
This movie was so bland. And out of all the songs you posted the worst one.

you mean best

are you ok?

It's the best song from Moana but that doesn't say much. Only the most contrarian of plebs would say Moana is better than Frozen.

this post is so fucking ironic goddamn.

does it vore the girl?


damn cockblocked again
it couldve just had her in its mouth a little until the buff guy kicked its ass
like the lizard in ferngully

>rhymes Maui with hiney
>rhymes free food with seafood


>what is slant rhyme

I don't fucking get the vore fetish, but apparently that fucking lizard awakened a lot of people's fetish for it.

I want to fuck Moana so bad

>frozenfags on full damage control

Of course Moana is better. Frozen is literally unfinished.

Wtf I love brown women now?!

it felt like nothing happened in Frozen. I tried to like it, but it was so fucking boring and never felt like the danger was real.

This entire movie shits on everything from Frozen

Not to mention forced as hell with the Olaf song, Hans betrayal, stupid rock trolls and TRUE LOVE FROM MY SISTER. It was just an awkward extended music video for Let It Go and filled with retarded bullshit.

Moana is consistently enjoyable throughout without any of those hamfisted garbage.

So are Mowi and Moana gonna fuck?


> really nice tits

Oh her Disney character is hotter than her

She hides them really well, but she has a nice rack. Just wish she was slightly darker because brown titties are the best

So like pretty much every Disney princess? And she's only 16

>worst song

It's the only memorable song aside from you're welcome. The others are generic shit about responsibility or some shit

Catchy song but it feels weirdly out of place for a Pixar movie for some reason

>rhyming glitter with glitter


Seen the movie just yesterday.

I wanna fuck a polynesian girl now

What's wrong with rhyming glitter with glitter, you shitter.

Everyone knows you're welcome is the only good song in this boring ass movie.

This whole scene felt like an afterthought that had not really point.

Fucking garbage taste

the giant crab represents pathetic whiteness. despite the whole cast being polynesians, the crab is voiced by a (relatively) white looking guy. the barnacles represent a neckbeard and has a nerdy voice. he is a dumb character who is kind of simbol of a fat white nerd. same as when Maui turns into a white shark at the beach, it's supposed to be laughable and pathetic instead of a threat.