Webm thread lads

post what you got

last thread reached limit

subs would be nice...






>javmoot still hasn't improved webm support for larger files, audio and vp9

I wanna kiss her nose

>expecting improvements when hiroshima can't even afford the site as it is without stupid ads

>put a donate button up
>whales support the site and then some with huge donations

woooow so hard


It really is that simple too. Blind Wave do videos that only pull numbers in the tens of thousands yet get thousands of dollars worth of shit send to them by their fans every week.

Imagine how many people visit here.

muh vp9





OC for the thread

>it's another thread for deaf people

user, you might want to get your hearing checked







>The problem with action movies today





>The thing about Steven [Spielberg], I think he was the first person I ever saw that had a phone in his car.





>cooking with the rings on
>cutting with a dull knife

..why not just edit this shit out



Because he doesn't see an issue



>Original Alan Scott Green Lantern
What the fuck?


for the nerds in the audience who knows what comics are worth

Autistic batman sometimes takes payment in things that are not cash. Heck, he had T206 Honus Wagner that worth 200k, a Renoir worth a million, and a Jackson Pollack paining.





jesus christ - this triggers me


Hottest thing about this is that little tongue bit at the end and the fuzzy boats the streaker is wearing.

Source is Triple Dog

Always forget people beg for sauce for that scene. Also - the Accountant was really good but the security dude being his brother was a bit too cute

I loved it, had it degenerated into THE MISSION COMES FIRST I would've been pissed but it went exactly the way I wanted.

Kendrick is looking haggard in this scene.

lel, you can tell exactly when the cage splits open to allow the camera man through.

I'm not into wrasslin women normally but that one makes me diamonds.

I suspect I will masturbate over her.


Post her licking herself like a cat.

Jesus christ those stomachs.

yfw you'll never get to see brie and aj make-out

this pretty much defines what i think of when i hear "millennial american male".






Nah, that scene was heartwarming and is one of the rare times I teared up a bit in a film

what movie?

taxi driver

>Drop kicking someone for no reason at all

That's literally uncalled for

An Italian flick called Casotto.

Cruise needs to play more villains.

He's very convincing as a psychopath.

wow that is some GOAT CG




Except shooting someone in the stomach 3 times doesn't kill them. That would have been a very messy encounter.



He shot both of them in the head.




>Except shooting someone in the stomach 3 times doesn't kill them.

you're right, the first guy was shot in the chest twice, but the second guy was shot in the chest and head, in the full scene Vincent caps the first one in the face to finish him off.

He should play Mephisto in the Marvel movies.

Top fucking kek


They knew what they were doing.

Why did they start stripping what the fuck


It's a movie by Takashi Mike and usually his movies make no sense most of the time.


>not using the actual movie to make the webm


wild at heart