What were orders 65 and 67?

What were orders 65 and 67?

Were there really 65 other orders?

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There were about 100 orders of people in the universe that Sheev despised. The Jedi were number 66. He was giving the order to kill them.

Order 65 is ironically apprehending and suspending Chancellor Palpatine for treason

>Luke, did I ever tell you about Order 65? Order 65 was one of the 150 contingency orders that the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic were trained to carry out in the event of different emergency scenarios during the Clone Wars. Order 65 stated that if a majority of the Senate or the Security Council declared that the Supreme Chancellor—at that time Palpatine—was unfit for duty, the Chancellor was to be captured or, if necessary, killed. In 19 BBY, 995 days after the Battle of Geonosis, clone commando RC-3222 indirectly mentioned Order 65 to squadmate RC-5108/8843 and Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan during a conversation over the Grand Army's 150 contingency orders at the Republic's Special Operations Brigade Headquarters on Coruscant. However, Order 65 was never implemented during the Clone Wars. It was a good order.

That doesn't make any sense. It was Palpatine who ordered to install inhibitor chips inside clone brains.

Probably only put in there to make order 66 look less suspect.

the chips inside clone brains was made after, also is shit.

>Order 5: "In the event of the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) being declared unfit to issue orders, as defined in Section 6 (ii), the Chief of the Defense Staff shall assume GAR command and form a strategic cell of senior officers (see page 1173, para 4) until a successor is appointed or alternative authority identified."

Why didn't Mace Windu just declare Order 5?

According to TCW neither Jedi nor Senate knew about the chips installed in clone brains


Who was authorised to execute the orders anyway?
Was it only Sheev or could the Jedi use them too

Execute order 69

Why would you give a single man the option to call in a Jedi genocide anyway?

Sheev and Dooku

If only Chancellor can give orders then why is there an order that fucks him over?
What if Palpatine got drunk and thought it would be funny to issue Order 5?

the brain chips thing is retarded

But it's Lucas' canon

Why would they have such an order? The senate could just issue a vote of no confidence in him and he'd be gone

He is the senate.

If Disney did it you'd say it was genius

>Were there really 65 other orders
Yeah, they were 65 different recipes for chicken Tendies
anything above order 67 is lewd related

Palpatine was actually just trying to get the stormtroopers to get ready for their weekly game of Shadowrun, and make sure to bring along their 6d6. Unfortunately they misunderstood

Luke did I ever tell you about Order 37? Order 37: Capture of a single wanted individual through the mass arrest and threatened execution of a civilian population. Follow-up directives include scenarios for body disposal of civilian casualties and suppression of communications. The clones were good friends.


Wouldn't it be funny if Palpatine accidentally said 65 instead of 66?

it's almost as sheev manipulated the situation to allow himself to be the only person who could call in such an order

>Wouldn't it be funny if Palpatine accidentally said 65 instead of 66?


Padme probably should have enacted that order

>quoting the entire post

lmao lad

Fuck off underage samefag


>>quoting the entire post

>lmao lad

execute post number 66

>>>quoting the entire post
>>lmao lad

Yes, sir

>tfw you Emperor Palpatine executed doubles


It shall be done, my lord.