How come stealing is such a big deal in the drawing community yet it's celebrated in the music community?

How come stealing is such a big deal in the drawing community yet it's celebrated in the music community?

Other urls found in this thread:

>drawing community

Rap lyrics aren't all about stealing

>drawning community
cmon man you got to be joking

>sampling is stealing
Imagine being this dumb

Can we have an actual discussion guys....

no, you can't come up with things like drawning community and want a serious discussion

>drawing community
anyway, it is. what are you talking about with it's celebrated?


that's sampling.

Are we talking about piracy or sampling?

This sold for $82 million. Please tell me some more about how the "drawing community" hates stealing.

It's not. Multi-millionaire dadrockers sick their army of lawyers on copyright infringements from the comfort of their exotic holiday villas on a regular basis.

>What is Dada

damn near is, especially the way its lazily used
so this sounds just like all the songs sampled?

>Lazily used
>Post picture literally proving him wrong

>actual discussion
m8, you came to the wrong place

all music is "stealing", the only way you can not steal is to not even use instruments (invented by someone else) or notes (all modes were created by someone else) and just smack together rocks

that how grug invent rock music

>sampling is ALWAYS stealing
>sampling is NEVER stealing

can't we just agree that it's sometimes lazy stealing and sometimes not

Why does it matter?

>Even if you create your own samples or use royalty free it's stealing

it doesn't really but Sup Forums loses it's shit over it anyway