At what speed do you watch your movies?

At what speed do you watch your movies?

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the pacing makes you view the movie in an otherworldy way

8x for joint, 4x for flick, 2.5x for movie, 1.75x for film, 0.25x for kino

1x but if the movie is shit I stop watching

4x for the first viewing. If I enjoyed it, I'll watch it again at 1x

normally 1x. But I watch 60fps kino at 0.4x in order to keep the standard framerate

You faggots don't actually do this, right?

if you need your movies to be faster you should be on add medication or something.

you dont?

>he doesn't press >> when it's a shitty forced romance scene or yet another establishing shot in China or some third world shit hole
>he doesn't press >> when it's 20 minutes of cliched exposition

>he doesn't watch shit flicks

1.0 speed
i genuinely cannot believe any of you watch it at other speeds



you get used to it

reddit truly has taken over

2.0x when watching flicks, 1.5x when watching movies, 1.0x for watching films and cinema, and 0.5x for watching kino

2x for flicks watching two at the same time
1.5x for movies while shitposting
1x for films making notes
0.5 for kino rewatching it at least twice, first upside down, second with the eyes closed and on mute
I've been trying to develop a new formula to find the best way to watch a motion picture, and it's like speed = sen(time)^-q, in which q is a coefficient related to the quality of the director.

2.56x, trying to train myself for 3.0x but some shows/movies are hard to understand.


sup reddit

1.8x when I'm not busy doing homework


Gotta watch kino fast

I used to start at 1.3 and usually went back to 1.1 or 1.2 till it felt natural. Now I start at 1.5 and rarely go slower. 1x feels like slow motion now. I'm hoping to work my way to 2x and beyond like you evolved gents

.5x. I used to do 1.5x, but then I realized I was trying to save time when my time was worthless. So now if I find a good movie it lasts twice as long.

I just read Wikipedia summaries 2bh


>he wastes precious time watching movies at 1x
>he isn't capable of speed watching

Toppest of Zezs

Sup Forums's guide to patrician watching:

Flicks: 8x speed, muted with your own music playing if you so choose
Movies: 4x speed, and it is recommended having a tab open in the background filled with nude pictures of the actresses from the movie
Film: 2x speed, no boards other than Sup Forums and Sup Forums may be browsed whilst watching
Cinema: 1.25x speed, limit of 3 Sup Forums tabs open at any one time
Kino: 1x speed, full screen in the dark, no distractions or breaks
Charme Discret: 0.5x speed, with only /r/truefilm allowed open in the background

>"good" flicks don't waste time with shitty love interests

This is fucking retarded, why would you watch films at anything other than 1x speed? I'm from reddit btw.

>tfw to intelligent too watch movies using the linear time construct

I just look at a printout of all frames displayed simultaneously on a single page desu.

Sup Forums has unJUSTED itself

"Eyes closed and on mute"
God damn my sides

I can't believe some people don't follow these guidelines. Humanity is truly disgusting sometimes.

>Charme Discret


>and Sup Forums may be browsed whilst watching

You have to go back

>he doesn't know

how else would you watch 10 movies and a season of anime a day?

>he doesn't grieve for the modern world whilst """enjoying""" films

>BLACKED poster


>Charme Discret: 0.5x speed, with only /r/truefilm allowed open in the background
top keke

What are you even talking about l?

>it is recommended having a tab open in the background filled with nude pictures of the actresses from the movie
mpc needs a plugin that automatically downloads all the nude images from all the actresses in a movie the way it does with subtitles when you press d

What are those facial expression trying to convey

>i hate you daddy

You shouldn't just post really good ideas on public forums like that user, you could've programmed that yourself and retired a couple months later.

Cut the shit Sup Forums, am I the only one honest to god unironically views all my films at 1.4x speed?

At the speed the director of the film intended, 1x.

Are you not entertained?

>he lets the directors desires and intentions trump his own

>he doesn't

truly the plebiest of plebes

I know this is a meme, but I've unironically started watching movies that I don't really care about but want to see based on their significance at 8x with subtitles. Like the exorcist. It's a few demon scenes surrounded by endless padding. I saw it in 15 minutes and got 95% of the films impact. Higher speeds makes subtitles go to fast, I'd like to have a scrolling subtitles setup. I read the script to jiro dreams of sushi and then watched it at 12-16x speed. Got the interesting perspective, got the themes of hard work and so on, but didn't have to stare at sushi for two hours, which I can do in my own kitchen.

>watching things for entertainment
>not for shitposting reasons
do you even Sup Forums bro?

Yes, yes. Good little submissive betaboi.


kys alt right cuck


The director also intends for you to see his film in the theater and not on a little screen but that doesn't stop anybody.


Exactly, which is why I watch my films in 1x speed, just like the director intended

Except you've already ruined his vision so changing the speed won't make any difference

Exactly, which is precisely why I watch my films at the exact speed the director intended, 1x

Adding on to this, watching 1.5 or 2x seems pointless, you're just barely faster AND you lose a lot of the directors vision.
Of course, any film I enjoy is always full screen at 1xspeed. Watching Casablanca or blade runner any other way is sacrilege.
If I want to appreciate the pacing but don't want to give the film my full attention, for something like a space Odyssey, I'll do it half screen and play something turn based.

1x because i watch movies on my phone but i havent found a way to speed up

>flicks (including all MCU) at 4x because they're shit
>movies at 3x
>films at 2x
>cinema at 1x for maximal enjoyment
>kino (including all DCU) at 2x to rewatch the movie instantly after and not lose any time
any other answers are pleb tier


>just barely faster
>save over an hour watching Lawrence of Arabia at 1.5x

>At the speed the director of the film intended, 1x.

In a theatre, right? And a film projector, if it's an older movie?


Can someone tell me what it is that makes these videos look like they do? Is it a certain lens or filter? I've noticed it looks different from every other porno, but we aren't allowed to ask serious film related questions about porn on Sup Forums without getting 404'd.

Yeah, that's what I said, at 1x speed, like the director intended

sup reddit

Blacked actually bothers to have cinematography. I think the parent company also runs Vixen or whatever it is which is non-BBC porn you can enjoy.

>tfw don't have the patience to sit down and watch a movie anymore


everything at ~1.1x
for the funny voices
also 20m shorter movies yeeeeeh bwoooooyyyyy

The speed it was meant to be watched at you faggots, why the fuck would it need to be sped up? Do you listen to your music sped up too?

You could save 3 if you watch it faster, or you could watch it at normal speed and appreciate it more. I think I did 1x with a few alt tabs. Definitely dragged in some parts, but a masterpiece in others.

Do you know how they give it that sort of dreamlike soft look? Is it like a different lens or just lighting?

People still have the time to watch movies? Don't any of you have a job?

>He doesn't listen to Nightcore
my sister started me, send help, I dont wanna be a weeb

>Do you listen to your music sped up too?
No you pleb, you listen to music slowed down.


>you listen to music slowed down
I don't listen to Vaporwave.





My job is to watch movies.

oh like at a movie theater? do you get to use the showers too?

>online college course
>watch all the video lectures at 1.5x speed
>fail exams
fuck guys I think you miss things when you do this.

>he doesn't preview a new artists most critically acclaimed album at 1.75x speed before deciding whether or not he should devote an hour of his life to listening to it

>he has enough free time to listen to songs on normal speed to decide if he likes them
NEET privilege

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think this is a meme

No, you are a crap student.

>a Czech information technology company offering social media analytics software-as-a-service platform called Socialbakers Solutions that delivers data analytics and social media management for thousands of companies of all sizes for marketing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, and VK
These people need to be gassed.

Considering how many plebs watch movies while playing Iphone games, this isn't that surprising.

not same guy but
only on Sup Forums can someone answer a question
without actually answering the question

how do you dress yourself in the morning
seriously people like you fascinate me


the faggot who wrote the article is the chairman of socialbakers

Regular movies: 1x

Slow overlong shit like Stalker, Lawrence of Arabia, Gone With The Wind etc.: 1.5x

lmao sup dude xD

/r/Sup Forums checking in

I'd watch at 2x but then it gets hard to read the subs.

>Online college course
>Do nothing
>Google exam answers

You must be really dumb, user.
