Other urls found in this thread:

MUH everything that makes cinema an artform to be taken seriously and not just a simple way to entertain children

>everything that makes cinema an artform
That's Cinematography

>mfw they wanted a marvel movie

>emotion and characters checked

characters were good except for mary rey

Kek the only death with any resonance was Quipbot 2000




i will never understand reaction videos

>please watch me make retarded faces and over emote like and subscribe!

wtf I hate Rogue One now

>tfw you're a three flashlight rank general and still nobody cares about you


What gets me is how not genuine they are. The person knows they are being recorded. The fakest of them probably practised their reactions beforehand!


>Star Wars
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?

That's the insanity. I enjoyed R1 but is far from being such a great movie.
But give all that pass to TFA is beyond stupid.

Fuck off Jakku. Fucking retard.

wait are those actually fucking flashlight?

>the movie doesn't make sense without the other movies in the franchise
what a terrible critique, same can be applied to Force Awakens


no they werent. Han and Kylo look like 2 different people each, Boyega is underused and overshadowed, not-hitler is one of the cheesiest not-nazi ever...
TFA is full of problems and Rey is just one of them.

Embarrassing video

those are drug flasks for drinking meth

The Force Awakens explains its concepts.

Nice strawman.

>I missed the point of the critique and now I will critique the critique

>2 different people don't look the same so their characters suck


the rehash story line and rey are literally the only truly bad things, and carrie fisher's unmoving face but she's dead soon anyway

>every goddamn star wars movie needs a scene where they explain how the force works because newcomers might get confused

It felt like an EU movie

Reminded me of Jedi Knight and shit

my mom understood the force awakens and she never watched star wars movies before
she didn't get a thing from rogue one
Does he feel in charge, Sup Forums?

Haven't seen the movie yet (Probably won't) but does it at least have 1 explanation scene?


Star wars babies everyone, Indy patricians rejoice

>Be sure to check out my webzone and send me an email if you want some pizza rolls.
What did he mean by this?

No, I wrote it wrong. I meant that in different moment of the movie Kylo seems 2 different people and Han has the same problem.

>strawmens are okay when I do it

TFA sucks
Rogue 1 sucks
RLM sucks

Grow the fuck up

>almost 2017
>still watching Reddit Lives Matter

you can answer "mine is not a strawman because..." but your answer has no sense, man.

Exactly, TFA was boring normie garbage.

Rogue One was an excellent pleb filter. It was a Star Wars movie for Star Wars fans.

t. obese manchildren

don't get so much star wars cake in your disgusting pube hair beard

>get upset because people disagree with your opinions
>put your meme persona on and hope people agree with you blindly

>brainwashed soldier who turns on his peers and the only people he's ever known for some reason
>turned against his friends and family for a reason that we're not told because abrams wants everything to be a secret, including character motivations and histories
>flies an x-wing

yeah, good characters there

>don't make fun of muh fag wars


rogue one 100% btfo

no it's not. stop using words you don't understand


>turned against his friends and family for a reason that we're not told because abrams wants everything to be a secret, including character motivations and histories

Could it be that like Vader he was seduced by the Dark Side to gain more power? What more do you want?


They should only make flicks for moms to take their kids to, and for teens who just want to fuck
Fuck white nerds

now because I wrote "strawman" couple of posts ago, you cannot answer "strawman" to any poster in the whole thread without even knowing what the word means, user.

Those characters are shit, find a fucking argument, in case. But you cannot.
You can only repeat what Pleb Letter Media says.


Fuck Star Wars

This film seems like the movie version of a good book tie-in.

if it's something so simple then why not just tell us that? the point is that it's kept a secret; "what i want" has nothing to do with it

Ask yourself this:
Will we still be discussing Rogue One in five years?

>>get upset because people disagree with your opinions
Do you enjoy writing fanfic, user, or is it just something you do out of necessity to look like you have a justification for your bitching?

To all the people complaining about them wanting witty banter and quips:

THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY HAS THE CHARACTERS CONSTANTLY SAYING WITTY BANTER AND QUIPS! That scene where they're rescuing Leia and she and Han are arguing over how crappy of a rescue this is the same thing you people bitch about in the Marvel movies. You only hate it because it's been done to death. Had ANH come out today you would have called it utter trash.

How can you even care about star wars if you older then 13 years? These people like 30years old and watch only blockbusters for teens. I remember Mike was upset about Green Room (generic thriller) cause it was "too violent and depressing". Jesus christ, dude, you're full grown man, get yours shit together.

Yes tbqh femme

I've never seen it and I hate it because I hate Disney and capeshit, Star Wars is just capeshit with a Star Wars skin.

Vader only talked about the power of the Dark Side and never once mentioned his true reasons for turning evil to Luke. Guess the original trilogy sucks ass.

I don't know what you're even trying to suggest.
Literally all I was implying was that they only made this video because people didn't like their rogue one video, so Mike felt he should reiterate his opinions but in his plinkett voice, since historically people are more likely to agree with it.
I never made any reference to my own opinions.

Why can't be a SW movie different? Now forget the execution, I liked R1 but is nowhere near "good".

But why cannot a SW movie IN PRINCIPLE be different from the same fucking formula?

then it will be just shitty sci-fi, like rogue one

Leia and Han are arguing and shouting at each other because everything has gone to shit. Marvel movies are full of dry, sarcastic people constantly winking at the camera.

The former is based on personalities and the narrative, the latter is self aware irony.

That reaction compilation sums up the people who praise RO as the best SW movie.

I will not discuss if R1 is good or not - I asked IN PRINCIPLE.

A rogue one with better explored characters and better pacing, cannot be a good movie, even if there is not the usual quips+lightsaber duel formula? This is what I ask.


no it's not.

>Literally all I was implying was that they only made this video because people didn't like their rogue one video
How do you know that was their motivation? You're just making shit up.

rogue one shouldn't exist, it is a useless movie that doesn't add anything but fluffy to the star wars universe, the cake analogy is perfect, if they made a spin off for jedi for example. with character that will appear in episode 8 then it would be better, but rogue one is literally cocaine for star wars fanboys

Shhh is too difficult for him to grasp. You can trigger that user.

Because you don't give a shit about the characters. I cared more for the robot because it had some personality. The rest of humans were dull as fuck. It's like they got the writers for Voyager to write the humans in this.

Better than dead silence from the characters during fights. Unless there's cool action and visuals going on to make up for the lack of dialogue, you're just watching people shoot at each other.

>people film themselves watching a trailer and giving exaggerated reactions to everything then upload it for other people to watch

He's right about the characters being fucking dull and I would agree to that being the film's downfall, but his complaint about the film not standing up by itself if viewed in a vacuum is fucking stupid. Literally no one is going to see this who hasn't already seen Star Wars. I get that he's saying it offers nothing interesting outside of revisiting Star Wars stuff, but you can't make the fact that all that Star Wars stuff is in there without the characters explaining what any of it is the main bulk of your complaint.

As a complaint it doesn't compare with, for example, the complaint that a film doesn't make sense but those confusing parts are explained better in the novelisation. That's a solid complaint because you can't expect someone watching the film to have read the book to know all they need to know. Rogue One and the films that give it context are all within the same medium, you would expect that the context is already known.

Shame that Rogue One had atrocious photography

I hope you are not the usual user that keeps repeating R1 is useless. If people go to see it and like it, is not useless.
You cannot conflate your preference with an absolute statement. You automatically lose the discussion.

I ask again: assuming that its defect are improved, why it cannot be a good SW? Why all SW movie must follow the same formula?

the difference is that vader was already turned when he's introduced. kylo is still in the process of turning, and part of his character is that he's conflicted about whether to actually commit or back out; but we're never told why he's even in that position, what's motivated/ing him. obviously there is a reason, but we're not told because "muh mystery"

it can't be good movie, it is a terrible idea in the first place, people like cocaine too you know doesn't mean it is good for them

>Better than dead silence from the characters during fights
And? Good dialogue and fight scenes are not mutually exclusive.

>Because you don't give a shit about the characters. I cared more for the robot because it had some personality...

I SEE. I am not defending R1 per se. I see totally its problem, is not that great for me. But I appreciated the idea of a different SW movie, THAT intrigues me.

SO I ask AGAIN: is a SW movie that does not follow the usual formula automatically good, or automatically bad, or perhaps it depends from its execution? For me is the latter, for Pleb Letter Media is not.

Why you so obsessed with cocaine?

based RLM keep upsetting disney customers

What? Its cinematography is the one thing that potentially elevates it above the other movies. Many gorgeous looking scenes. Compare that to JJ's shots in TFA

>You're just making up shit
Yes I'm sure a content creator saw that their most recent video had the highest dislike ratio of any other video on their channel, and felt no reason to address it.
They've never done anything similar on their channel before.
I guess i'll wait till they make an official statement addressing their intent, since apparently being on this board makes you incapable of any sort of basic deduction.

better than tfa's bland, mediocre photography of its tacky, shitty production design

why are people obessed with star wars?

Is a terrible idea WHY? And again, you have a vendetta against R1, but thats not my point.

You can have a SW movie that does not follow the usual formula but is not like R1, for whatever reason you find it a stupid idea in principle.


RLM makes multiple Star Wars videos for every new movie. Plinkett is their most popular series of videos, especially the Plinkett Star Wars videos. They would have made a Plinkett video about R1 regardless of the reaction to their Half in the Bag episode. Are you just pretending to be this retarded?

>let's say some bullshit about the things actually working in a mediocre movie, that will make me look smart

>everything in focus and with natural depth
this triggers me for some reason. i feel like movies should try to look more cinematic than realistic.

I said you can have a spin off but that adds something for the future, not a shitty itty spin off for a movie from 30 years ago that we know doesn't have any relevance at all

Could've just left it alone

I still don't understand how they dislike Rogue One but like TFA. Both of them are absolutely terrible films.

what are you talking about, I count at least six shots in that collage making use of depth of field

>get upset people disagree with your opinions
>make angry posts on Sup Forums to affirm your beliefs with likeminded idiots