ASMR > Music

ASMR > Music

I can't believe I wasted so much time of my life listening to music when this exists baka

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and what the fuck has ASMR to do with music? they are not related whatsoever

I enjoy both immensely but they have different uses

You listen to grown men singing I listen to cute girls (and boys) whispering in my ears
Doesn't take much of a genius to see which one is better

>be a few years ago
>ASMR exploding into popularity
>no idea what the fuck it is, but people keep talking about it
>check it out
>it's a bunch of dumb bitches getting uncomfortably close to the mic as if they are trying to tongue my ear canal

Get the fuck outta here with this shit. I get panic attacks when someone gets too close to my ears.


ASMR loving faggots and weaboos deserve the death penalty.

the fact that you love ASMR proves that you've never had a girl talk like this to you to see how annoying it actually is
go back to your weeb porn

cry more, faggot

This isn't OP but I don't see ASMR as sexual at all actually. Or I just ignore the blatantly sexual ones

someone please explain the appeal of vocal asmr without using the usual talking points of "I get to listen to and look at cute girls whispering to me," I honestly have no idea how you can listen to that shit without feeling like an absolute loser.
non vocal asmr is pretty neat though, it satisfies roughly the same itch that some lowercase does.

Hey could you recommend me some GOOD ASMR?
I've tried it like two months ago for the first time out of boredom, and while I like the idea, most ones I found on youtube were cringe, low-quality or low-effort. Is there anything worthwhile in this field?

i JO to this girl

fabric scratching can be cool

I listened to asmr before any of you fucking plebs

Look at this fucking avant-garde autist.

haha it spells Gay in the embed
[spoiler]good rec[/spoiler]

Yes user I'm absolutely furious about other people being complete losers

so no one can explain it without sounding like a virgin?

I don't see why it's seen as negative to be honest, I feel like it's similar to a podcast, or leaving TV on while falling asleep. It's background noise with the added effect of relaxation, thats it

Lowercase for waifufags.

woops didnt reply

What the fuck even is this thread

>I feel like it's similar to a podcast
>or leaving TV on while falling asleep
podcasts and television both have legitimate content. what is gained from listening to girls on youtube smack their lips and whisper inaudibly into a microphone?
>it's background noise with the added effect of relaxation
it's like listening to girls go into an autistic fit of tics. do you truly not feel like an absolute beta loser when you listen to this shit?

>what is gained
As I said, helps falling asleep, that's about it, they could be talking about whatever I just find the sound of it relaxing
>do you truly not feel like an absolute beta loser when you listen to this shit?
teach me how to be a chad plaese

>lo-fi asmr

>teach me how to be a chad plaese
stop listening to girls coo into a microphone, that's a pretty great start imo

How is it lo-fi that mic is like 500$

put that into youtube, you'll get a bunch of girls chewing on iphone headphone mics

Asmr fucking sucks. I can't stand even a minute of some retard whispering in my ear

It's relaxing and it makes me feel safe

yeah, avoid roleplays (though some are good)

try this

Now imagine getting laid, OP.

>not getting tingles
The sign of a true pleb.

>he doesn't get pringles instead


u mad haha

What about the sound of a attractive girl moving her fingers calmly on your ears?

who is this cutie?

its in the filename
It's asmr

it's depressing how many dislikes this has


it's even worse on this video

Frivolous fox, wanna see her titties?

ye s

Google it.

I actually did already. Those are some tits. yep

fucking plebs

>when they make mouth sounds and it sounds like your dick being sucked

I only use ASMR to masturbate (unironically)

asmr is not for sexual

comfy and sexual.
Whats not to like !?

what kind of videos?

those are the best ones thou?

Which asmr girl is that? What's her channel?

asmr is pure!

damn nice tits...

frivolous fox

frivolous sex more like it
dam look at thos tatahd

I listen to this playlist. It sounds pathetic but having someone talk you to sleep is amazing.

Sleeping Tapes by Jeff Bridges is also really good. ( no meme)


go to save photo, automatically opens my "lewd" folder
>how did it know?

wait something is happening to me.
My penis is getting harder and bigger.
and I feel a weary and woosie