Reviewbrah cries on his podcast

He talks about the Sup Forums troll who nearly ruined his life last summer

(Go to 1 hour and 4 minutes into the podcast)

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>mfw you're an idiot

Why do americans think anyone is interested in them talking shit about their lives in adenoidal faggot language?
It must be the autism capital of earth.
2 and a half hours of this cunt whining? No.

>trolling brah

despicable. i'd like to know who they are

>bullying our guy

Not cool guys

if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen

he's a fragile little shut-in, in the style of his new england brother hp lovecraft


based reviewbrah

he's dropping some real wisdom too

Funbunch your peanuts in my vajoinder

This was me lol


God I turned it off because he's just too boring to listen to.

>Sup Forums troll who nearly ruined his life
You assholes.

>Sup Forums troll

stalking a guy, breaking and entering into his home is not trolling it's a fucking felony, i hope that faggot goes to jail

is this suit properly fit?


Reviewbrah-kun... ;_;

listening now, took him 5 minutes to state a Sup Forums troll was trying to make him up to be a white nationalist

is it bad i know exactly which video this is from

Not listening to this faggot. What happened? And do we know for sure if it is on of us?

Some form of jalapeno cheese balls? I'm not american, so I'm not that familiar it.

He's schizophrenic.

holy fucking christ this faggot is boring as shit
but you did it shill, you got him a view
hope the stalker bangs his mum tbhonest

You people are jackasses.

Neck yourselves, my dudes.

Some guy from Sup Forums started to post articles on social media that he was a racist white nationalist, then he started stalking reviewbrah and broke into his home at night stealing famiy pictures and posting them to Sup Forums, i don't have a link to the thread anymore but i'm sure someone does

If you don't care about him, why would you care about what happened to him? Fuck off.

the burger king mac and cheetos review

Look at them fingernails


Sup Forumscucks confirmed for no life autists.

i have the suspicion he did all that himself to gain attention.

not really

Someone post his qt sister

>i spent large parts of my life trying to make people think this kid is a racist

here you go.

Holy shit the stalking pictures were actually real

I fucking love and hate this place

>broke into his home at night stealing famiy pictures and posting them to Sup Forums
Sounds like a lie. Mah dog ate by homework level of a lie. I bet it was one of this guy's friends who actually posted his photos, I bet he gets bullied by that "friend".

>He talks about the Sup Forums troll
Sup Forums is a board of peace. user would never.

Is this what having a waifu feels like?

>broke into his home at night stealing famiy pictures and posting them to Sup Forums
I'm not sure if this is too low brow to applaud or too high level to appreciate.

>just reviewbrah with longhair
pretty hot desu

Search the pol archive for reviewbrah and you'll find them

what pics

Just to let you guys know that if I catch any of braking in my house, I can guarantee you that it will be your last mistake and you'll never be able leave.

In another video of him talking about this problem he said he a friend, as in only one.

some pics of him and his family from some obscure website, someone tracked them down.

The evidence is self explanatory.

Some guy posting pics of his house, his family and him sat in his car

>hold the fuck up

good, dirty feet.
i wonder how reviewbrah would rate them.


Cause as soon as I hear Sup Forums troll I see the potential for keks

Thank you for delivering

>broke into his home at night
In case you're dumb, both of these things are bullshit.



i'm at 1:07 and he hasn't cried yet


pot to kettle

You are mentally ill.

RB is 17 in this picture though

Just wait until 1:15 he starts going on a screaming rant on how he wants to hang all the wogs.

>tried to show the world i was a militant white nationalist

Fucking kek

poor dude.
who the fuck did this?

He looks like he's 12 in that pic.

who dares to disrespect the king?

Obviously stalking him and threatening him is not cool but I thought the meme about him becoming slowly unhinged and racist was pretty funny

i remember the green van thing, i thought that was just some weird joke by him, but he continued. didn't know it was that bad.

I really don't believe the thing about breaking into his house, but I remember seeing those pictures of him I'd never seen before. There was one picture where the guy said "He REALLY doesn't want you to see this one". I actually deleted it from my computer because if Reviewbrah doesn't want me to see it I don't want to look at it.

everyone whos popular on Sup Forums gets memed out to be a white nationalist

I know, I thought he was nuts, but it was actually happening. I can't believe it.

the dream team

look at her hands/face...exact same mannerisms.

this must be where he gets it

truly kino trolling

It sucks, but it happens to a lot of people who have Sup Forums as their audience. It happened to Scooby, it happened to Chris Chan, and it now happened to Reviewbrah.

I don't know what he expected. He's a fucking weirdo who makes mediocre food reviews of shitty fast food restaurants. The internet is not your safe space. You want to fill it with niche content, expect to attract a niche audience.

what a fucking pussy lmao

Reviewbrah handled it well though. Chris chan a retard that fed the trolls for 5 whole years

How is he a weirdo besides being a timid beta?

and pewdiepie and sam hyde

Sam actually wants to Make America White Again. Pewdiepie said youtube was trying to keep his channel down because he's white.

I teabagged you're mum

It happened to Latza.

yeah but in both their cases it was exaggerated, sam became the legendary mass shooter and pewdiepie became a literal nazi

Kek. Poor Latza.

>painting random minor celebrities as neonazis but in a sympathetic way
>using the "he's the shooter" meme

I wonder which board could be behind this...


One day Sam will snap though. Same with this fastfood review faggot.


Ben "pullin the trigger on every nigger" Garrison


Who dat? She's hot.

Who is that?

>someone from Sup Forums
>leaving the house

>I don't know what he expected.
From how unassuming the first few vids were I don't think he imagined any significant person would care about him or his reviews, he seemed to just be doing them as a hobby to fill time and feel productive about his thoughts on whatever he was shoveling into his gut.

But the Internet is made from people with too much free time willing to waste it on anything relatable or strange. The most mundane things are often the most relatable and his slightly strange dress and review style likely helped him stand out too regardless of intention or expectation.

Why those like him and Rose get targeted isn't clear. Their content is pretty conserved compared to the more loud personalities who rarely seem to harassed beyond a few mocking comments. Maybe that very nature is what singles them out as targets.

Maybe there is no answer, and the true horror is some people are just born to suffer.

Whose house did he drive to again? Anything happen afterwards? What happened to him in the last year?

Add footage of some blood splattered onto a wall and this will be perfect

He kind of is. He talks about being gang-stalked, that's classic schizophrenia.

man people from Sup Forums really are pieces of shit, what did reviewbrah ever do to deserve this?

I was surprised by his voice

Who is she? Tell me, tell me, tell me.

>Whose house did he drive to again?
Mike Stoklasa's.
>Anything happen afterwards?
He harassed Brad Jones.
>What happened to him in the last year?
He got a job at Disney and got moved in with Rachel Tietz.

Why were you listening to two hour podcast from this guy?

That never happened. He only posted screenshots from Google maps and publicly accessible photos of his grandma.

That's not a felony.