Opinions on Mac DeMarco? I don't really get the praise for this album

Opinions on Mac DeMarco? I don't really get the praise for this album.

neither does Sup Forums

It's all about Moonlight on the River bro

well you should because it is good

I’ll give it a 6.5/10. Some great tracks but most are really forgettable and boring.

Me neither, it almost feels like a parody of his previous works
He should have just made 2 then retired

but why is it good

Yeah, I'd agree with a 6. 6.5 might honestly be pushing it for me though. Really dug his first few releases as well as his stuff with alex calder. This Old Dog was really a step in the wrong direction imo, really put me off of an artist that i used to be able to enjoy.

one more


Definitely not my favourite album of his but I think he has a pretty well defined, iconic sound that despite it being repetitive, is still worth listening to

He has a few good songs per album but that's about it.

That album for example.

My Old Man
Still Beating
Moonlight on the River

the rest is fucking rubbish

My Kind of Woman? Lmao
Fucking rubbish

>Mac Demarco
Alt-normies who think they're indie core

Still better than another one, I enjoyed
>baby you’re out
>for the first time
>on the level
>moonlight on the river
The rest was extremely safe and uninteresting

epic post

Never loved Mac's studio stuff, got into him from live performance videos and recordings after 2 came out - feel like the same can be said for lots of Mac fans.

Saw him tour in support of this one, it translates poorly to a live setting. I'd expect him to do the normal trajectory and get back to the garage rock roots shit on the next release, if only b/c he is very underrated marketer of his brand/image.

my old man is acc so good

watching him fade away made me cry ngl

I saw a live show on the last tour with FLips and it was absolutely perfect. The playing and singing was spot fucking on and the crowd was into it. I've heard he's hit-or-miss live in general though.

But I like this album, the melodies are pretty, it's relaxing and the sound is very warm and organic, it breathes nicely and could have been released 40 years ago and had nothing changed. Which some people may view as a detraction but I enjoy dadrock so fug you.

I like him but was a bigger fan of 2 and Salad Days

Don't get me wrong I really like Mac, he is still a top-tier live act. But you basically said the thing I was trying to get across.

You're right, TOG is pleasant. But it doesn't fit in well with his live catalog. He used to end sets in crooner mode w/ Still Together as a tongue-in-cheek thing, now half his set is like that. You can only do so much of a lounge singer parody act before it stops being funny and takes away from the energy.

Mac does not release great studio albums, he's the indie-rock torch bearer rn because of great shows and really savvy branding. It's calculated.

>Mac does not release great studio albums, he's the indie-rock torch bearer rn because of great shows and really savvy branding
Which is kind of a weird statement, because a lot of people enjoy his music and are a fan based solely on the perceived sincerity of his studio material. I think it stopped being ironic at Salad Days desu

I enjoy his pop songwriting sensibilities, outside of the shit he steals. This Old Dog was probably his most mature record yet. He dropped the goofball shit and really wrote about his life. It dropped right when my dad died, so take that bias as you will.

I unabashedly love his work, he gets too much shit from most mu/drones because of his "alt normie" fanbase

I really like his work, but the fanbase keeps me away. I saw him in 2014 and most of the people in the audience had braces. At the same time, I also got sprayed with beer from the rafters.

I don't disagree about the sincerity part on later studio stuff, specifically. But the thing people miss about Mac is that it's all couched with a layer of irony and a wink, always. That's why he follows each line on a newer ballad played live with that goofy cackle.

People who fashion him as some sort of blue-collar, populist Phil Elverum are missing the joke.

He's got good songwriting but too afraid to lose his fanbase with experiment. Creative guy but if he'd lose the fear that he won't have people waiting on the other side... he could really innovate

This. By far the greatest track on the album. The rest is okey to very good depending on how much do you like Demarco's style and a more acoustic sounding album. I think it's great for him to go and make an album like this. Goes well for more mature themes.

The sprinkling of lovesongs seems inevitable at this point though. Those are getting, not just for Demarco but for a whole generation of musicians, scrawnier by the day, not just in the lyrics but in the feeling of the songs themselves. It's getting near to thin air.