How do you give your friend's constructive criticism about their music without hurting their feelings...

How do you give your friend's constructive criticism about their music without hurting their feelings? I don't like shitting on the music of people I know

My friend sent me a track

And it's not bad or anything, it just feels extremely basic and barebones

Other urls found in this thread:

Just say, "sounds good. I cant wait to hear it when its finished"

Tell him to add a bit more to the instrumentals.

I posted your thread on his track

Yeah but that won't help him improve

Be honest but break it up into what you like and what could be improved. That way they know both what they do well and what they need t fix.

not op but that's a dick move



he has to know

somehow it disappeared
gonna post it again

Just mention one thing you genuinely like and something they could improve upon. Not that difficult, you don't have to shit on it and as an artist you can't have a thin skin anyway if you hope to be any good.

>he has to know
no he doesn't
how this should have happened:
>op isn't sure how to communicate effectively
>seeks help from Sup Forums users (a dumb move, but a well-meaning one)
>learns (there's good advice in this thread already)
>tells them
problem solved. learning how to communicate harsh things kindly isn't lying


but that's just giving him a rope to hold on to
I intend to push him off the cliff

>constructive criticism about their music without hurting their feelings? I don't like shitting on the music of people I know
then shut up about it. tell him you're not qualified, or just too much of a brainlet not capable of figuring his stuff and whats lacking out.
the latter is obviously true since you came to/mu/ to have us do this shit for you.
and I can only assume you're underage that you're this much of a faggot who not only cannot man up to tell your friend what you think straight to his face, but also so much of a failure that you come to a korean paintings sharing website to cry for help
this dude is right. you deserve to be ridiculed


You fucked up OP, shouldn't have posted it

it's not bad desu

Give them constructive criticism

Maybe he'll do more work on it if you imply it needs more work

This honestly

wtf I had a math class with this guy.
I used to live in Poulsbo lmao.
Wtf Sup Forums.

Seems like you're underestimating the amount of people that post here
