ITT: 10/10 Albums












how does this compare to pawn hearts?


wrong muse man.

as someone whose teenage years were defined by this band, this is 100% accurate

Someone has posted Breakfast in America every day for the past week or so. I have no issue with it, this board has never discussed Supertramp. Crime of the Century is one of the 70s finest albums.

Damn. Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Wrong, this is the real 10/10

they were having a run of good ones at the time from Even In The Quietest Moments to Breakfast In America, not forgetting Crisis

The four albums between crime and breakfast are 10/10

You must be joking


right you are ken



Their other two albums, Epilog and Viljans Öga are also 10/10

That album cover is so fucking stupid goddamit what were they thinking

uhhhhh holy shit



This isn't a 10 but it's the best album ITT along with the OP.



100% spot on for god tier and good, rest are debatable.

extemely soy picks

muse 10/10 numale garbaggio


These are the only albums I would consider to be respectively 10/10 for what they are. There's a lot of other good ones posted here too. Some outright bad ones as well.


View from plane window as well.

Or maybe long drive is better deserving idk

you share a board with these people, let that sink in



>Look mommy, a faggot!

the war on drugs are the worst fucking band of all time

Why? Never heard them.

Best album ever made by anyone

orange juice just like #drumpf too

every fiber of my being agrees

they sound like shitty dadrock like springsteen but mumbly shoegaze nu-male style


Well yeah there's a plane overhead the city outline on the back




this sickens me deeply

I am
Drones sucks sans the handler

All 3


I'll add this.

DUDE nice

ram is GOAT

Maybe not a 10 but worth adding.

ITT: soyboy essentials

Shut the fuck up man

t. soyboy

fuck off back to Sup Forums or wherever you started parroting this


Excellent pick too

This too. I hope 11/10s count.


Larks' Tongue is so good.

Easy Money

The only album where I can truly say that every song sounds fucking great

my man

Islands out and Discipline in.


uuuhhh, what? Replace this with Lizard

Discipline is really not that great user




nice, keepin it real ITT


Really? I'd say 0 deserves a 10 over MEGA.

Discipline is in.
SaBB is so *fucking* underrated. Easily the 4th best Crimson record.
Haven't listened to Lizard if I'm being perfectly honest.
I just included it for the fans, I really think it's a 6 or 7/10 with two 10/10 tracks.



[spoiler]FOR YOUUUUUUUU[/spoiler]

nice spoiler pleb

user btfo




yeah i fucked it up but oh well

If you like ITCOTCK you’d probably like Lizard. It has an amazing opening track and the final act is a really fun ride

Good picks

turns out its actually a 10/10



Talking Book is better

actually its just a ram


I understand where people are coming from who say all Muse is shit but I I found them in high school and really liked the music itself independent of their often retarded pseudo-ant-establishment lyricism.

So musically I completely agree with this chart.

I just listened to this an hour ago and it was great. Where to next? Dude has a mirrion albums.

this are my kind of people.

i would add some todd rundgren gems tho