Grimeth ith death?

is Sup Forums on suicide watch?

Other urls found in this thread:

Too good to be true, just drama.


>she needs the approval of a label to release music
Proof she's trash

We'd all be so blessed as to never be graced with grimes' music ever again.

cheer up grimesy girl. here's a couple toe-tappin' diddies to get you through the day


I fucking hate grimesfags with an everburning passion. Every fucking day you manage to surpass all my 15 filters, somehow. Jesus fucking christ kill yourselves. This has nothing to do with music, this is waifuing over someone who does make music. There is never any actual music discussion in grimes threads, on par with K-pop threads. You're literal human garbage.



>"music industry is trash"

Then fucking release it yourself, you dumb fucking twat.

Bandcamp is RIGHT FUCKING THERE. Release it.

Fuck it, do it for free like Spor did with Caligo, or like Pretty Lights and Gramatik have done with their entire discography.

Of course greedy labels are gonna fuck you over by stomping on you for not being a literal money machine for them.

Is she talking about TLJ? There's no way someone could be this naive.

the things will be better. grimes will finally release her new album after 4ad will stop messing around and everyone will be happy.

dubs confirms, grimesfags are pure cancer and easily the worst part of this board

adding grimeth to my filters

Why do you hate? Grimeth a CUTE!



She's talking about we wuz kangs the movie




Dead before the ship even sank.

I like grimes, but she's a fucking twat if she's letting herself get cucked by the industry in fucking 2018.

Good comment


she can't, you stupid idiot. when you sign contracts with labels you just can't release anything when you want. they could sue and bankrupt you if you would do that.

its almost like retards on Sup Forums dont know how the industry works

not the op. hey dumbasses, who the fuck told you that the op is a grimesfan? a true grimesfan wouldn't post that silly post. chill down and think a little before posting your hateposts.

You sure are

they know shit about anything but their arrogance knows no bounds. they think they're patricians just because they listen to some obscure crap.


It's a mouse reference?

She could form another alter-ego and lowkey release music under a different name. She seems like the sort of person to pull cool stunts like that. Of course it's not the desirable outcome monetarily but fucking with the industry is her thing.

Impressive but Grimeth isn't talking about Black Panther. She's talking about The Last Jedi and the low audience score it has on Rotten Tomatoes.

After watching it again I saw why people disliked it, and I was lol'ing and some parts that I'm sure were meant to be serious.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who calls black panther that

The Last Jedi is shit. Grimes unfortunately bought into it because she's a big Star Wars fan.

Take a closer look at the tweet, user. It's from December.

Hi james

You're really into this artist called grimes nobody else talks about. Did she suck your dick today?

Some people don't idolise others for sexual reasons, you deviant.


From what ive seen on youtube it looks a lot like a fan movie, like children trying to impress their parents

Please, they've been dating for years

and Daisey Ridley's almost cartoonish expressions

she could do that but think about it: she spent so much time and effort on this grimes persona. she wanted her lp5 to be her big album. if she would release it semi-anonymously that would be such a step down.

>signs up to be indentured servant
Even Beck was smart enough to negotiate side projects into his deal.

Why does a movie about escapism and science fiction suddenly heavily involve real life bullshit. Star Wars was never popular with girls, female nerds never existed before the Internet. They like this stuff because of cosplaying and fucking vane shit like that

Her expressions are fine. People can never settle on saying she's too wooden or she's overacting, which makes me suspect they just dislike Daisy and not her acting.

and liea's space float was unintentionally funny

Beck sucked a dick


>complains about nerds with vaginas and implies they're mythical creatures
>can't spell the word "vain"


Yes God, don't they all.


Why don't you?

She's done side projects. The problem is she can't release an album as Grimes without causing legal trouble.

i audibly loled at the butthurt

Best news I've heard all day.

Are we still playing the game wherewe pretend Claire posts here?

Again i haven't watched any of these movies and never will, im entirely too wrapped up in this board to direct my attention somewhere else for that long

A lot of people post here, even the artists themselves. Sup Forums isn't a secret club anymore.

no qt music exec to blow and ride to fame and fortune.

>music industry is trash
>not "my music is complete and utter hot garbage and I refuse to make more for my fans that like the trash I shit out"
>liking grimes in any capacity

pleb tier taste m8.

>is Sup Forums on suicide watch?
the opposite, God really does exist

But beck did, again superior dick sucking skills, how can Grimes compete?

Wasn't talking to you

I'd call your taste in anime pleb tier but I'm better than that

I hope she never puts out new music ever again.

That doesn't mean she posts here.

dude, she can't release new music as grimes without her label's approval. she has to play this label's game if she wants promotion and distribution. she signed to 4ad because they were willing to release visions unmodified. maybe things changed since then.

just because a reaction image is saved doesn't mean I like what it originates from.

lame b8 and you know it. not even debatable.

Which solo albums did he release outside of his main label?

You refered to a single instance where beck could negotiate control over his art, now you're being a clown about what i said

Why does these threads always have tv images. Can james put this together

Then why use it? It makes no sense. It's like using the redpill meme while not agreeing with the philosophy of The Matrix.

you're laughing too soon. she will release the new album sooner or later. where will be your god ?

Why did you stop using a trip? I have to expect people to steal your name now

Shit out a couple of contractual obligation albums and get out of the deal, you're Grimes for chrisake and you're not getting any younger.

Did you seriously just delete your previous post because of a typo and then make another typo? Man, that's autism.

we don't care, grimes has been spammed so often on this board that any discussion about her should go straight to

I didn't put my code on my phone and still haven't because I'm a very lazy person.

Yep you're shilling again

Same here. Why isn't anyone actually talking to you itt? You cared to write but they no write back to u

Didn't Radiohead do that and inspire resignation and disdain from people?

I'm not saying outside his label. If I recall right Mutations was one of them he said it wasn't commercial and they wouldn't normally put that out if not for his deal. Sorry no citation.


Because I'm autistic and focus on things most people couldn't care less about.


I suppose, I think they're problem is being out of ideas though.

That's very weird. Sounds a little like what Mike Patton did with Mr Bungle. He got some genuinely insane shit released because of his FNM connection.

This. She's not a fucking child that wants everything her way without helping, surely she has a good manager and can talk out the terms of her contract. Unless 4AD it's threatening her or something, it's not like she doesn't have connections or resources to release the album. I'm guessing the tweet is just a stunt.

That's what people are doing with grimes right now. You're not being a self involved pig though

Radiohead have done crazier stuff

James likes to stunt all day long. Brownie points bro

>Shit out a couple of contractual obligation albums
lol! do you honestly expect THAT from an artist known for caring a lot about her art? she better doesn't release anything than to compromise her vision.


we? speak for yourself, pleb. also putting her fans and haters in the same basket makes you look like a fool. filter / hide her threads and shut up, spoiled kid. literally no one is going to do anything to please your sensible ego.