Is he the one rapper that even people who don't like rap can respect?

Is he the one rapper that even people who don't like rap can respect?

Hopsins the only good rapper. He actually raps about important stuff.

um Unkle Adams? Even people who don't like rap love him

>even people who don't like rap can respect?

For a while this was Eminem, at least on my circle of friends

Is he the one rapper that zombies who don't like rap can respect?


>Is he the one rapper that even people who don't like rap can respect?


No don't respect him.I only respect Pitbull

most people dont even know who he is

people who don't like rap know nothing about rap and so their approval is utterly worthless

in fact it's probably a bad thing to have their approval

I worked with a G-Eazy dickrider once and he told me to "change that shit" when I played MM Food.


he's too niche for people to be known by people who don't like rap

i have a friend who does shitty electronic music and he said the same thing when i played doomsday

I once showed him to my friends and they made fun of his mask. Also they said that it sounded like he's recording on a potato and the stuff he's saying doesn't make sense. So no.


I like hip hop a lot but this fuckers voice puts me to sleep
Are there any MF Doom projects/songs where he doesn't rap like a lethargic fatass? Yeah the lyrics are good but I can't be made to give a fuck when the delivery is that fucking dead

Try vaudeville villain.

what he hopsin?




>"hoopy boopy doopy booboo looloo oopty goopty" ad nauseum
Rapchildren are so fucking embarrassing.


Ice Cube.

I don't like rap and don't respect him so no

My Dad likes Outkast

also hes more lively on operation doomsday. also listen to thats that from born like this