Jesus Christ no wonder why it flopped

Jesus Christ no wonder why it flopped.

>b-b-b-but i'm underpaid because wage gap

>the movie flopped because they spent a lot of money on it

Is this the end times for JLaw?

Now I definitely don't feel guilty after looking at her leaks.

>Using 20% of a scifi film budget with 1 actor's salary.

Yes, you don't have money left for doing better things with it, retard.

If not, they're certainly rapidly approaching. Sans X-Men and Hunger Games she's box office poison, and we all know no one saw either of those for her.

No they spent a lot of money on her

Biggest waste of 20 million bucks ever.

People want to see Pratt, not her unlikable self.

>blowing all your money on a 2nd rate actress

Back to Sup Forums with the other retards.

flopped, am I the only person that enjoyed the film?

I guess being tortured for a year without human interaction does not give the male character enough sympathy for people to understand why he woke up another living person.

I guess he should have committed suicide

made 30 million so far.

110 million dollar budget.

.95 million in the hole....


she's so down to earth lol


how is it her fault? they didnt have to cast her. they know what their budget is and what they can afford to spend it on

They should've been woken up by aliens or an evil computer or something. Not the boring bullshit they went with.

Allow me to explain: the difference between the expenses and earnings is what the studios are after, unless they're setting up a bloated franchise and plan to earn back their money later on but that can be risky.

> thus killing Lawrence's character in the process
Shit film. Shit premise. Shitly executed.

They should have just got Haley.

>paying for talent isn't a part of the movie budget

>Not the boring bullshit they went with.

You mean a story about humanity, yeah who wants to watch that, more explosions please

What studio would pay 20 mil for 1 movie with jeni
>Sony Pictures

>110 million dollar budget.
Is that taking the marketing into account?


Its a huge waste when a fifth of it goes to one mediocre actress

How do you not understand this?

>a second tier release has a budget of over 100 mil.

Is it just me or have these 'budgets' doubled over the last 10 years?

Matrix 1 had a budget of 65 mil.

Came here to post this.

>the movie lost 100 million, but the reason it failed was because we spent 20 million on some girl

if the choice is between suicide and murdering someone else, you should choose suicide desu. pratt was doomed, but that's not enough reason to kill someone else.

though i don't think people would have had as much of a problem with it if the film had leaned into the creepiness of it. making aurora fine with it is what pushed the film into grossness.

It was executed fine. He wakes her up, she finds out, the ship fell apart just like the relationship built on lies and they repaired the ship symbolically repairing the relationship. It was a little over the top but it worked well enough

I think some of these movies are just money laundering schemes

No, but it also not counting the DVD, Blu-ray,streaming, and TV rights. Marketing was ~100 million and the TV rights and so on are going to be 90-100 million so it a wash.

The human decision is to wake someone else up, the magic negro even said as much. It does not make it right but it is what every person would do.

Just because love happened to win out does not make the decision any less wrong

The premise and script were good.

Trailer looked a bit wonky. As in, it seemed to have the complete wrong tone and execution. The script did not read like a romantic comedy. It was a kind of weird Alien-esque sci-fi flick.

>but the eighty million dollars we spent on everything else wasn't a waste

>one of two movies this year that isn't based on a book, star wars or a children's comic
>it's shit because they wasted money to combat muh soggy knee

Inflation (Matrix was almost 20 years ago (1999 release, filmed in 1998) and they throw more money at it since DVD/TV/Streaming brings in a lot of decent cash if the movie has good production values.

ugh that ass

What the fuck? Jennier and Chris have no fucking chemistry, they could have literally got anyone else and it would have been an improvement.

The hightlight of this film was the setting and story, not the actors.

You don't fucking need A-listers for a sci fi film to be good. If anything they are a distraction

Did you watch the film? every feminist is screaming because they claim the movie is misogynistic. I thought Sup Forums aka Sup Forums would have loved the film based on that reaction alone

Never said it wasn't

If your movie is already shit spending a shitton of money on actors won't change that fact.

>it's Sup Forums sexistly spergs out and blames Jennifer's paycheque for the movie failing, but ignores the fact chris pratt get paid twelve million dollars

>Its a huge waste when a fifth of it goes to one mediocre actress

It's not a waste at all if the difference between Lawrence and an average b- grade actress (say, 15 mil) results in an increase of box office receipts equal to or greater than that 15 mil. amount.

There are few actresses who actually move the needle, she is one of them.

Nobody cares about garbage movies, thats why. If they were saying that about something decent then we would love it.

Rule 13

>This trash was on the script blacklist (Hollywood scripts that are meant to be "brilliant" but havent been filmed) for a decade

Actually, I think the consensus is that the story was complete garbage.

They should've just cast Haley for $2 million.

>It's not a waste at all if the difference between Lawrence and an average b- grade actress (say, 15 mil) results in an increase of box office receipts equal to or greater than that 15 mil. amount.
>There are few actresses who actually move the needle, she is one of them.

Have you seen the recent box office returns of her films? she not bringing in income. She hasn't had a hit movie since 2014

>it's a Sup Forums backpedals from what they said earlier to preserve the fragile facade they built in their head that they aren't sexist

They spent money poorly on a bad script, chemistry-less stars and unimaginatively interest from audiences

Chris Pratt starred in the biggest movie of 2015 he deserves it, what does Whorance have besides Hunger Games that flopped?

1) While still egregious, she got 40% more than he did

2) While their relative abilities are subjective, Pratt has been in far less bombs recently; his pay is more justified.

3) Pratt hasn't been heard loudly complaining about his pay and then delivering fuck all to show for it after getting what he wants

4) They had enough Star Power already without her; judging by how little her presence affected her precious films recently, all they needed was someone who didn't look like a gremlin to get a similar result

>tfw you type out a relatively long post to something that's probably bait, then find out it's definitely bait and don't want to waste your effort.

>200million for a b-movie tier romance/syfy idea...
Hollywood deserves to burn to ashes.

>its a retard thinks Sup Forums is one person

>Actually casting JBitch
It's like they're trying they're hardest this year to not make money

Every movie is misogynistic to them. Feminism is a joke.

are you arguing about whether or not the pay was justified, or whether or not the big paycheck is the reason the movie failed?

The retarded political tribalists that shitpost here don't actually watch films, and smaller releases don't give them the opportunity to parrot opinions and pretend they've seen it.

>one of two movies this year that isn't based on a book, star wars or a children's comic
user, I...

What does a consensus mean? your word, not mine

dumb dumb dummkopf

Hopefully they learn from it and never ever hire that hoe again

No, the movie failed because they put so much money on JLaw making it succesful just on the famous name basis despite her being a shitty actress.

People are tired of JLaw now. It bombed because the movie was stupid but it also didnt help that she was in the movie in the first place. Ive never heard anyone say >"OMG im going to see the new JLaw movie!"

>134 million profit is a flop

>Lawrence was paid $20 million against 30 percent of the profit after the movie breaks even and Pratt was paid $12 million.[11][22]

Lel it's not going to break even

>implying the movie would have succeed without jennifer lawrence

That's not what I was implying.

>Lions Gate Entertainment stock plunged 32% on Friday on account of lower-than-expected earnings in the fourth quarter. And much of the blame for that went to, at least in the press, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2. The film opened with a lower-than-expected $102 million in November of last year, which also caused the company’s stock to drop around 13% in advance of said debut.
Nice meme

>implying you weren't implying that

it's refuting the claim that people don't complain about Pratt due to soggy knees.

5) Lawrence is an absolutely terrible person.

>tfw too smart to imply

will she stop ruining ensemble films now?

>less money than we expected means it flopped

Why is she so perfect lads

>the quality of the actor's personality matters

It flopped because no one wants to see JLaw in a film any more.


>they could've made the film for considerably less if they cast Haley Bennet instead of JLaw
>it probably would've been better because the director wouldn't have to deal with JLaw's BS and Pratt wouldn't have to attempt to feign chemistry (since they'd already become friends from Magnificent 7)
>JLaw didn't even work as a box-office draw
>people still think her career isn't finished

God I hope that you're right. I have a desire to see her on the street.



>nearly bankrupting the studio
>not a flop

It does that's why Sean Penn movies don't make money anymore.

It does when you want an explanation as to why people are more likely to blame them for things.

It's why people like Patrick Stewart are forgiven for the odd dumb shit like the safety pins on Twitter.

what kind of stupid cover is that for a sci-fi? It looks like a romance film. I don't know what the film is actually like but they probably would have made more money if they just had Pratt on the cover looking like Star-Lord.

This movie will PROVE that Lawrence was a flavor-of-the-month who got lucky by being cast in two franchises and got an Oscar for fucking that fat, ugly fucking Jew pig Harvey Weinstein who was the source of many of those nude pics, particularly the ones on the couch and basically bribed Academy members into giving her the statue!!!FACT!!!

Is that why Haley looks so smug these days?

You say this RT rating is just a negative campaign again like it was with the Angry Birds movie?

>against 30 percent of the profit after the movie breaks
I know im being retarded but i dont fully understand this. If the movie doesnt profit (which it wont) how much is she getting.

You literally could have googled her name and found this information in the same amount of time it took you to post this.

Where's the fun in that?

> Using Eva as a counterargument against financial planning in a production

You're funny

>I have a desire to see her on the street.
Even if she never gets another role again thats not going to happen user. Unless she gets married without a prenup.

What would she do for me for $50?

Pratt and Lawrence were great in the film.

The film was just boring, uninteresting, and bland. It was fucking pointless.


Cue Jennifer Cuntence talking about how she doesn't get paid enough and it's so hard to find a man

Hunger Games actress who appears in every film David O'Russell makes.

depends if she can actually handle the money properly.

thank you

no film profits on paper
she's getting $20m
she'd get $20m even if the film wasn't a gigantic clusterfuck