supported their childhood bands and made it so there artists felt loved. So where is our generation and supporting the bands of OUR youth. Just think about it please.

This is legit one of Alcest's best albums.

I don't get the "bland" criticism at all, it's so beautiful and uplifting and I guess that's lost on people who want more black metal influence.

I think soft and very mellow music is a hard sell for most people (especially metalheads), which is a shame. Not everything has to be complex or super abrasive.

dubs of truth

Some people just aren't fast n' bulbous. Their loss

a-ha > ABBA
Kashmir > Stairway to Heaven
Johnny Cash > Elvis Presley

Frank Zappa is a talented hack and Beefheart is a talentless hack.

No radiohead album is better than a 6, Kid A is just indie rock + babies first IDM.

Gene Simmons, Dave Grohl, and and NU Metal are mostly to blame for the decline of Rock music in the mainstream

Poor Beefheart. TMR is just a man playing with his creativity exactly like a child would, with the determination of a full grown man, and it's fucking beautiful! How do people not find this album at least entertaining for even one listen?

did you ever stop and think that supporting bands that are under 5 years old is actually supporting music of "our youth" and older artists don't deserve respect for the sake of being old, U2 deserves to get shit on if they put out a shit product, bands like Kiss deserve to get shit on for putting out shit with the sole intent of making money, When music doesn't interest the wider variety of its listeners, it fails in it's point of existence to connect with an audience. If U2's goal was to promote some sort of message, but the quality of their work prevented/steered people away from that message, then they've failed in their purpose for creating the album. If they created the album to emotionally connect with the listener, and the majority of listeners feel no connection due to the stucco level quality of the release, than they've failed in their goal and deserve to be appropriately shit on.

and if you really believe that older bands are genuinely looked down upon more than newer bands than you're a big fool.

that was probably bait but goddamn