ITT: Guilty pleasures

ITT: Guilty pleasures.






Op here,
My sides hurt.

Literally nothing wrong with enjoying this. Don't be ashamed of yourself.

I don't believe in guilty pleasures but I guess this would count by how most define it

exactly. but these are the type of albums you should be ashamed of liking

I hate everything that's somehow close to reggae, but this one is an exception.


this this this
Makes Me Wonder is literally one of the finest pop songs ever crafted, and the rest of the album is alright too


But this is actually a good album.


All the music from that 2007-12ish era was at least decent.

Fergie comes to mind, as well as Maroon 5.

Cringy lyrics kill this album for me desu

punk ass sissy I'm a freak

name 1 example of cringy lyrics from at least 3 different songs, user


>being insecure about the music you like
Seriously stop being such a cuck


It's not a guilty pleasure if its generally seen as a good and influential album compadre

makes me feel like a weeb but it’s just so fucking good

cmon m8, saturdays youth is cool... ded cities is best though..

their S/T is better

i love both this and mag mell ur not alone user