Just bought these for $6 each

Just bought these for $6 each

How big of a pleb am I?

>physical media

You are just a regular human bean

6 bux for a blu ray is pretty good. Apollo 13 and Troy are good.

>heavily compressed downloads and streams
lmaoing at your plebbity

>he doesn't actually own his movies

Sup Forums started pack

Gut flicks. Enjoy famalam

I still haven't watched Drive. I've never seen it on any of the networks like HBO or Showtime.

at least you bought dark city

A pepe!

Were those in the bargain blu-ray bin at Best Buy?

I swear there have been like barrels of those 5 movies at my best buy for the past few years.

They're all good though.

c'mon son
like memes and pseudo-pretentiousness aside, people shouldn't be allowed to post on Sup Forums unless they've seen Drive and TDKR (the whole film)

TDKR can go fuck itself.

>angry white male core

Cute OP

but both those movies suck ass


how could you possibly know that without watching them both?

>He doesn't download 1080p perfect quality digital media for free.

what do you do when your friends ask you to bring a movie over?

Apollo 13 is excellent

The rest are meh

flash drive

>asking a friend to bring a film round
The fuck is this? We aren't in the 90s anymore, it's literally "what do we want to watch?" and after a consensus is reached among every possible film/tv show, we find a way to watch that film

>people meme Dark City is an underrated and great movie
>the ending is a shitty flying force meme battle

>not buying your favorite movies for the bonus features