Writes pop song in 17/8

>writes pop song in 17/8

get on her level

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i don't know what you mean

i'm gonna eat your ass

>it's slutty glorified pop star turned old hag tries to be avant-garde episode

>Bjork writes her own music
Oh sweetie

literally exotic time signatures

Of course you don't. Typical Sup Forums pleb.

bjork has always been avant garde

Maybe if you've never listened to avant-garde before

52 years old

theres literally no difference between her medulla album and meredith monks most extreme releases, except bjork uses the song format

did she make the song on new years or something??

what do you think she's doing right now

You reckon she owns a set of huge dildos?

I want Momma Bjork

Try harder next time

Me too
Hell yeah
She knows it's use it or lose it

i wanna slurp slurp slurp all of Bjork's milkies!

if you're trying to impress me, at least start high: youtube.com/watch?v=BLVz5Ocpea4

just kidding. silly time signatures like OPs or the video I linked, have no real bearing in terms of how good a music performance or composition is, it's just smoke and mirrors. all musicians subdivide into the easiest pulse that one can remember/feel/play, regardless of the written time signature.

I wish she didn't make herself look so retarded. I might listen to more of her if i didn't vomit every time i see her album covers.

>muh time signatures
Pretentious wankery through and through. No better than early Genesis or Dream Theater.

She doesn't look retarded on post and debut though.


wow its kinda like 4/4 but with an extra note every 4 bars thats SO ecksperiMENTAL


You know nothing about bork

Calling Björk avant-garde is a big stretch, user.

but can she write a pop song as a function of x?
no she CAN'T, idiot

Bjork has no talent and she's hack

i would still bork her bork if you catch my bork

I would still shoot myself

pls dont :(

I would still shoot myself after I bork her bork if you catch my bork.

Why is this ugly hag posted on this board everyday?

bjork is the most overrated artist i think ive ever heard

Wow, 4/4 with a stutter. I immediately think of Radiohead, so it must be pretty experimental...

>he hasn't listened to Homogenic

It didn't get better

>memorizes a dozen symbols and notes
>applies basic arithmetic
>thinks he's hot shit
Typical Sup Forums pleb.

Bjork has been in a couple of actual avant garde bands in the 80s. Her solo albums might not be avant garde but she has been involved with it quite a few times throughout her career so it's not that much of a stretch