Have you ever pretended to like an album or artist for any reason?

Have you ever pretended to like an album or artist for any reason?

no, because I trust my own sense of taste and style/aesthetic more than someone else's.

I pretended to like Neutral Milk Hotel but the reality is I don't like folk music that much.

Nah I'm pathetic but not that fucking pathetic

This board pretends to like Animal Collection on a daily basis

i've pretended to like anco's earlier work when in reality anything past strawberry jam is too weird for me. also "animal collection" kek

I pretended to like Radiohead to fuck a girl. It worked, still hate Radiohead tho.

I pretended to like a lot of stuff that Sup Forums told me was good for the sake of street cred but I soon realized street cred means nothing if you never leave your house.

I guess the worst offenders were ANCO, NMH, Radiohead and Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

What utter rubbish music. I’m ashamed of myself.


All the fucking time

What about an artist pretending to be something so that people will listen to their music?

no i already waste my time in enough ways without having to maintain popular delusions thank you very much. there are too many works pretending to pieces to not cut the bullshit.

breaking omerta is a federal offense bucko


tried to like the cure more than I did one time so this guy I liked could listen to them with me. didn't really like the rest of his taste either though

I don't really pretend so much as learn to like something or ignore its existence.
The good news: I have way more music that I like now
The bad news: Apparently that includes Dark Cabaret, aka the Edgy Teenager music for kids who don't like loud.

Not in a long time, but I remember being about 14 and wanting to get into "real punk," and I thought "real punk" was The Casualties. I thought they sounded terrible, but that if I just kept listening to them, eventually it would "click" with me.

There were 3 punk kids at my school who had mohawks and leather jackets, and they were into Rancid, Sublime, and stuff like that.

A year later I got into bands like Minor Threat, Richard Hell, DNA, and so on, and the punk kids just dismissed me as a nerd.

No, I'm not a poser.

Pretending to like Scene bands and going to their concerts was an EASSSSY way to fuck urban outfitters girls about 10 years ago

oh hot topic girls. was disgusted by every single one that I knew but am still somewhat glad they existed as a cultural phenomena

Used to sometimes wear a HIM hoody when I was like 13 because all the year 7 and 8 emo skater sluts thought they were cool and made it easier to shag them

Yeah but I've had to pretend it even to myself as well. Your image is relevant, I was a huge tryhard pleb when I first started browsing Sup Forums.



>in reality anything past strawberry jam is too weird for me
How is it possible to be this pleb?

I’ve probably tricked myself into liking things because I am made to believe that said thing is something that I should like, so I go into experiencing it actively trying to like it

but I actually do like anco, user