Why does Lazytown have such harsh political overtones?

Why does Lazytown have such harsh political overtones?

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Stop watching a kid's show and forcing some kind of political narrative out of it, retard.

he's not forcing a political narrative, the show is

Stingy literally goes around singing about how everything belongs to him


>political overtones

explain or you're full of shit

its about muppets not being lazy ffs

what's political about that?

not being lazy

This is already wagecuckery politics and offensive to my NEET beliefs

Yeah Stephanie baking a cake is really a political statement for baking a Jew.

puppets = bourgeois and government
Robbie = proletariat
Sportacus = Military
Stephanie = Foreign power that intercedes on behalf of the government

This thread is MINE.


Really, if you get down to it, Robbie is actually a big proponent of full automated luxury communism
He's trying to educate the population on the joys of being lazy and taking charge of your life, meanwhile Scandinavian socdems invade his town trying to pass off "hard labor" as something fun
Robbie correctly sees this as indoctrination into the capitalist system, and tries to get rid of Sporticus as revenge for his killing of Rosa Luxemburg
In the midst of all this, we have Stephanie, the poster child for modern, liberal identity politics, most notably feminism
There's also the fact that the town itself is called "Lazy Town", but they acknowledge that with Sporticus, nobody is lazy
What's really happening is that Sporticus's propaganda goes against human nature
The town was named "Lazy Town" in the first place because the people, uncontaminated by ideology, recognized the value in relaxation
and saw through the lies of the Protestant work ethic
By turning "Lazy Town" into a town of workaholics, the show demonstrates how capitalism is ultimately in conflict with that which makes us human
and so on and so on

Its obviously trying to portray the capitalist as evil cold power hungry leeches

Almost as bad as the Lego Movies Liberal bullshit

But there's more. In depth analysis of relations between Marxist, bourgeoisie constructs, and the dialectic around them, can be observed through each individual episode.
Robbie's Dream Team demonstrates an interesting deviation from the usual formula. In most episodes, Robbie is outwitted by the general resourcefulness of either liberal feminism, social democracy, or himself. The later case is symbolic of infighting among the Left and how it can ultimately destroy even the best laid schemes.
What Robbie's Dream Team presents is a unique scenario where the Left does not act on its own, but works in connection with other left leaning groups in order to obtain a common goal of working class liberation. However, despite the abundance of Robbies, only the original has experience in being a "real villain", illustrating how though well meaning, many leftist groups are not well read in theory or have tried to apply their ideology. Nor are they able to "disguise", ie accomplish slick entryism. If one notices, this is the tactic Robbie uses nearly every episode, as he knows damn well that selling Communist ideas to a classcucked population will get him rejected, so his only option is to use subversive methods, such as appealing to their sense of freedom.

The episode then transitions into the song "We Are Number One", with Robbie trying to teach the other Robbies how to be "villains", ie spreading class consciousness. Having little experience, theory, or understanding of many Marxist concepts, however, they ultimately trip each other up, first through being too overt (stepping on branches in the "sneaking around"), sabotaging the efforts of the more experienced Marxists through their own incompetence (look at this net), or just in general falling over themselves in an attempt to be "dialectical" (he'll slip and slide on this banana peel!).
Despite these normally damning setbacks, Sporticus doesn't manage to wise up, showing how social democrats, though antagonistic towards the Communist cause, ultimately do not see them as too much of a threat unless they directly see their plans come to fruition, signifying how socdems think they have a "common cause" with Marxism.

The Robbies end up successfully capturing Sporticus, subduing the subversive elements of social democracy, and paving the way for bringing class consciousness to lazy town. However, the newly converted Marxists fail to stop Stephanie, the girl of liberal feminism. When the current order is threatened, it is almost always backed up by a stiff set of identity politics, be they liberal or reactionary. Stephanie cannot work her pure ideology on the original Robbie, for as a "leftist old guard" he is immune to the effects of identity politics. However, Stephanie IS able to manipulate the other Robbies, given that they are recently converted liberals that still hold sympathies to feminism and intersectionality. Thus, identity politics are able to sneak their way through and infiltrate the ranks of the Marxists (symbolized by Stephanie sneaking an apple down to Sporticus), and by the time the old guard notices the COINTELPRO, it is too late and the other would be Marxists have been reduced to puppets of liberal feminism.

I agree with all of this but I still think its too hamfisted in its implementation

Stephanie doesnt need pink hair for us to know she is identity politics incarnate and stingy doesnt need to be so literal

But this is a childrens show

Please stop

Robbie is a communist
Stingy is an Ancap
Stephanie is a libertarian leftist


Was he ancap?

You got to do the cooking by the book
>I was just following orders

Or you know, when a kid grows up they all go through a stage where they think they own everything before they realise how the real world works.


>How much do i owe you?
>Nothing. It's for free.

Original maymay

No, he was a Stirnerist

>whatever, *sniff*, and sho on and sho on

He's a Jew.


>you search for new pics of stephanie to see what she looks like now
>she's a pawg now


>europeans make some puppet show to brainwash their children into being good loyal soft socialist

>get raped and murdered by muslims

What do you think, as a typical European citizen, your odds of being murdered by a Muslim are?

Haha, the crazy shit this webpage comes up with

Im pretty sure it just goes up since the european governments do absolutely nothing to stop them


>lives in Lazytown
>only eats fast food

Lefttpol please leave.

You are the biggest joke on cripple chan.

Also stirner would have absolutely hatred you retards

Daily reminder marxists are overweight fedora wearing jobless failures, marxism a delusional religious cult filled with contradictions and logical fallacies and marxists deserve to die horrible painful deaths.

Kill them all