In need of some "this is a dystopian world, the environment is polluted...

In need of some "this is a dystopian world, the environment is polluted, humans are isolating themselves further more from one another, corruption is the norm, technology is taking over and I'm fucking depressed" kind of music.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey have you heard of OK Computer? Its supposed to be pretty good

You might like controlling crowds by Archive.

godspeed you black emperor

Exactly what came to my mind too. The car's on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel.

the money store by death grips


Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails

A Silver Mt. Zion - Horses in the Sky




Anything else similar to this?


So like, 21p?

>tfw when a room that it based on biological necesity now is asociated to sociocultural, literally, memes

Funeralopolis in particular

Cro Mags-The Age of Quarrel
Black Sabbath-Vol. 4
Metallica-And Justice For All

Please recommend something else besides Death Grips. I did say I was searching for fucking music.

I know I sound like a pleb but Kid A captures that atmosphere perfectly.

Came here to post this
Pic related is also great for this kind of feeling

but you just described death grips

We're in the greatest age of human civilization. If you can't realize that, you need to step away from the computer and go outside lel

Who suggested otherwise?




You might like exercising and socializing outside of your comfort zone.

Honestly, go with Gorillaz- Plastic Beach

Extremely disappointed to not see this one yet

Also lol at the upper class white teenagers in this thread thinking theres nothing wrong with the world

He's asking for music. He's describing what kind of music he would like.

Listen to the opening track, The New Black. It's very relevant. Also, watch Network for context.





Thank you. Thank you so much.