Reddit letter memedia

reddit letter memedia

R1 muh acksunn babbies





>Mike got so buttmad from the backlash on his R1 review he churned out a quick Plinkett to make redditors like him again

Carrie Fisher is dead I hope

so much cocke

>good character

How? She's a Mary Sue portrayed by someone who can't act.

Since I guess this is the RLM thread, what's that episode of Half in the Bag where Mike calls himself a flyover cow and goes "MOOOOOOOO'?

No wonder Mike loves nu-Trek

I don't get their love for Rey but Finn was a better written character.

They're going off the rails with their perspective, it's coming off as bitter and disingenuous instead of sincere and natural.
It's obvious that they're trying to make up for falling over themselves in ecstatic uncritical love for TFA when it came out, so they're taking shit out on R1 to try to compensate for that to claw back some of their non-existent 'critic' cred.

Criticisms of Rogue One include:
>If you're one of five people who know anything about Star Wars then this movie doesn't make any sense. They didn't explain what the force was again.
>They didn't talk a lot during this one particular action scene, although they did talk a lot in other actions scenes, but that doesn't matter for some reason.
>The characters in Rogue One, who had infinitely more depth than the characters from TFA, were all unlikeable for reasons that I can't explain, although Rey/Finn/Poe were apparently all 'likeable' also for reasons that I can't explain. Look, here's a shot of Rey eating food! Now that's real humanity!

They used to be able to do real objective deconstructions but now they're stuck in a state of pointless subjective nitpicks.

They dug themselves in too deep with their immediate irrational love of TFA so they're just blindly lashing out in confusion now that R1 is a visibly different (and better) movie.

Anyone in their right mind can see that, even if you think Rogue One is a flawed movie, it's still infinitely superior to Glib Facsimile.

Mike needs to unfuck his shit. Notice how nobody gives him amusing rhyming nicknames anymore? He doesn't deserve it at the moment.

>questioning the sincerity of the people you happen to disagree with
I hope you're not older than 18

>If it wasn't Star Wars it would be bad
>Proceeds to show generic space ships
What kind of argument is this seriously?

They don't know anything about 'good characters' because RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.

I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Sup Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

>being this upset someone didn't enjoy a movie that you enjoyed

>TFA was literally perfect
>R1 was literally trash

Wew, how can one lad have such a shitty taste in kinography?

I like RLM for all the triggering
just look at this dude

No I think you may just have autism

Woah nigga, did you get those stars for having Lucky Sevens?

>Literal tripfag
>Accusing anybody else of being underage

>waaah this movie has xplosions its bad because xplosions bad humanity good people must kiss kiss and hug hug xplosions bad am I good critic already

Ignoring reddit lives matter is the best thing you can do. Their shitposting on the internet seems to go on and on.

>Why doesn't this prequel/sequel to one of the most popular movie franchises ever take time to tell me what the force is and why that black guy can choke people with his fingers

The RLM Strikes Out


I think it's fair to say that the audience is not very invested in the characters in Rogue One and that the movie doesn't really stand on it's own. Saying Force Awakens is better is wrong..

I was more invested in chinkchongs duo and memebot than anymore in TFA.
Rogue One at very least had teh decency to be sincere. Jyn talks some shit about hope, Cassian talks some shit about remorse, Galen talks some shit about family. Meanwhile TFA hasw obnoxious, self-aware postmodern cynicism smeared all over it

*who don't know anything about Star Wars

>Muh underage
Kill yourself tripfag.
>Muh upset
>Muh triggered
>Muh autism

Literally none of this is an argument

You lot need to calm down. I like Mike and I like RLM, I just think this one specific opinion is hypocritical and uncharacteristically unintelligent of them. That's all m8s.
I didn't know that underage autists got so upset when you triggered them over not liking that piece of shit TFA in comparison to the objectively superior R1.



Holy shit they are so mad.

is this the beginning of the end for RLM?

It's become abundantly clear that RLM are great when it comes to critiquing movies that have been out for a decade or more, but can't properly review movies they have an emotional connection to when they're still fresh. It was a mistake for them to ever review TFA the way they did. They made the mistake of letting their fanboyism and hype cloud their judgment, and now they're forced to defend their original review, despite it being abundantly clear that they were wrong. And this manifests as needing to nitpick other movies in a vain attempt to show how good TFA is, by comparing it to other movies like R1.

R1 is mediocre, but they criticize it for all the wrong reasons. It's mediocre because the characters aren't interesting and because the plot's only purpose is to explain how the rebels got the plans. Not because they didn't explain the force or because they showed a lot of the same vehicles as in the original trilogy.

What's even funnier is the fact that TFA is clearly the guilty party when it comes to being empty fanservice with nothing backing it up, but they continue sucking that movie's dick.


>despite it being abundantly clear that they were wrong.
people who disagree with my opinion are wrong.

Lmao they literally cannot accept they were wrong and people have disagree with them. how mad can you get?

Eh, they're just morons. Picking prequels apart is the easiest shit ever. Now when they have to criticize Marvel movies they can't do it because they're not real critics.

Mike needs to stick to Best of the Worst.

His criticism of modern movies is trash.

They criticize Rogue One for being hollow fanservice, despite the fact that The Force Awakens is literally nothing but 2 hours of hollow fanservice. It's completely disingenuous

>but they criticize it for all the wrong reasons.
>It's mediocre because the characters aren't interesting and because the plot's only purpose is to explain how the rebels got the plans.
That's exactly what they criticized it for though.

In what way are they mad?

The difference is TFA has some good characters to fall back on, so the fan service is not as grating. Rogue 1 does not. Also there was nothing in TFA nearly as bad as the pointless C3PO and R2 cameo.

Maybe because I don't really give a shit about Star Wars but TFA just came off as really fucking boring and bland.

also I swore I saw that movie before.

The point I was making was that they levy these criticisms at R1, despite them being just as applicable to TFA.

They acknowledge that the characters in R1 are shit, but for whatever reason, they think the characters in TFA are great? "Daisy Ridley was charismatic as HELL in that movie!" Are they fucking serious?

>TFA has some good characters
kek good one

>and now they're forced to defend their original review
But they already back pedaled on their original review in the Plinkett video.

>Han's death

Everyone with a bit of familiarity on Han Solo knows Harrison wanted him killed of since ESB. It's reasonable to assume that Harrison only came back for the massive paycheck and to make sure Han is dead and stays dead.

Outside of that, it's obvious Han is about to die when he walks onto a bridge with no safety railings to the side. He gets killed by his son that we've never seen speak to him before this scene. The emotion here is weak.

Finn, Han and Kylo are entertaining characters. A million times better than the literally who's in R1.

>despite them being just as applicable to TFA.
But they're not just as applicable. I explained why already.

Star Wars is shit

This desu.

Leave new movie reviews to Jack, Jay and maybe sometimes Rich.

>good characters

Ah yes, old tired Han and Leia.
Or pilot dude
Or the girl who can do anything and has absolutely no characterization beyond "strong independent woman"
Or Kylo "muh emo white fragility" Ren
Or Finn, the slightly-less-annoying-than-jar-jar-binks-but-still-totally-irrelevant-to-the-plot character

They were shit-tier characters. I don't see how they're supposed to carry the weight of an entire trilogy. They're nowhere near as good as Luke/Han/Leia in the OT.

They didn't REALLY backpedal on it. They just acknowledged that it's derivative of ANH, but they still defend it as being a good movie.

K2's humor is less grating than Fn "Do you have a boyfriend? A cute boyfriend" 2187.

The word "boyfriend" should never be said in any Star Wars movie

tfa was a 4/10 with shit characterization, no originality, and no real drama

rogue one was almost the same thing but it had higher stakes and better action sequences, a strong 5/10

if you disagree with this you have shit taste or are a Star Wars fan boi blinded by nostalgia and all the pandering

>They just acknowledged that it's derivative of ANH, but they still defend it as being a good movie.
Because it is still a good movie. I'm sorry that it's popular, and thus your contrarianism will force you to never ever like it, but it's the truth.

You ever notice that black guy and mary sue are just doing what the pilot guy would have been doing if he didn't disappear for most of the movie but without the reason and ability he would be doing them?

rey is a flat main character and tfa is a poorly paced rip off rife with pandering and unoriginality

Special Edition will fix it

Rogue one is objectively a better movie than TFA reddit letter media need to accept this or learn to deal with criticism

My thoughts exactly. They essentially split one character into two for no reason.

You could spend a single day on Sup Forums and see entire treatises explaining why TFA is shit. Your "it's good because it's popular! you're just contrarian!" shit won't work here.

Mike has always been a fucking pleb.

Kylo Ren wouldn't be nearly so bad if they didn't cast that funny-looking autist to play him.

I guess quippy characters with meme charisma are good enough for them now. Sad.

I havent disagreed with them about a movie this much since man of steel

>TFA has some good characters
Are you serious?
TFA is a much more character-driven movie than R1, R1's character's names are almost impossible to remember for most people, and yet R1's characters are infinitely more likeable and have far more depth. What did TFA have? Quippy Mexican, goofy nigger, and pseudo-feminist power fantasy Mary Sue?
They're not likeable in the slightest.
R1 on the other hand, despite being even more 'diverse', has much more likeable characters with more than one dimension to them. The good guys are likeable and shown to be appreciably flawed, which is beyond rare for a Star Wars movie, and the bad guys aren't reduced to seig heiling, screaming, hamfisted literal Nazis, with the 'main antagonist' being a pointlessly non-threatening painfully edgy school shooter caricature who kills his dad out of angst, and gets beaten by the malnourished Mary Sue effortlessly.

Even the humour in R1 is better than the humour in TFA.
TFA's quippy humour is jarring. Immediately after a massacre we get a quippy line from Poe. It tries to be self-aware but fails - awkwardly as fuck. It ruins the moment entirely and puts you in the mindset that you're watching some Joss Whedon-written Marvel movie.
In R1, Krennic has a funny and uniquely self-aware line, the "...are we BLIND?" one. It fits the context entirely and it actually works. It's funnier than anything in TFA.

There are plenty of valid criticisms of R1, but R1's characters are infinitely better than TFA's and you've got to be delusional to think otherwise.

The Star Wars series as a whole is shit. It just is.
The only redeemable features of the series are Palpatine and the Empire as a whole.
R1 worked as well as it possibly could with what it was given, that's why it's a good movie, it tried something new and it worked, while TFA on the other hand is a cheap, endlessly polished derivative of the series as a whole.

>find my the goofiest, pastiest, lanky big nose loser you can
>what for
>he's the central villain of my Star Wars reboot

How is RLM dealing with criticism poorly? They literally haven't acknowledged it at all and have just stated their opinions. The whiny SW fanbabies that can't stop posting paragraphs about how RLM got their opinion wrong are embarrassing themselves with their inability to accept criticism however.


Old thread?

>and yet R1's characters are infinitely more likeable and have far more depth
Why do people lie to themselves like this? I don't get it.

I'd rather be R*dd*t than T*mblr in this case

>also hes a Vader fanboy whos weaker and far less interesting than his grandfather

Oh user, you should have at least pretended that somebody else made it

This reminds me about how kikes always portray things as being Jew vs. Muslim, and you have to pick a side instead of hating them both.

Just because I hate TFA doesn't mean I like R1. They're both shit. That said, at least R1 doesn't ruin the series after the fact the way TFA does by undoing the happy ending of the OT and fucking up Han and Leia's relationship and turning Luke into a faggot who runs away and killing off the Republic they worked so hard to restore all in one fell swoop

All these hipsters in this thread. This review is totally right that rogue one was garbage.

yeah and TFA was amazing god bless daisy ridley and her charisma! go feminism!

>watch the most recent BoTW

Christ I knew Josh and Jack were libcucks but it was really fucking disappointing to see Mike spewing that bullshit. They're going to lose a lot of viewers bringing that political shit in like that.

says the guy who vehemently defends Rey as being a good character

The issue is that they point out the flaws of R1 and call it garbage, while at the same time defend TFA having the exact same flaws but worse.

>R1 doesn't ruin the series after the fact the way TFA does by undoing the happy ending of the OT
THIS. Thank you

Damn, that's sad to her. I had an idea in my mind that at least Mike and Rich were good guy. I knew Jay and the rest were basically SJWs already though.

Glad Wisconsin went red despite these faggots.

>Complaining about that Stormtrooper scene
>When the same thing happens with Rey in TFA

I guess it's ok when TFA does it

>hile at the same time defend TFA having the exact same flaws but worse.
TFA has flaws, but they're completely different flaws.

Those aren't stormtroopers

>getting this angry over an internet review of a children's movie series with space battles, samurai with glowing swords and funny looking robots and ayyliens.

Wow man you're so cool and above it all, anonymously too, can I have your autograph?!

sure man, gimme your address and I'll send you an exclusive autograph.

RLM makes fu. Of everybody, regardless of political affiliation. Maybe you should stop being such a cry baby. Just a thought.

TFA acceptable score range: 6-8
R1 acceptable score range: 4-6

What is it with Drumpf and Drumpfkins having thin skin?

They criticise R1 for being nothing but unnecessary fanservice, but they praise TFA for being unnecessary fanservice

>durr anyone that dare criticizes Trump must be an SJW.
Why are you Trumpfags so fucking sensitive?

was Kylo taking a shit in that shot?

good one lad


Actually, if you go back and watch their TFA review, they bring up the obvious fan service as one of the weakest aspects of the movie. But actually paying attention and thinking about things isn't something anyone in these dumbass RLM threads is ever willing to do.

>tripfag has shit opinions
Who would have guessed?

Krennic is a likeable person and an effective antagonist whose efforts go continually unappreciated, but he's still inspired to keep on going and doing his duty. His motivation is that he wants to be noticed by the Emperor, which is respectable. He's one of the most successful characters in the series, and only gets killed because of Tarkin's visible jealously with him..
The Rebels are seen to have more depth than "WE'RE DUH RESISTANCE! WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS! SAY NO TO NAZIS! :)". They are shown to have a genuine crisis of morality that sets up a meaningful distinction between them and the Empire. They're shown to be the 'good guys' for more reason than simply "the director says they're the good guys so deal with it".
Jyn isn't a flat, boring Mary Sue like Rey. Her reason for fighting the Empire is legit, she's not some emotional ideologue who wants to change the galaxy from the get-go, her connection to her father forms the basis of her connection to the Rebellion.
The Chinks show bravery and a meaningful sacrifice. Y'know, the sort of real emotion that deserves that box-tick, which is something they would have gotten from Mike if their characters had a pointless interracial romantic subplot or countless back-and-forth Marvel-esque quips.
The characters in Rogue One are shown to have a (ultimately fatal) vulnerability. They're not all quippy superhumans like the good guys in Marvel's TFA.

Almost every single character, perhaps minus the Jedi chink, is shown to be anything but plainly "100% GOOD" or "100% EVIL". They're shown to have a realistic motivation for what they're doing and it's enjoyable to watch.

I could go on but I've already wasted enough of my time on a retard tripfag's pointless attention whoring, so I'll stop here. How many years have you spent tripfagging on Sup Forums?
Is it a sad number?

I didn't any anyone who doesn't like Trump is an SJW. I specifically said Jay and the crew are SJWs. And if I really felt like wasting my time, I could go through a million episodes of Half in the Bag and Previously Recorded to point out all the times they say shit that backs this up

so many autistic walls of texts about some fucking youtubers' opinion

get a life or ascend already

They don't praise TFA's fanservice. In fact, that was their major complaint when they first reviewed the movie.

RLM have said a lot of stupid things (like saying that Roland Emmerich makes bad movies) but this is too much.

RO > FA is objecitvely the only right choice.

Pretty much this, although it seems like their main point about how the two are different is that Rogue One doesn't feel as much like a Star Wars movie because of the darker tone and lack of Jedis. Which is understandable, but more of a personal problem than an actual law with the movie (especially since that's what the movie was trying to do).

To me, it just seems like they didn't like that it tried going for a different tone than most Star Wars movies while also trying to pander to fans. It probably seem incongruous to them, unlike TFA, which went for a more typical Star Wars tone.

Imagine how great the world would be if people like this were suddenly snuffed out.

>No protesting about everything
>No division between the races
>No ruining of people's lives by destroying their career and family
>No pandering in anything

They acknowledge that TFA was derivative but claim that this is a good thing. They're hacks.

The entire movie of TFA was fanservice to the core. But they criticize R1 for being fanservice just because you saw the same vehicles and people as the OT

And to be clear, I agree with them about R1. I just think they're hypocritical for turning a blind eye to TFA

If you disagree with Trump or his policy you are literally an sjw. What is it about sjws freaking out whenever theyre named on Sup Forums? Know you're a huge faggot that doesn't belong here?

Now this is stupid, Rogue One was a pretty bad movie and all the points they said about it stand, they complately shit the bed for praising TFA. Fuck 'em.

It's Kylo going into the Falcon and getting emotional over being in his father's ship. You know, a character moment.

It got cut.