Neil Young Thread

Post your favorites, talk about Neil. I find that, every year, one of his albums is more important to me.

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i just wanted to bump your thread before i headed to bed and also say that this is a 10/10 album

Tonight's the night and on the beach are his best imo

Neil young

LMFAO i was thinking the same thing

most punchable face of all time

for me it’s Everyone Knows This Is Nowhere

I like Rust Never Sleeps but then again I've only listened to that, Harvest, and Freedom

Tell me whyyyyy

The first half of Rust is my favorite of all of his work. Thrasher is probably my favorite song by him.


The Rust Never Sleeps concert film is up there with Stop Making Sense

More people have to hear this bootleg. It's excellent.

Great record. Have you listened to Hitchhiker?

That's the newest archival release, right? Haven't had the chance unfortunately, but I've heard good things.

The B-Side 'Don't Spook The Horse' is a really underrated song.

Yeah it's all of his straight acoustic sessions in '76. Most of the songs thematically wrap around towards Rust Never Sleeps, or are actually on that record. He recorded most of it on cociane; it's fucking great.

This is definitely in my top 5 albums of all time. Best live album ever made.

Of course this album too

Jesus, I've never heard this before and it's fucking fantastic.

yeah, I obsess over this album

What's everyone's favorite bootleg? He's got a ton.

Don’t you guys know bootlegging is wrong!

/rym/core essential

We aren't selling them, no need to take them Neil.

i respect him as an artist but he's such a fucking downer

I’m very excited for March, apparently they’re releasing a box set of shows he did at the Roxy in 1973, when he premiered a lot of the Tonight’s the Night material.

Is it hard to make arrangements with yourself?

So are Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Time Fades Away, Tonight's the Night, and On the Beach.

It was actually the first thing that got me into him. That slower version of Sedan Delivery and Stringman are excellent.

Archives Be Damned

Whiny hippie faggot.

Long May You Run [Reprise, 1976]

Like the tour, the album (set in Miami where it was recorded) is a profit-taking throwaway, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Neil Young is always wise to wing it and the less Steve Stills expresses himself, the better. Also hearing Steve sing lead vocals only once every other track is an exponential bonus. His "Make Love To You" sets up "Midnight on the Beach", Neil's stupidest song in many a moon. But Neil's in a droll mood most of the time--title song's a riot. Not bad for California rock. B+

Been spinning Tonight's the Night a lot lately. Such a great record. Anyone heard the 20 minute live version off The Bluenote Cafe live album? Shit is great.

What can be said about Neil Young which hasn't been said before?