Can someone suggest me albums/artists similar to GY!BE's discography?

Can someone suggest me albums/artists similar to GY!BE's discography?

I mean music which has a sort of build up feel to it and listening to it feels like a journey/experience.

Other urls found in this thread:

Silver mt zion



Holy shit thanks!
I'll definitely check them out tonight. I feel like absolute crap and need to feel something. Thanks user(s)

Don't actually pay attention to the fag that said Grimes

All of the post-reunion Swans albums should do the trick

I'm suprised no one has posted this yet

Anything labeled "post rock" should do the trick. Like, Sigur ros should work

>I'm suprised no one has posted this yet
mmmm sigur ros


set fire to flames
do make say think

did you like the guitars wailing on sleep?

mostly the second album. But all their albums are excellent, especially the first 4. Different than GY!BE though

This song is peak stuff

an actual example of gybe-ish post rock


if you like garbage that tries harder than it should for really poor results

Alright OP, here's what's up
this is the most similar to Godspeed (several band members carry over)
this is bait
this is good, but not really what you're looking for unless you're already into krautrock
this is a bit removed from the Godspeed stuff, but you might be into it eventually
This is more of a relaxed counterpart to what Godspeed was doing, you'll probably enjoy this

Personally, I think the perfect record for what you're looking for is Mogwai - Young Team. It is extremely similar to the Godspeed stuff, yet different enough that it doesn't feel like a rip-off

Silver mt. zion is basicaly Godspeed. Several of the same people.

MONO is the tits dude, idk what youre talking about.

You really need to check out the post-rock essentials. I'd start with Explosions in the Sky - The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place.


Boris - Flood
Im just recc'ing because Im currently listening. One of my fav songs tho

These Swans albums
>Sountracks for the Blind
>To Be Kind
>White light from the mouth of infinity

Didn't read the thread before posting :^P

Basically this flowchart