What was his ENDGAME?

>why did he leave jedi again?
>was his plan to kill Palpatine eventually and take over?

A little confused as to what his motivations were. Care to explain?

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They were expecting one of them at the wreckage.

>why did he leave jedi again?
he realized Jedi are incompetent and useless
>was his plan to kill Palpatine eventually and take over?
yes, like all Sith, the apprentice usually kills the master

He wouldnt stand a chance v Sheev. Hence he tried to recruit Obi-Wan

he knew that the republic was fucked if sheev could manipulate it, and the jedi were useless

Could Obi-wan and Dooku combined beat sheev though?

he was a politcal idealist

No. He shouldve tried to recruit Mace

Dooku himself defeated both Obi Wan and Anakin
And Obi Wan was supposed to be one of the best masters in the Jedi order
I think it's possible

>yes, like all Sith, the apprentice usually kills the master
What's the point for the master to take an apprentice?

So they can beat their unbeatable master.

Its a vicious cycle

The apprentice is always stronger therefore the darkside is always getting stronger

As always, if Obi has the high ground they can

You didn't answer the question though. What's the point in taking a homicidal apprentice? Or all Sith lords at some point just lose the will to live?


Aren't SIths selfish and individualistic by default? This stupid rule goes against their very nature.

the jedi order let his apprentice get murdered and were too incompetent to do anything about a goddamn sith master sitting right under them. he wasnted revenge against sheev for the death of qui-gon. dooku was a good man being manipulated by sheev even when he thought he was rebelling

The rule of two is fucking retarded. There's no reason why there can't be more than 2 at a time.

You don't even gain powers by killing a with,yedi. Think about how its even dumber now.

probably because they need someone to do the dirty work.

Also their ego probably helps them think they can stay one step ahead like sheev does. Disposable apprentices. Like Darth vader become obselete so he tries to take Luke.


>probably because they need someone to do the dirty work.
Why not some unscrupulous mercenary like Jango Fett which also doesn't attract attention? It's much safer and doesn't create unnecessary fuss. Like the single reason why the Jedi weren't freaked out by Qui Gon's confrontantion with a Sith lord in PM is because they were retardedly written.

who is he even? he just appeared out of nowhere

The point of the Rule of Two is that so multiple weak Sith can't party up and take down the DLotS cheaply (which Sheev does anyway with poisoning Plagueis so gg, moron)

>because they were retardedly written
Its almost like time turners, eagles,and other retarded potholes exist because an author was out of his depth and added shit in they couldn't comprehend.

He was trying to save the Republic and didn't realize he was being used

>implying you could ever write a story as good as lotr

As long as Obi has the high ground.
Maybe Dooku was a master of the low ground?
If Anakin was master of the even ground then they'd make a powerful trio.

When you take the apprentice, he is not homicidal, that's the whole point. Who ever you are and what the master saw in you, by the time you finish your sith training, you are so evil or whatever that it's only logical that you kill the master.

You could also assume, now stretching a little bit, that the dark side of the force is so vicious and damaged that it creates in you an unconscious masochist mechanism that allows you to seek apprentices to expand your work, even though that apprentice will eventually kill you.

The dark side is basically a corruption so strong it consumes even its users.

So the Dark Side just turns its followers into "I'm evil for the lulz" cardboard characters now? Shame, I used to like the now non-canon fluff about them foreseeing the Galaxy attacked by aliens from another galaxy and stuff.

Sith take apprentices because A) they need someone almost as skilled as they are to help them and do their dirty work, B) as arrogant as they might be they still need to take the possibility that they might die into account so they need someone to carry the Sith legacy and C) to have the constant threat of betrayal to prevent then from going dull.

>you need to be a chef before you can say the food is bad

Ive never watched AoC more than twice and I just assume that he was just like Anakin, tired of the Jedi way and their hypocrisy, joined the dark side, but unlike anakin, he also realized that the dark side aint any better and decided to fuck off on his own and became a third party.

I guess the truth is the ol' boring jedi turned bad

>tfw Obi Wan didn't allay with Dooku
Siths and Jedis would be BTFO

george lucas thats why

To be the dookiest dooku

He knew there was a Sith Lord pulling the strings behind the senate so he joined said Sith Lord to prevent him from getting more power.
Doesn't make sense you say? You are completely right.

Daily reminder that Dooku decided to do whats right and told Obi wan what was going on

>Count Dooku: What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a dark lord of the Sith?

>Obi-Wan: No, that's not possible. The Jedi would sense it.

>Count Dooku: The Dark Side has clouded their vision. Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious.

>Obi-Wan: I don't believe you.

>Count Dooku: You must join me, Obi-Wan, and together we will destroy the Sith!

>Obi-Wan: I will never join you.

Obi wan is a fucking dumbass, he didnt even conduct a simple investigation to check if this high ranking Jedi wasnt lying or not, nor tell anyone about it, and surprise surprise 5 seconds later Anakin is already Darth Vader

but what is Sheev is the master of the underground?

Darth Bane wanted to ensure there was always a big guy and a small guy.

>Obi Wan jobs to Maul even with QUi Gon's help
>Effectively loses to Maul, but wins because he was so pathetically easy Maul decided to taunt him instead of finishing him off.
>Fights Dooku with Anakin's help
>Literally loses after two extremelly small cuts that a kid could brush off
>Stays on the ground like a diva meaning while Anakin gets his arm cut off
>Jobs to Dooku AGAIN three years later, even with Anakin's help. Anakin beats Dooku on his own.
>Jobs to Grievous and has to resort to a blaster to cheat and win, in a pathetic desperation move
>Somehow he beats Anakin cleanly

Who booked this shit?

Why didn't Dooku spill the beans and reveal Palpatine's secret after it became clear that Palpatine was going to betray him and recruit Anakin?

shut the fuck up, obi is /ourguy/

you mean 2 seconds before he was about to be decapitated? yeah, all those droids will surely show Palpatine what's up!

Who would believe him?

The Jedi were a bunch of fucking useless cunts. Never followed up on the business with Maul, never questioned the trade federation leaders, never ran a background check on Syfo Dias, Dooku outright tells Obi-Wan exactly what is happening, while Palpatine is clearly trying to become the supreme Chancellor with infinite powers, and no one bats an eye.

Anakin learned a saber fight type during that time to counter dooku. Maybe obis fight type counters anakins with the hit ground.

>never ran a background check on Syfo Dias
Syfo Dias was a legit straight jedi through and through--it was Dooku who ordered the clones under the guise of Syfo Dias after having Syfo killed (by Greivous or by himself, I forgot)

>Anakin grinded EXP on dungeons to level up his special fighting style

Why did Lucas write the prequels as videogames?

sheev is master of aerial combat

>original trilogy
>obi wan and luke wear robes and capes because they live in a desert, just like everyone else on tatooine

>prequel trilogy

Jedi shouldve been like actual knights not wierd monks

>In Lucas' mind, Jedi Robes were a better ideia than this

The prequels were disgusting.

>Oh peoplelike lightsabers and wise robed jedi, let's put that into the movies XD!

Damn, that sexy.

Looks too Solo'ish.

>It is a volcanic planet, you will be safe there

>swamp or volcano landscape
>dark force is strong there

Solo had an open, dirty shirt to give him an unhinged, rogueish look.

Luke had a proper outfit, with the shirt tucked in. Also, I hate how Jedi ONLY use lightsabers. It's retarded as fuck. They should only bring out the sabers when facing another Jedi. It's a weapons for duels. To test skills.

You do know that they still get to shoot shit, right? Only on weapons mounted on high-speed starfighters though.

You can blame RotJ for that one. Originally, lightsabers were really only for duels. But then Jedi had a scene where Luke managed to deflect some lasers with his lightsaber. This gave the prequels free rein to crank it up to 11 and turn all Jedi into into Gray Fox from MGS, waving their swords at supersonic speeds and deflecting bullets and shit.

Lightsabers should've been mostly ceremonial and only used for duels. They should've just been able to use the force most of the time to do what they want. Look at how Vader in ESB only takes out his weapon for the duel. The rest of the time, he can use the force to disarm people and block their lasers.

Which falls into my point. Why the fuck don't they carry blasters on holsters? Or use armor? These motherfuckers drop into battlezones in cerimonial robes carrying glowsticks.

In order to act out his plan, did Sheev, lord of the sith, have to take a galactic politics course at Naboo university?

>But then Jedi had a scene where Luke managed to deflect some lasers with his lightsaber

And even then, Luke gets shot for doing it. t's like Lucas saw how much people liked the lightsaber, and just made it the most op weapon in a world where people shoot lasers at each other. It's completely retarded.

Did Jedi knights used any armors?

During the Clone Wars, yes.

It's just the Sith who are retarded, they introduced it because they kept having massive civil wars, far easier to just murder each other than need to do that every few decades

so if Windu was the #1 duelist in the Order, were Anakin and Obi Wan #2 and #3?

But makes absolutely zero sense. If you have a strict rule of two, then that means either the master will betray the apprentice, or the apprentice will betray the master.

With that in mind, what is the motivation for ANY sith lord to take on an apprentice? Either you kill your apprentice or he kills you. Why would you want to die? Why would you want to train someone who you'll presumably have to (or want to) kill later?

Luke was still an amateur at that point, RO shows the damage that a trained and battle-hardened force user can do with a lightsaber without going full prequel-tier. In that scene Vader also relies heavily on the force too, almost as much as his sword.

Besides, if you've got a sword that deflects blaster shots and fools won't stop shooting at you, why WOULDN'T you keep it out and laugh at them?

He wasn't even supposed to be in the movie, he was put in at the last minute instead of the Sith Lord Jar-Jar because Jar-Jar blew in their face in the first movie

Usually you use the apprentice to help you kill your master, or at least that's how it used to work. Why they don't kill them after that is the real question, especially when in the new canon there are fuckloads of lightsaber wielding, force using assholes running around doing jobs for Sheev

You're missing the point of this discussion. You're arguing from an in-universe perspective as to why they use lightsabers. We're talking about why they decided to set up the story this way to make lighsabers OP bullshit in the first place.

But there's also been plenty of times where a sith master will take on an apprenctice that he doesn't need. Why did Sheev take on Anakin? At that point, he already lost his current apprentice Dooku anyway. He was the only sith lord around. Why did he need to take on someone who might betray him? He gained nothing from it. There's nothing absolutely integral about having Vader around. I'm sure the stormtroopers could've killed those younglings instead.

It's easier to have the alleged most powerful guy in your corner, why the fuck he saved him after Mustafar is where it gets really nonsense

considering he already knew that a robot with the blood of a jedi can take on jedi, a jedi with robot parts would be a pretty strong force of nature as well

>a robot with the blood of a jedi can take on jedi

Old EU Grievous had Jedi blood pumped into him, don't know if that's still canon

see this doesnt really make sense when you think about it, palpatine killed his master in his sleep, was he necessarily 'stronger'?

what are the chances of always continually finding a stronger sith anyway, eventually you'll be looking for a 1 in a trillion born with 999999 midichlorian baby in an entire galaxy, surely the power levels would level out at around mace windu or yoda after a hundred years or so of improvement.

>palpatine killed his master in his sleep, was he necessarily 'stronger'?
Considering he actually gained control of the galaxy, yes

what was Grievous' beef with the Jedi, again?

eh, he got it through random circumstance set up by his master in advance. as hego damask.

i think darth plagueis was a lot stronger than palpatine, he wasnt a politician but he could manipulate the force itself and birth kids through it, sheev was just born in a rich family with lots of connections

>but he could manipulate the force itself and birth kids through it

the jedi were tricked into helping exterminate his people
(or something like that equally as stupid)

jedi are retarded

ironic, he could save other peoples lives but not his own

He fought in Space Vietnam against giant mantises and the Jedi acted like fags as usual, but that isn't canon anymore

darth plagueis was hego damask, the son of caar damask who traded the boy to tenebrous for career advancement within the IBC. he experimented with the force trying to twist the entirety of it to support the dark side, but the force rejected his influence and created anakin instead.

Nothing, I believe. The Jedi, being with the Republic, so naturally is an enemy, him being a Separatist and all. He's just more aware that the Jedi is a much more cookie to crack, so he went extensive lengths to toughen up against them.

he's a robot and the jedi make a living killing robots

"Sith" were a retarded ideia. As was the way the Jedi were portrayed in the PT.

I always saw the Jedi as people that lived hidden in the shadows, using the force to shape the way the galaxy went. Acting as advisors to politicians to keep the peace.

They trained with and used lightsabers to solve issues amongst themselves.

But armor restricts certain force powers

grievous is an enforcer for the intergalactic banking clan (the dudes from episode 1)

>"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force."
>can't work through armor

RPG logic is the worst part about Star Wars
That's only after he got in trouble for genociding some bugs

No one is talking about in-universe explanations. Those are irrelevant. We're talking about good filmmaking. The Jedi look ridiculous.

says who?

Clone Wars Obi Wan was the best thing the prequels gave us

prove me wrong

Obi-Wan is the most interesting jedi fighter in the sense that the struggles the most on EVEN ground.

Darth Maul was the first sith to surface in like hundreds (or thousands?) years and though he wasn't very strong in the Force, he was a terrific lightsaber fighter + used the dual bladed lightsaber that Obi-Wan had no experience against fighting. And ofc Maul partially got killed because he was a bit too careless and show offy, but the point still stands, Obi-Wan won with LOW GROUND.

However he fought Dooku twice on EVEN GROUND and lost both times quite quickly and embarrassingly. Technically someone could argue that he also loses to Vader in New Hope on EVEN GROUND. But there's that whole joining the Force thing that kind of negates it.

He beat Grievous from a LOW GROUND position and didn't even have a lightsaber.

Obviously beat Anakin with HIGH GROUND. So I think this does indicate that Obi-Wan is able to counter the LOW GROUND nerf and he can utilize the HIGH GROUND to his advantage but he gets wrecked on EVEN GROUND for some reason.

KOTOR I assume

KOTOR is noncanon

Nothing interesting is canon anymore, of course it isn't

didn't the last episodes of Clone Wars touch on this?