Pleb Letter Media

Pleb Letter Media.

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Good channel desu. Funny stuff.

I don't always agree with them. But they're funny guys.

>ywn have sex with Mike

They stopped being funny when Mike visibly lost the will to live

>I loved it. It was everything I hoped it would be


wow hey...these guys are terrific

I don't see how anyone can find autistic screeching for a full 10 minutes at the beginning of a video funny.

Mr. Plinkett's vids are better.

If you're talking about "AT-STs" that was like two minutes.
Seemed like 10 minutes. Not sure what's worse.

The whole review was pretty bad. They wouldn't shut up about a star wars movie having things from the star wars universe in it.

The fact that they use the Marvel movies as a example of consistent quality really lowered my opinion of them desu.

their rogue one video is the ultimate pleb filter


Okay guys you need to shut the fuck up already.

So what the guys at RLM preferred The Force Awakens more than Rogue One.

I don't really care that much about Star Wars because to me it was just a movie. But to Mike, Jay and Rich, Star Wars was much more.

There are countless documentaries about how Star Wars isn't just a popular movie. It became a culture, it's own world.

So imagine these three guys after growing up with A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi they are given The three George Lucas Prequels.

Hell the first prequel they probably thought they walked into the wrong movie theater. It must've been disgusting to see how everything that made Star Wars special to them was completely shattered and all that was left was CGI characters and Jar Jar Binks.

Fast Forward to 2016. Force Awakens comes out and HOLY SHIT actual Props, actual sets, minimal CGI. Characters they can relate to, a hero's fuckin journey!

Look at the review again and see the gleam in Mike's eye when he says He loved it. That's pure joy for something that he has been waiting for. Sure fanboys from all over the country were hyping up with movie but it was those people who lived with the original films and had to suffer through the prequels in order to get a Star Wars movie they can enjoy.

Rogue One was a different take on Star Wars and to them they weren't expecting the "Wars" part of the movie to take center stage.

Regardless of their views on Rogue One you can clearly see they enjoyed Force Awakens because it was the Star Wars they wanted. They wanted that adventure, they wanted memorable characters, score, action, humor and a hero's journey.

Yes I'm a fag for typing all this out but fuck you all who just instantly hate them for having an opinion that isn't your own.

how old are these guys?


>mfw not a single anti-RLM c.uck has successfully refuted this argument, especially the "gleam"

>like Marvel over BvS
>like TFA over RO

I dare say they are not, /ourguys/.

I don't understand why every franchise has to stick to it's roots and be the same thing everytime. It makes sense, you like a piece of cheesecake so you want another piece of cheesecake because the first was so good, but that shit gets boring. I liked rogue one, and i think that the star wars universe has so much potential that i want more movies like it because it's interesting to see what they can do with it. Every movie doesn't need a dashing rogue, a prodigal son and a hot piece of ass to follow them around.

>They wanted that adventure, they wanted memorable characters, score, action, humor and a hero's journey.
The problem is that Rogue One does all of those things better. The only slight against it is the main character doesn't use a lightsaber. I think that's a good thing, apparently they don't.


>still thinking cuck is filtered

>food analogy
stupid fatass waste of space

>we openly mock our paying patreon members
>lets spin the wheel to see which movie we'll only watch 10 minutes of
>and tell the audience to their face on camera
>oh yeah and now the series is over
>thanks for your money


It was just an analogy man, calm down. Go ask mom if she can make you a pb and j sandwich without the crust you cunt.

plinketto is better

There were literally 10 threads about RLM they've pretty much have their loyal fan-base. They can tell everyone on Patreon to go fuck themselves and they'd still pay.

They literally have Fuck You Money

they have even started reuploading older plinkette reviews since the star wars one took off, why the fuck is the titantic review being RE UPLOADED for like the 3rd fucking time now

its gross as fuck

they keep changing the length too rather than just uploading the full fucking thing now that theres no limits on YT


the plinketto board doesn't fucking work

You obviously dont understand the purpose of their channel/humor

RLM 2004-2016


Best of the Worst is the only thing I enjoy watching from them anymore.

Everything else is absolutely horseshit, especially after they've released that absolutely horrid movie called Space Cop.

Seriously, I dare you guys to watch Space Cop and Grown Ups or some other "must hate" movie of theirs back to back like I did. You'll never take their opinions on film reviewing seriously ever again. They're the ultimate monday morning quaterbacks.

>unironically watching them for their criticisms and not for entertainment
le epic fail

There's a shitty reverse version on YouTube and I couldn't get past 5 minutes. I think they were just too scared to try and make a good movie cause if they did they'd be criticized. So they went with the "Oh if it's bad well it's intentionally bad" movie. Which is a let down.

yt routinely jews people out of money so who cares

I used to be a big fan of them when I was younger but now I can hardly sit through an episode. Mike has gone total pleb but at the same time Jay has reached levels of pretentiousness that shouldn't even be possible. Rich is a deranged animal that should be put down, and AidsMoby is so stale and unfunny that he drags down any show that he's in.

I can't describe what their shtick is but it basically is take something ridiculous point out what's ridiculous about it and then make some joke about suicide or kids getting killed or something like that afterwards then pretending its funny

These guys are terrific.

I think that's what disliked about it so much. Not that it was unfunny but that it was cowardly.

>It vas not unfunny, but it vas cowherdly, and I cannont respect it.

You and RLM are the reason we keep getting this reboot/sequel/prequel/remake bullshit. Fucking drones.

I hate RLM but Jay is at least salvageable because looks like he gives half of a shit.


Mike was fucking drunk and tired when he said he "loved" TFA and he didn't even sound like he meant it. You guys must be autistic and incapable of reading body language and tone.

Just a while ago Sup Forums was basically /rlm/, what the fuck happened? Is this all ironic? Am I not getting the meemz?

In the last review they checked 2 boxes out of 3 for TFA, 0 for R1. I think both movies are bad for different reasons, but check the "characters" for TFA is ridiculous.

they just hate entitled millennial cunts like most of us

You bunch sure are triggered by their R1 reviews.
I'd rather say they're the complete opposite of Pleb.

Mike is right about there being zero emotional investment in the characters of R1
I wanted to be sad when they all died but I simply couldn't because I didn't even know their fucking names let alone anything about them besides their one gimmick

Holy shit, you really are an autist, THAT'S what triggered you? The characters were not as bad as Rogue One you have to fucking admit that or you are a liar.

Just found out Jay died of HIV over Christmas. RIP you massive, massive homo.

They said that Force Awakens did a couple of things better in comparison to Rogue One so people now think that they absolutely love Force Awakens.

Yes, people really are that autistic.

I think they are bad in different ways.
R1 ones are functional for a war movie, but are fucking bland.
TFA ones are functional for an action movie, but 2 of them have a doppelgänger belonging to a different script (han and kill loreen), one is mary-sue, one looked good but the motivations were weird and was eaten by mary-sue (black guy), one does not behave like a normal person after a while (leia), one should have died earlier and you see it (space pilot).

Is not autism, is expecting coherence from people. Is not my problem if you have no standards famalam.
I hope this is valid only for movies ;)

The characters in TFA expressed emotion and had chemistry with each other


>minimal CGI

this your way of saying you liked r1?

Be sure to keep linking and clicking their videos! Make sure you also link it here and make multiple daily threads so you can autistically screech about how much you "hate" them ;)!

'Tis the season for Sup Forums to obsess over the latest popcorn geek flick lad, the guys at rlm expressed an opinion and the people here are just not sure where they stand, should they shit on it just because it's popular? Or because of the fanservice (which irked the rlm lads)? Always with the irking feeling that they actually gobbled it all up and loved it really.

Rey and finn hug after escaping successfully

Were there even AT-STs in the movie?

wew lad

Thanks to mike I now know rogue one is a piece of shit without having to see it. Thanks Mike.


>I wanted to be sad when they all died but I simply couldn't because I didn't even know their fucking names let alone anything about them besides their one gimmick
I just saw this movie a couple hours ago and I could even remember there names as watching.
>Is not autism,
the call sign of autism.

Every single negative thing they said about the movie was valid. My issue with their review is that it was so clearly colored by the audience they saw it with. Instead of judging it on its own merits, they shat all over it because the people they saw it with were gibbering monkeys who clapped at everything.

I honestly don't think they EVER say what the name of the pilot is. Not sure about machine gun or blind guy either

>the call sign of autism.
"let's call anons autistic because I have no arguments, that's a good trick"

>started to hand-pick flicks to "review" instead of randomly drawing them
Are they losing credibility?
It happened once earlier (and it was Jessi's cancerous influence I thought was gone with her), but this time it's already twice in a row!
This better not happen again or I might unsub. Angrily.


What arguments? The user you're replying to didn't make the review you autismo.

rogue one reviews was extremely good and entertaining (even though I don't think marvel movies are good at all, and I don't think they give rey mary sueness enough recognition).

Same thing for their 1:45 tfa review. Extremely interesting and entertaining, even if I don't share their enthusiasm for tfa.

I mean it's a decent movie. I just hope jj abrams watch their review, notepad in hand, taking note of the criticism of rlm.

One thing they didn't touch at all, which is suspicious, in the old tfa review is rey mary sueness

anyway I would rate all their star wars reviews extremely high

You need to find real people to interact with, this fanfiction about fat people on youtube of yours can't possibly be healthy.

Not everyone here is fat, innit.

How do you get paid to shill RLM? With leftover snacks that are past their use by date?

>The fact that they use the Marvel movies as a example of consistent quality really lowered my opinion of them desu.
That's Jack's and Rich's bad influence on them. Mike and especially Jay don't actually don't care about capeshit at all, but those 2 plebs watch and read literally nothing but capeshit. Rich even said that terrible cringy GotG2 trailer is one of the best trailers he has ever seen.

>Is not autism,
the call sign of autism.

FUCK 2013

>I mean it's a decent movie. I just hope jj abrams watch their review, notepad in hand, taking note of the criticism of rlm.


And your contrarianism is just about as deluded and stupid as those movies. They are consistent, it that's the best thing that can be said about them and they never go too far up their own asses with facile and childish symbolism in hopes of being mistaken for deep.

Holy shit I butchered my post. should say "I couldn't remember the names as I was watching" but yeah I think they say the pilots name like twice and other than being confused for a bit what the hell does he got going for him. >"let's call anons autistic because I have no arguments, that's a good trick"
Never called you autistic. that was another user. I just pointed out that when people say their autism is not not autistic it is usually a sign of autism.

k got it

>They are consistent
Yeah they're consistently bad, that's the point.

>They are consistent
And then I see this in a thread accusing RLM of not being consistent.

Pretty sure just one that got maybe 30 seconds of screen time. Unless there was another at the end.

>muh characters
>muh humor
>muh quips
>muh romance

Mike reveals he would rather have bad jokes and some kissing scenes than an original plot and well paced movie.

>well paced movie
> 4 planets in 5 minutes

They're not, they're consistently mediocre with some sparks of quality here and there. I guess the worst you can be is middle of the road, but they'll keep doing it as long as it makes financial sense.


>i'm too fucking stupid to keep track of where we are

Unless you're like 80 years old you should be able to follow planet travel in a fucking star wars movie

user, I liked R1 and I could follow because I know the universe, but the beginning was not elegant, to say the least. The flow of the story was damaged. All this "jumping" detracted from the characters and led to other problems people criticised.

I don't know what's up with modern writers they have so many tools but end up ejaculating in their hands. With better character interaction and pacing would have been a masterpiece.

Pleb Letter Media drones would not have liked it regardless because Muh StarWars Movie Structure but plebs will be plebs anyway.

Yeah, just laugh when you can't come up with the good argument

Retreading old plots is not adventure, it's a theme park ride
>memorable character
only Oscar and more because he is dashing than he is interesting
hum me something from the movie. I dare you.
does she have a boyfriend, tr8r, "let's sell toys" robot thumbing up with his welding tool, that's about it for humor
>hero's journey
Of what? self discovery? she already knows everything. She is at a level of Luke between ep 5 and 6 on her first movie. She'll be pulling star destroyers from space with her hands by the end of the trilogy

Their opinion is bad and they are manchildren.

When you're setting up a multi-character story in which you have to assemble a group relatively early on in the movie in the STAR WARS universe you kind of have to jump around the galaxy a bit.

It's not different than starting a western off and showing different saloons or small old west towns and the different characters there. You're just focusing on the concept of it being a different planet and letting that bother you more than you should.

Also, in casey ou didn't notice this was a movie by SW fans FOR SW fans. The fact that they didn't feel the need to pander to every normie who either hasn't seen the other movies or may not remember them is one of the best parts about it. The whole world is already well established so we don't need explanations for everything.

After like 4 years I finally unsubbed

>Bitch about Force Awakens characters
>Backtracks saying they were likeable
Disney/Marvel killed Star Wars and these guys content relatively quick

mike is a nostalgic retard, of course he loved TFA, the shot-for-shot remake of ANH. Of course he hated rogue one, it wasn't kid friendly and it was original, so it wasn't muh childhood star wars!!!

user, there is no argument against someone that thinks that J.J. could write down the criticism of an online group of out-of-shape nerds. I can only laugh at the insanity.

Moreover, the statement assumes that J.J. does not consider what he did perfect. J.J. ALWAYS makes things like he made TFA. There are not mistakes in his bait-and-switch narratives. See lost, fringe...

user, what you say is possible but needs a skill the R1 director has not. I loved the movie but it was deeply flawed.

"SW movie for fans" is not an argument. One analyses the movie on its own merits.