'member when there weren't so many mexicans?

>'member when there weren't so many mexicans?
>'member when marriage was between a man and a woman?

Really? This was supposed to be their deep, insightful satire of the past year's political climate? Lazy, hamfisted "muh raciss white folk".. nothing? People would have rolled their eyes at this decade ago.

Other urls found in this thread:


south cuck is neither funny nor insightful

South Park is for teenagers, it's not supposed to be some brilliant satire

The irony is that OP didn't even understand the point of the member berries; it's literally over his head

What was the point then wiseguy

This board is leading me to believe a lot of obvious spoonfed with neon arrows pointing at it things in movies and tv shows are simply way over the average media consumers head

>member when people stated their point like an adult rather than condescendingly shitpost

>m-m-muh nostalgia is bad

u mad Sup Forums?

>their deep, insightful satire
I don't know if I would ever gift this description to South Park, even if I find most of their arguments/views agreeable.

Memberberries unfortunately were yet another unfunny, lingering joke that was spread throughout the entire season because of their second pitiful attempt at a continuous plotline. Their inclusion is a great example of writing oneself into a hole, given all of the the buildup towards a rejection of Garrison's/Trump's nostalgia eventually leading towards a Clinton victory


So many 'comedians' were demolished by Trump's victory, it's fucking beautiful.


That "member" shit was cringe worthy.

yes dog yes

Your main issue is watching South Park at all.
Anyone who bitches about the past few seasons being garbage is an idiot for watching it.

not really

Trump will be butt of every joke for the next 4 years.

Nobody truly respects him.

newfags are real easy to spot

The thing that pissed me off was when those cunts had the fucking audacity to mock people for wanting to be remember being safe.

As if we should all just get used to living in a shit world.

I fucking hate those faggots so much.

Trump will be the next Reagan. Cap this post.

John Lovitz does

They really should have ditched the stupid fucking season-long plotline. That way they could have just used this is a dumb gag for one episode and not for the whole fucking thing. But Trey is a hack and the show has been shit since like season 10 so who cares.

Nah, he'll be the next George Washington.

And yet, they failed so miserably when they were all trying so hard to take him down. That doesn't bode well for their comedic future.

Season 6 was the last good season
prove me wrong.

'member when people didn't spam these purple testicles everywhere

It was clearly aping trump supporters. If you don't realize that you're either an ebin redpilled cuck or you unironically voted for him.

South Park used to be fucking great, what happened?

Crime is declining. Are you a 70 year old man who remembers the 50s?

>take him down

that's not what they were doing, people are making fun of him because he's a pathetic joke of blubbering retard.

yeah he won the presidency but he didn't win any respect.

Politics have always been a shitshow but now they will be a bit more funny with this dumbass being in office and being made fun of for the next 4 years.

What a time to be alive.

>what if we used the same shitty format of preparing an episode's script in the week the episode is due for an ENTIRE storyline and don't plan anything out?
>well gosh Trey that sounds like a great idea!

>that's not what they were doing
That's what Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers and John Oliver were doing every single episode of their shows. South Park might not have been quite as in your face and they weren't actually shills, but they were definitely on Clinton's team.

We just witnessed a president go to war with pretty much every American comedian on the air and come out on top. They've never felt powerless like you know they're feeling right now.

epic fan-fiction, my main man.

Don't forget Bill Maher and Sarah Silverman.

Yeah, that's why Colbert is appearing on totally comedic, apolitical shows like 'Face the Nation' and saying that he's scared by the election results.


Reagan was charismatic as fuck with a massive approval rating, Trump's is staggeringly low.

>someone asks his opinion
>he gives it
how does that mean his jokes were not jokes? are people in the entertainment business not supposed to have opinions?

People in the entertainment business don't get invited onto 'Face the Nation'. His presence is them acknowledging him as a political pundit.

"pundit" is not a position based on a desire or ability to influence.

>if Trump is elected
>We're going to be doing a show for a show for a group of people hauled into a Chilean soccer stadium to watch countrymen be executed
What did he mean by this?

Were the few tens of thousands of deaths Madam President intended to cause in the Middle East really the smaller price to pay for global stability?

>almost exclusively talk about politics
>you can't criticize me for my political takes I'm just a comedian!

What did Jon Stewart, John Oliver, and Stephen Colbert mean by this?

>What did he mean by this?
"people are going to be very depressed"

>'member when South Park used to be funny?
They got people to 'member when SP used to be good or decent at least.

memba when Sup Forums was good?


It USED TO decline. Now Europe is importing rapists and mass murderers by the million, and Americans can't contain their nigs anymore.

Are they still paying you people, or are you correcting the record for free now?

Fuck off retard.

That they can't handle the criticism and should probably find work outside of the public eye.

That's literally what a pundit is.

The leftist definition of crime is declining
Actual crime is way up

if they dont drop this storyline soon the show is gonna die.

I have been watching this show since its inception and always enjoyed every season, this one was a fucking mess

don't eat the membrees