Twitch dot tv/ocarina_of_grimes/clips

twitch dot tv/ocarina_of_grimes/clips

Grimes is so cute, she makes my heart melts.

I really hope that she releases the "David" song that she already played live.

i hope our grimey is sleeping well

i hope she releases lp5 this year

these clips are pretty lame, maybe people just cut the bad parts i hope. But she is too laconic, swears way too much. rest i can forgive.

pic related: grimes dog after menstruation


Honestly, I expected better. I have to say her best music is already done. She used to respect her fans. Most of that has changed.

What do you mean? She still loves us.

>I have to say her best music is already done.
You haven't even heard any new stuff yet.

>she is too laconic
cuz she was busy with the game

>swears way too much
have you ever played bloodborne?

wrong and wrong.
1. you didn't even hear her new music
2. she still respects her fans a lot

user, what's the source for the fake Grimes quote in your pic related?

hi claire


Also word "waifu" is blacklisted on chat. what a sick person Claire is.

This is my life

i guess it's james who also moderated the chat

That's what he does

I wasn't actually aware there was a james at the very start. You never told me

>le quirky grill gamer

This fucking trash slut gets more and more disgusting by the day. She's like an amalgamation of everything wrong with millennial females.

>Also word "waifu" is blacklisted on chat.
...why is that be a bad thing since the only people who use it are retarded?

lol wanna know how I know you're a girl?
one word: j e a l o u s y

>jealous of grimes

Why would a girl be jealous of another girl pretending to be a man? The only """"men"""" grimes attracts are the type of waifu obsessed neckbeards that pedestal 5/10s

lol j e a l o u s y confirmed
have fun with that.





her moustache is cute


i never noticed that before..

wtf i love grimes now




love transcends intelligence quotient

stop it, you fucking retarded retard

buttblasted grimesfag cant take a little humour

wouldn't a retarded retard be redundant?

>love transcends intelligence quotient
lol clearly

not the mustache-user, but Grimes mustache-themed tomfoolery is canonical, so...