What records have a deep sadness despite being underneath an upbeat veneer?

What records have a deep sadness despite being underneath an upbeat veneer?

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One of my favourites.

wolfgang amadeus phoenix


Not really sadness, more of a sinister tone

basically all the really popular 60's baroque/psych pop. god they were a sorrowful bunch.

...Belong by Meishi Smile.


>that cover
>upbeat veneer

second half of Love You evokes some of the most unique feelings of sadness ever. to this day i've never heard another album like it



I see your point, but I feel like the music itself does have that quality

This for sure

The first half of Low
The second half is when the depressive undertones of the lyrics start to permeate the music while the lyrics themselves fade into pure abstraction, if they are still present at all


Afrojax is the master of this


>deep sadness
>has a song about why you shouldn’t plagiarize

yep. you certainly showed them. fool proof logic.
