Do you guys like to decorate your stuff with music merchandise or is this cringey?

Do you guys like to decorate your stuff with music merchandise or is this cringey?

>or is this cringey?

1 decoration is enough

It's cringey, especially because shit like this is more associated with teenagers and girls.

If you're a teenage girl, then it's fine. Otherwise, don't do it.


you do you man, fuck what others think

you know whats cringey? taking to heart what idiots say on the internet

Nah I decked my pc out already

You mean 0 decoration

Holy fuck, man. Do you only listen to shit you find on Sup Forums? Get some taste.

I think it's fun if done minimally

I thought Sup Forumscore was supposed to be the best, the creme de la creme of music. It's good stuff so if it was a meme I sure fell for it

Nah, I just stuck to the theme of mostly indie, which is basically everything I found on Sup Forums

this just lets the world know ur a huge gayman virgin

i slapped one of these bad boys on the back of my phone tho lol

>le marxism is bad XD

you meant to say correctly? sure faggot

it has to be super minimal or super underground shit.

Marxism is retarded though

it'll be HUGE


are you implying an ideology that consistently concentrates power in the hands of psychos isnt bad?

It's pretty underground by normie standards though, so I'm good, right?

If I saw you in public I'd do everything in my power to avoid interacting with you.

this, i would know you are a cringy loser and probably a bugman even though you have one of my favorite albums stickered on to your gay computer for limp dicked tech illiterates and females.

Hey OP don't go removing all those stickers cause these fags told you your cringy. Keep doin you, you don't want to sacrifice your uniqueness cause of what some fags on Sup Forums think. Even if they are right..

no. i make my own stickers and shit for things that are too obscure for merch. you've gotta be dedicated to the underground life if you want to flaunt it.

This is okay to do if
a) You're a girl
b) You're in high school

Any other instance is retarded

everyone who doesnt recognize will think its weird
everyone who does recognize it will think u are a faggot

Nah this time Sup Forums is right. Like nobody gives a fuck when stuff like this is kept to yourself. But people like OP want to be noticed for the music they listen. Shows lack of personality.

Man i just think its sad if you fags bully him into pulling off his stickers. Don't do it OP!

OP is a faggot

I mean of course they're right. But i think the world needs that werid guy with band stickers no one cares about. I mean the illusion that someone cool might stike up a convo with this geek over his aeroplane over the sea sticker. Might just make this faggots day a little easier, its mean to take that away.

Asking if it's cringe is cringe. Stop being so insecure

>make b8 thread and pretend like I care what other Sup Forums fags think
My gf and friends think it's cool, so fuck you guys :)

you don't have a girlfriend, fuck off retard

You ain't OP.

Just make your own buttons and stickers and tell people they're band and label merch

but i am

t. someone who knows literally nothing about marxism

Dood. You literally just describe america.

Is your girlfriend 12?

I have a powers that B sticker, and a Aphex Twin Syro sticker on my computer.

I wish

>he thinks things would go well for him under a marxist regime

how can you learn about marxism if it's never been practiced?


I put the free stickers I get with shit on my cup.

This but 100% unironically

If a guy was hitting on me while holding this I'd just walk away desu

>a marxist regime
Here's a readpill for you my friend: no such thing is possible.
It's like establishing an Einsteinist political regime simply because Einstein discovered certain truths. Einstein's truths exist in their own realm and don't need an effort of a dictatorship to be true.

i'd pay $300 to have some Sup Forumstant cum in my mouth

So you think the things Marx said were absolutes akin to physical laws?

i will fuck you to the fall pere ubu and arto lindsay


Whatever helps you sleep man. Remember you came here

>b-but i-i