The first X-Men movie came out 17 years ago

>The first X-Men movie came out 17 years ago

>The X-men universe has gone on longer than the MCU

>Soon the X-Men universe will end and the MCU will control everything while the DCEU continues to shoot itself in the foot

>Soon the X-Men universe will end

Should've ended with DoFP. Or even this upcoming Logan.

But no, they're making a New Mutants, more Deadpool, X-Force etc.

>No Pat Stewart
>No Hugh Jackman
>No Cyclops that isn't a cuck

old man is still alive

They're rebooting it. I'm pretty sure that the X-force thing will just end up like Marvel's inhumans and eat the dust as a film only to be resurrected years later as a different project.

Deadpool does not takes itself seriously, it will simply exist outside the universe.

But user Cyclops in this universe IS a cuck, he gets cucked by Wolverine in literally 4 movies

Xaiver is played by a fucking Irish fuck in the new films. A Brit. Played an Irishfag.

Magneto, also a Brit, is played by a German.

The fact that we were lucky enough to get films with Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart is good enough for me, but the fact that Brits seem to steal American roles, now Irish and Germans steal Brit roles.

What the fuck is wrong with Hollywood?

Is the masked man in the trailer Deadpool?

Why does the X men universe have to be so grim?
>The entire point of DoFP was to prevent a bad future where mutants would be annihilated.

Pretty much retcons the past movie imo

Same fag spoiled the film earlier via Q&A. You guys want to know what I can remember?

>Hugh Jackman's Wolverine has been the longest running consistent portrayal of a character in cinematic history
>he has appeared as Wolverine in a new movie every two years for 17 y

I'm gonna miss Hughverine desu, how can they possibly recast him?

>Watch Apocalypse thinking Cyclops will uncuck himself as a young lad
>Still gets cucked by crazy Logan

>Magneto, also a Brit

Magneto is german you dumb fuck


>Jackman's last movie in the franchise that gave him a career will just be another sitty superhero movie
>written and directed by the guys behind The Wolverine and Green Lantern and other shit projects

He deserves better.

>implying the spoilers are true

Oh. We're doing the "he was born in the country but grew up elsewhere and thus got their culture and shit but because he was born in X country he is that nation" meme.

I guess Emma Watson is French and Boris Johnson is American. George Washington is British. Etc. Etc.

Magneto is Polish

Magneto is a german jew m8, not brit.

>Reading about Michael Fassbender because I didn't know he was German
>Check his personal life tab
>See info on relationships
>Check out all of his girlfriends
>All of them are literally 5/10 as much

What the fuck, the guy is handsome and smooth as fuck, why isn't he dating pretty girls?

>"Magneto was born Max Eisenhardt sometime in the late 1920s to a middle-class German-Jewish family. Max's father, Jakob Eisenhardt, was a decorated World War I veteran.[1] Surviving discrimination and hardship during the Nazi rise to power, the passing of the Nuremberg Laws in 1935, and the Kristallnacht, Max and his family fled to Poland where they were captured during the German invasion of Poland and sent to the Warsaw Ghetto."

He's pretty fucking german.

>Watson isn't french.

She is french by birth, but both her parents are british and she only lived in France for 5 years. Regardless of that she is French under the French constitution.

But this isn't even the case with Magneto, Magneto was born in germany to german parents and spent most of his childhood in germany

We stand corrected

>Tfw I've never been to France and don't speak a word of French but my father is French so I have a French passport/double nationality

And he got his education in England. See That's my point, what defines a 'nationality'. You end up dual nationality and it fucks shit up. Watson is legally French, as in she can have a French Passport if she wants. Though she doesn't. But that's my point. She's considered 'British' because she then moved to UK and got educated here.

Magneto didn't have much of a childhood or a culture, since it was destroyed and he didn't have any time to learn it.

That's where I'mg oing with thus.

Logan...what did you do?

>dating on looks alone
Hotness is correlated with craziness, the outcome of which is then multiplied by the attractiveness of the male.

Throw in the wealth factor, and Fass is looking to avoid a jealous psycho with a penchant for s/o murder.

Man's playing it safe and smart.

>more Deadpool
isnt this marvel

user why are beards so Kino?

U wot m8

>Xaiver is played by a fucking Irish fuck in the new films. A Brit. Played an Irishfag.

MacAvoy is Scottish and Scotland is part of Great Britain as per vote the other year. I know you britfags are touchy about lumping scots, irish and england/wales/etc all together but get the fuck over it. you're a tiny ass island of inbreds. you have no problem lumping everyone in the US together when our country is 10x bigger than yours.

he abuses women, both physically and mentally.

so I assume he goes for the women who are too insecure/desperate to ever say no to any of his abuse/manipulation. seems as though he gets off on power and control, not purely on appearances.

>After all these years, I have finally become...Logan


But both of Watson's parents are british, she literally has no french kin. And she left when she was 5. Magneto was around 10 when he was taken.

And what the guy said was "A BRIT is being played by a german". Even if you don't agree with the nationality definition, Magneto is by no means a Brit, he never lived in England. After WW2 he lived in Poland.

I'm also fucking confused because like I just sai the original argument was "a brit being played by a german", but now you're saying that Fassbender is actually british because he spent most of his life in England. So what is it?

But all of them are famous.

>He abuses women

Any info on this?

this is some weird bait.

I don't know man. He is truly the best choice.

>The first X-Men movie came out 17 years ago
>OP still hasn't come out

Really makes you think.

>the MCU has made like 5x the money the x-men universe has

Its up to deadpool to put up a fight.

Those fucking brits stole american roles (prof x) and an aussie stile a canadian role. It happens.

How long can the movies continue to have Magneto's origin story be the Holocaust? Is that why they take place in the past now?

Just go full comics and have him get deaged by sci fi bullshit.

Xavier is american and Magneto is a german jew, and as another user pointed out MacAvoy isn't even irish.

>Logan turns into an old man
>Charles is somehow still alive and not even totally decrepit

lol, what the fuck?

i remember seeing it in theaters

i also played a dreamcast before which was in the theater

and he was a good friend

it is actually the perfect opportunity for some non-forced diversity. make him a survivor of the killing fields.

though when i said this last time the deranged alt right said it would be better to make him immortal

There is no success in the x-men comics either. X-men are always losers. It represents oppression which still exists. Do people have religious freedom? Gay rights? Is there racism? If all this was gone the x-men stories could shift and find new terriritory. At the end of the day there is always someone who challenges them, calls them freaks, abuses them or paints mutants as evil and must be stopped. X-men has rarely if ever been truly light hearted. It deals with the ugly truthful side of humanity as it should.

>killing fields
>those trips

I agree....

I really do. Western culture brings up the holocaust so much in tv/film its kind of disgusting at this point. Asian countries have been doing all kinds of genocide too. India, africa. Magneto being a survivor to the horrors of man is most important. Him being jewish not so much.

I have to say I'm amazed at how swole Hugh Jackman got over the course of the X-Men films. You see him topless in the first movie and yeah, he's toned. You see him in The Wolverine or something and he's a fucking beast. As far as I know that's not CGI, the dude simply managed to go from fit to bodybuilder starting in his 40's.

If you wanted replies boy you're gonna get 'em..

>tfw no X-Force movie where Ryan Reynolds DP is less R*ddit and Olivia Munn is recast

>Black gfs

shit taste

>and Olivia Munn is recast

There was nothing wrong with Olivia Munn being cast as psylocke and everything wrong with how she was/wasn't utilized. Probably the only non-fat bitch on set aside from Rose Byrne

They could get someone with an iota of sexual charisma. Admittedly, some of this is the fault of Brian "Goyim Boyim I Destroy'em" Singer.

>What the fuck, the guy is handsome and smooth as fuck, why isn't he dating pretty girls?

When you grow up and lose the try hard mentality of a teenager you'll understand.

I really hope Logan is a good send off for Hugh and Patrick.

Prime Famke was the one