Is getting blown the fuck out a sport?

Is getting blown the fuck out a sport?

Other urls found in this thread:

>best football team of all time
>best anti-nazi protesters of all time


these drumpf tards should leave Based Boston and fuck off back to their trailer park shithole in the south

So normal people?

>10 to 1

I was at the counter-protest, it was more like 300 to 1. There were 50 nazi faggots in the park and 15,000 counter protesters. The fucking cops had to escort the nazis out.

Looks like the media Jews won.

>free speech makes you far right
the absolute state of Bombston

no nu-males. look at the footage from charolston, its a freak show of people in the streets running around crying.

>some guy taps old lady's flag
>old lady chases after him
>trips and falls


Yes, we know nazis are beta faggots. What's your point?

More like
>Guy grabs flag
>Lady holds on to her property
>Guy continues to drag the woman on the ground

how many black cocks has he taken in prison already?

yeah because the counter protesters were shining examples of humanity

i know this is bait but it was funny to me how the ""nazis''' for the most part looked like bad ass skin head biker type dudes and then the antifa was like walking around the village in the 70s lol, and all of them trying to act hard was even better. "were here! were gay! we fight the kkk! were here! were gay! we fight the kkk!" lmao what a joke.

I hope jaylen smith shows out

>the ""nazis''' for the most part looked like bad ass skin head biker type dudes

do you live in san francisco, faggot?


Is this a joke? Boston is one of the most racists cities in the country. Hilarious considering you assholes parade yourselves as the bastion of civilization.

t. non-white nazi

those look like normal people, so what that tells me is Sup Forums is being normalized. Being outnumbered in a fag city like Boston isn't surprising.

how will brumpft ever recover?

>100 nazis
>15,000 anti-nazis


fuck liberal scum

>modern day fascists
>normal people

They're far worse than a small handful of retarded nazi larpers and far more dangerous to our society.



>defending free speech has become a ''far right'' thing

Actual racists don't show up to these rallies

I would beat the shit out of an antifa scum come at me niggers

i love doxxing and destroying the lives of nazi faggots.


No, I can't call these people normal.
Their brand of anti-fascism is pretty fascist.

fucking awesome

>call yourself anti-fascist
>be textbook fascist
americans truly are on a completely different level of retardation

he won't be found guilty of anything, you know

they're unironically communists

The American far right is for basement dwelling low test soyboys. Look at their poster boy Richard Spencer, he's a lisping sheltered trust fund babby.

The European far right is where the actual hardcore nationalist men are.

why Americans on Sup Forums fucking libtards?

>favored form of protest is to stand in the street and block cars and hit the car if it tries to get through
>get run over
>act surprised
really makes me think

>(((Jonathan Blumberg)))

Everyone slightly to the right of Lenin is "far right".

top wew. can't wait for the electric chair video

>whites are the superior race
>works at Pizza Uno
>28 years old
oh boy am i laffin'

What do you think the combined income of everyone in that photo is?

at least 7

keep telling yourself that

Well, I will since he's sitting in jail awaiting trial.

nice backpedal m8


isn't this illegal in America?
>firing someone for a political stance
sounds like fascism to me desu

why don't let the alt right and Nazis protest and everyone go home

It's just some autistic numale cuck shilling itt. He probably unironically watches my little sawker and wears a scarf while out with his trans binary gender husband at an antifa protest.

meanwhile some muslims are shooting people in Paris as we speak.

>being a communist faggot

America is a right to work, nation you cocksucking leninist. Companies can fire people for whatever reason as long as it isn't over a protected class

american prisons are full of actual neo-nazis, they'll protect him desu

W-watch out Nazis!

Imagine if this said Black people and Obama was president. What do you guys think?

/hoc/ is a nazi general

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""white people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


This is laughably incorrect.

>what happens when the white guys are back in charge

Literally nothing. Trump hasn't gotten any legislation passed.

should he be on welfare then?

it's not about that user, it's the fact he's white and it's DRUMPF.

Anyone else just get pissed off/depressed when they see anything political? Liberals can go die and the Alt-Right is a meme. I don't care about this shit get off my Sup Forums.

There was a much larger protest the day after Trump was elected

it's no secret liberals have the biggest mouths but are pound for pound less powerful than conservatives

I wish ESPN felt the same instead of shoving political correctness down my throat.

>mfw when my job fired a nazi faggot at the rally

but they are outnumbered 9 to 1 by coloreds. Also Roof was a bitch ass nigga who shot old fags at a bible study. That does not earn you nazi cred like shooting drug dealers would

is this for yawkey way or they just protesting in general for police to stop policing black neighborhoods so the bloods and crips can take over?

Unholy mix of commies, feminists, faggots, and BLM dindus

Texas here. We're 41% white and doing great. Fuck Nazis and white supremacists. Your bitch asses can move to west virigina

Either way, you don't fuck with Neo-nazis in prison, anyone with background in justice can tell you how fucked the gang's are in prison, not just Neo-Nazis though there's pretty much a gang the major ethnicity, you roll with one of them or don't.

>The European far right is where the actual hardcore nationalist men are.

yeah, living in a dilapidated 30 sq meter commieblock that you can barely afford from your job as cashier at a workout supplement store and spending your weekends destroying chairs in your local football stadium to relieve the pent up anger caused by the impotence and hormonal imbalance courtesy of ukranian bathtub steroids is truly hardcore and alpha, something we should all aspire to be.


How come making it on your own is considered less test then getting free gimmies?

neo-nazi gangs are pretty powerful in prisons, it's not like it's them and then every single coloured trying to kill them. also a lot of "white"" Hispanics join neo-nazi gangs I believe


gtfo you reddit fag

hmm now I don't feel so bad about the boston marathon

off topic threads are fun and remind me of old sp

if roof is with Nazis he is getting Gunzel'd. Some fag who kills old women at a bible study is gonna be a prag

>also a lot of "white"" Hispanics join neo-nazi gangs I believe
Can confirm, here in AZ there are a lot of those kinda hispanics that end up in the neo-nazi gang, even some asians too

>tfw all these people will think it's an outrage they got arrested for their illegal actions as they acted illegally towards the REAL bad people

prisons are extremely divided by race. but just because you are white doesnt mean you are going to "fit in" with the other skinheads. people like roof are always going to be somebodys prison bitch.

Yeah rape happens in all gangs

usually someone who's in there for killing negros will have a good starting reputation with professional negro killers though

damn straight. trump didn't win a single district in boston during the election. we raised a bunch of troops for the civil war and world war 2 too

does he get conjugal visits? He could get some murderer lover poon
they like people who kill gang members not 70 year olds at a church

>conjugal visits

Only Cali, Washington, Oregon, and New York allow conjugal visits. All other states phased them out decades ago

and Muslims too

I don't think you understand neo-nazis desu
all dead blacks are good

what the fuck is wrong with amerisharts, all day every day on the streets protesting, don't you hav jobs?

>Amerikkka is the most racist country on Earth
>being a white supremacist makes you unemployable

This is what's so weird. My life has not changed at all due to Trump. Hell, it hardly changed during Obama. The federal government has little effect on your day to day life outside of taxes. You mayor affects you far more. I don't get why liberals act like the sky is falling. All they're doing is lighting everything on fire and tearing cities down and then blaming Trump for it.

lefties live at home or with 5 other lefties, so no, they don't have jobs

I was at the anti-Nazi rally. Stopped off at Mr. Bartley's.


I feel that basically any political controversy is basically someone lighting a fire and people yelling "LOOK AT HOW IMPORTANT AND DANGEROUS THIS FIRE IS. ANYONE WHO DOESN'T THINK THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND DANGEROUS FIRE IS (some derogatory term)" while no one actually address the fire

Libs don't work

In my case under Obama I'd have to give 1 of my 2 fucking checks away each month when I'm still in school, what the fuck?

a lot of these people get bused around to counter-protest at every event they hear about. It's not a meme when people say kikes are funding these things

West has lost its fucking mind... Eastern Europe fights against communist tyranny for decades and now West wants it lmao... Id rather side with fascists than commies at least fascists killed 5 times more less people...