What is the Serial Experiments Lain of music?

What is the Serial Experiments Lain of music?

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they might be giants

Kid A

Death Grips

It's Black Foliage.
>you thought musique concrete and music were different things?


Underrated album. Deeply fucking bangs.

Daft Punk

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Autechre's 21st century releases easily. Very obtuse if you give it a cursory listen, but on repeat listens the music only keeps getting more detailed the more you pay attention. There's this mechanical, futuristic aesthetic to the stuff, too.

the foo fighters dude

you mean because manchildren are crossposting their cartoons, right? i agree


I think Deeply drags on a bit long but I see what you mean. I'm more partial to the first 4 songs and Anna Maria myself.

>the fucking electric spanish guitar bits in Anna Maria

ok computer

It's definitely Burials Untrue

Honestly probably GY!BE
I don't see any link with lain and the band that have been proposed yet.

Maybe this one is relevant but I only know recent autechre. Based on that I'd say it's not mysterious and human enough. But I could see earliest albums being vastly deferent tho.




Cradle of Filth

Publius Enigma

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