Calls album soy because he doesn’t like it

>calls album soy because he doesn’t like it
Music for this feel?

>acts like a faggot in anyway on my Sup Forums

Lil Peep desu

why would you dwell on something so petty?

Just being real for a moment, does seeing “soy” on every other thread just make anyone else angry?

>t. soyboy

it doesnt make me angry but it really is a dumb fucking meme. it was funny for like a month in october. numale was better because that made some sense, soyboy just seems like the same thing just a different word

First it was cuck, then it was numale, now it’s fucking soyboy.

Lol, shit’s old.
The pictures are definitely funny as fuck, but seeing shit like is just wearing on me senpai

>t. soymale

it's runoff from Sup Forums and Sup Forums. don't take them seriously.

I used to go to Sup Forums a lot, but it just made me angry and depressed.
I need to start hitting the gym again.

Sup Forums is fucking retarded even though some things they say make sense

>reddit spacing



back to re*dit

Honestly yes. It's so forced.

>any meme i don't like is forced!

It’s forced to the point of it not being funny anymore.
It used to be funny.

I'm not wrong though.

prove it

>he's a soydude

I bet you weigh 100 bud

honestly the "soy smile" meme makes me laugh every time, mainly because i never really noticed a pattern before then

get your reddit tier images outta here.

Just fuck me daddy

Almost as reddit-tier as soy memes

reddit is leaking again.


>t. soyboi

>reddit came to pol
>pol ledditor mobilefags made soy
Really makes you think

reddit came to Sup Forums thats for damn sure

Definitely lol

>tfw it's too late