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It's pretty good

>only an 8.6
will is finished lads


Only a 9 from melon can redeem Will.

the score's fine, i guess, but the review itself was pretty shit.

>the review itself was pretty shit.
that's because the review is page filler. no one actually reads the review.

yeah, i just finished reading it. the whole thing was just "will sings about being young and unsure and in love" rephrased and repeated like six times.


>an 8.6/10 is a bad score
typical p4k plebs


Woah this album is pretty lit

How narcissistic do you have to be to re-record your mediocre teenage album instead of write new material when you have whole band/studio/label support?

Why are critics enabling this narcissism?

So sick of this bullshit, Will is playing everyone and getting away easily with it.


Well, he IS gay

Twin Fantasy is a fucking masterpiece, and this is fine with me

>best new music
something's not right here

He had to contractually to make the studios money.

>P4K somehow is still alive
>the review will be all score and the rest is 'lorem ipsum' script written in different languages

Teens of Style 8.1
Teens of Denial 8.5
Twin Fantasy 8.6
I'm happy with this score, I personally rate it higher, most likely my AOTY! Love this fucking album!

>The contract is up
>The names have been changed
>So pour one out
>Whoever you are
>These are only lyrics now...


Hard to think it's him but shocking if real

Will totally isn’t taking advantage of his position like he should (and probably could, to a significant extent) and that’s retarded, but in all seriousness the bullshit-ness surrounding this probably isn’t necessarily a fault of him actually but rather the system in which he is operating in, and of that of fanboyism and modern indie culture and so on. You’re trying to sense a conspiracy that isn’t there, it’s really just more of a collective of retardation
Also you’re projecting in that you’re jumping the gun and assuming it’s narcissism, which says that you clearly have the topic of narcissism on your mind in general, which could imply a handful of things

Agree. Just because Will is “/oneofus/“ mu puts him on a pedestal. It’s mediocre indie rock.

Lol this is so not him

>csh bnm
>the last 6 bnts have the "rock" tag
Is indie rock back in 2018?!

>white artist
>all white band
>black artist
>all black band

this is how p4k reviews now

P4k just gets off falling into place with the most popular narrative of their demographic, it’s getting way to predictable

Why does Pitchfork only review albums after bands join a label? Is is because labels pay pitchfork to promote their artists?

How much do you think Matador payed for this 8.6?


yeah pretty much, part of the reason I voted for trump was pitchfork

>back to back bnms
King of Indie confirmed


This. Also absolutely no commentary on how the rerecording actually changes the feeling of the album and whether it's a good idea or not.

big if true

I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 18 listens to this shit. Where are the fucking mods?

>It's the year of DOG

I’m retarded so I believe this.

He did it! First white male bnm in months

He's been saying he wanted to re-record Twin Fantasy before he even signed to a label you fucking retards, it's obviously not him.

>People say rock and indie is over
>Pissed off when a rock record gets a decent score
Can't please anyone.

I don't like how much less energenic he can sound on this album. Although I do like the post Cute Things songs better now. Also the end of Beach Life. Bodys sounds nice too. But not really my fav, Sober to Death, prefer the original.

Also I hate how he removed Galvinism, reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

hes gay and talks about it on the album so they were feeling lenient

I feel like this sooooooo much worse than the original. No soul. Sad.

Because they fucking suck

Here’s an example of a decent album that they reviewed that only was on bandcamp with a cassette release (and later on vinyl) and they panned it in the shittiest way imaginable

The only time they did a decent job was with Mista Thug Isolation, mostly because the writer knew about Travis' earlier works and Memphis rap.

what if i am 18? asking for a friend

not pretentious enough to be Will

NOPE. Fuck this. Pitchfork is propaganda. Hate this board.

both versions are fantastic, I just don't see how he'll reach any higher though

Nobody actually likes pitchfork you retard

I got record inna post today. I thought it was the remaster and the original? So where the fuck can I get the original?

not until RSD