Gf listens to Drake, Imagine Dragons, RHCP, Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Oasis, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, John Mayer, Maroon 5...

>gf listens to Drake, Imagine Dragons, RHCP, Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Oasis, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, John Mayer, Maroon 5, Calvin Harris, Chainsmokers, Kygo, DJ Khaled, Rihanna, etc.

Is there a way I can save her from that absolute state?

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better than Sup Forumscore 2bqh


fuck i wanna kill myself going through her favourites

Get her into dream pop or something

Beyond redemption.


Shit like this is why I'm so fucking angry all the time.

Fuck her with death grips in the background. But don't play it in the same room. It has to be subtle for it to get in her subconscious

at least oasis has a few good songs

All the taste she needs is the one of your cock in her mouth.

Could be worse


Most people don't want to be "saved", they want to listen whatever they like. Get off your high horse you fucking virgin.

here is some entry level albums to ease her in to something more challenging

My gf listens to acoustic cover playlists exclusively:(

she has better taste than you probably

post your taste collage or something

this is the worst


>how is people not like same musick as i!!!

Listen to some Elliott Smith and Nick Drake with her

>ease her in with Kid A
>wailing free jazz in National Anthem
>compressed Thom Yorke mumbling
>Sung Tongs
>Avey Tare screaming at the top of his lungs alongside Panda Bear making woop sounds as they assault a pair of acoustic guitars
>What are we even listening to, user??
>implying every woman in North America under the age of 25 hasn't already listened to Mac DeMarco and Frank Ocean
Ask me how I know you don't get out often.

Yeah no. These aren't entry level for normies.

Feed her the gripspill

>Coldplay AND Muse
Sounds like she's ready for her first lemon sucking and flan in the face from Radiohead.

>DJ Khaled
you made that up, right?

most people are more open to new music than you think and when ive introdiced them to AnCo the response has usually been positive
ask me how I know you don't go out often


Download Phonemenomicon and watch her tastes change quickly. If not she's just a brainless sexbot. Maybe skip the album download and just use her as a sexbot? Tough choices.

When's the last time you've talked about music with a Chainsmokers fan?

probably yesterday, who knows? i didn't ask if she liked chainsmoker though

maybe your bitter ass should get into some Pop so you can talk to her about music more

or maybe get her into some of the more entry-level shit you like, that is if your pretentious ass even likes any entry-level music

with that being said, fuck John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5, RHCP, DJ Khaled, Imagine Dragons and Chainsmokers. the rest of those aren't bad, Drake and Rihanna both have some good albums in their discographies, and Coldplay were tolerable until around the turn of the decade. also Calvin Harris' newest album was one of the best of 2017.

He just needs to shave his damn head.

I once tried getting my gf at the time into King Krule. As soon as I started 6 ft beneath the moon and he goes "same old bobby same old beat" she starts laughing at his "ridiculous voice". Truly beyond salvation.

She'd be asleep by the time we got to the second track of Vespertine.

>sweet trip
>first track has some of the glitchiest stuff i've ever heard
yeah no

start her off with chillhop, lo-fi r&b, and finally drop the eurobeat bomb on her.

Wouldn't Post or maybe Debut be better entry-level Björk for a normie?

holy shit women suck lmao so glad i don't have a gf haha

If she's white just get her into indeh or EDM.

what about DSCO, Stept, International or Chocolate Matter?

>haha so glad

>significant other likes coldplay, muse, imagine dragons
>"all good babe just gonna ease you in to some good music"
>everything in its right place starts
>"this edm artist is trash user, whens the bass drop"

So you want a dude with a pussy to be you GF? Girls are retarded. If you arent a homo you kind of accept that fact immediately. Putting up with retarded women is just training for putting up with your retarded kids. Are you gonna be an autistic father who tells his kids what "good" music is? The good thing is if you remain this way no woman will fuck you eventually so these things sort themselves out in nature.

she was right
t.a British person

in before the RHCP isn't pop rock autist inevitably comes again

to be fair I've never shown Leaf House to a pleb and had them not like it

>having a gf
you are a true bonehead and a true busta if you actually and unironically have a gf

>daniel johnston


Kid A is trash and unlistenable. Sup Forums is retarded contrarian

My GF only listens to trap rap and country

Beyonce is ok though
This is actually the worst

no. one of the lamest most sisyphean tasks is to force art on others. don't waste your time

jeez, she a laughingbitches.jpg irl

We share a board with these people

My bf is obsessed with Travis Scott and Halsey, but I'm gradually getting him into better music. So far Ceres and Calypso in the Deep Time and Worst Party Ever's Anthology have had the most success.

If Sup Forums hadn't forced art onto me I'd still be listening to Skrillex, Avenged Sevenfold, and 30 Seconds to Mars on a daily basis.

kek glad you "graduated" but nothing was forced here. You were naturally curious and had some doors opened for you

>you will never be this thicc

Is there a tier lower than pleb? Cause that’s whatever lever your gf is on.
Aside from Oasis and MAYBE Imagine Dragons and Coldplay, that’s all the most fucking common denominator normie pandering shit in the industry. Normalfags don’t even listen to more than 5 of those and at least have one challenging artist they follow.
Ditch that vapid slut. She probably wouldn’t even realize you broke up until 5 hours later that 43 iq retard

dump him

what seems to be the problem?

I think there's hope, user. I predict he'll be listening to shoegaze, black metal, and post-hardcore by the end of the year.


>my taste is supreme
>you're retarded for enjoying anything else
hurr durr

OP here, explain your choice to keep this shit going

10 bucks says she has better taste than you do

Animal Collective is not entry-level anything, except maybe My Girls. Start her off with more poppy psych, like Tame Impala.

>we share a board with a guy who uses le epic kat reaction pics xddd

probably has an anime profile pic on FB/Insta if he even has one

Here's how
>Get in car
>Play music you like through the car
If she likes it, great, if not, oh well. Just keep playing new music every time you're in the car.

>using social media

Your gf has bettet taste than you. Get over it you fuckung weirdo

Are you 15?

Is she an alcoholic football hooligan from 1996?

>This is what Americans find attractive

what if I don't have a car?

meh, not that bad.

her taste is an indication of why she fell in love with you

The only thing he'd ease her into is thinking he's gay

skrillex and a7x are good though you wet bitch

>nothing was forced here
Not true, my first post here was a thread I made about dubstep, which was met with tons of people insulting my taste and telling me to listen to "better" music. I wasn't naturally curious, I came here to shill my shitty music, and was "forced" by the mob mentality to improve my taste if I wanted to continue to discuss music here.

Yeah ngl Skrillex did have some bangers but a7x is hot garbage

>Animal Collective
>Sufjan Stevens
>Yo La Tengo
>entry level albums

dj khaled and oasis are patrician I don't know what the fuck you're talking about
rest are shit though

>Animal Collective is not entry-level anything

I never worry about music taste in women, I've never met one who liked anything other than generic pop or what they believe to be alternative music like fucking evanesence or my chemical romance. Music is something I discuss on Sup Forums though, so if the girl still sucks my dick, who cares what she listens to?

>if the girl still sucks my dick, who cares what she listens to?

>Aside from Oasis and MAYBE Imagine Dragons and Coldplay, that’s all the most fucking common denominator normie pandering shit in the industry
Oh shut the fuck up dickhead

If she looks like that she can listen to whatever she wants.

get her to listen to some stuff that both Sup Forums or RYM likes that normies also like. Maybe Kanye?

>gf accepts that she's a pleb instead of trying to look smart by listening to the drivel that "experimental" indie acts put out.
You should be thankful that you've found such an intellectually honest life companion.

Calvin harris is alright, kings of leon have one good song, rest is shit

No. You're just a piece of shit who deserves nothing but die alone. Let her listen whatever the fuck she wants, even if it's shit.

>gf says "what's some of the weirdest shit you like"
>put on PiL
>hmm, this actually isn't bad

Leave her the fuck alone you piece of shit. Let her listen to whatever she wants.

I hope you break up with her so she finds a chad that likes the same music as her.

how about just letting her like what she wants to like without thinking of some virgin plan to get her into bands like Einsturzende Neubauten or Magma or anything else obscure and niche

you've gone off the deep end

None of that shit entry level for normies. I don't think you understand just how pleb normies really are.

> Drake
Show her Miguel
>Imagine Dragons
Show her early U2
Show her their 80s stuff? I dunno. Don't really care much about them.
Show her early U2 and Radiohead
>Kings of Leon
Show her early U2 and Wilco
I assume you just mean Wonderwall? Show her some of their other 90s singles
Mary J Blige
>Ed Sheeran
James Taylor
>John Mayer
Stevie Ray Vaughn
>Maroon 5
Uh their first album?
>Calvin Harris
Disclosure's first album is decent UKG/house revival for normies
see above
see above
>DJ Khaled
I don't even know
I don't even know. Amy Winehouse?

This. With the recent indie-fartsy movement going on Tame Impala never fails with girls lmao