Is Sam Hyde's show coming back?

Well, how about we take a look at the average premiere ratings for Adult Swim shows in the 2015 - 2016

Infomercials, Fishcenter Live, and Off The Air are excluded due to a lack of data as they aired at 4 AM. Toonami premieres have also been omitted from this list.

>Rick & Morty (Season 2): ~1,970,000
>The Jack And Triumph Show (Season 1): ~1,380,000 [cancelled]
>Robot Chicken (Season 8): ~1,280,000
>China, IL (Season 3): ~1,270,000 [cancelled]
>Children's Hospital (Season 6): 1,220,000
>Children's Hospital (Season 7): 1,165,000
>Black Jesus (Season 2): ~1,160,000
>Squidbillies (Season 10 as of December 2016): ~1,130,000
>Mike Tyson Mysteries (Season 2): ~1,120,000
>Decker: Unclassified (Season 1): ~1,100,000
>The Eric Andre Show (Season 4): ~1,090,000 (This was the lead-in for World Peace)
>Neon Joe: Werewolf Hunter (Season 1): ~1,070,000
>YPFIGTH (Season 3): ~1,040,000
>Venture Bros (Season 6): ~1,030,000 including All This and Gargantua-2, ~1,010,000 excluding
>Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever (Season 11): ~1,000,000 [cancelled]
>Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio (Season 1): ~986,000 [cancelled]
>Mr. Pickles (Season 2): ~973,000
>YPFIGTH (Season 2): 963,000
>Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace (Season 1): ~897,000 [cancelled]
>Dream Corp, LLC (Season 1): ~896,000
>Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule (Season 4): ~871,000 [cancelled]


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Hello Adult Swim shill


all this shows is that adult swim is steadily getting less viewers

Its not about ratings. Sam is just an obnoxious unprofessional pieces of shit and no one at the network wants to work with him.

or juuuuuust maybe they dont want to support some racist misogynist retard

i know the concept of morality is alien to you Sup Forumstards but there are still good people left in the world

>check it out with Dr. Steve Brule

Say it ain't so

This. His gimmick of being over the top and political makes people hate working with him.

>tfw sam's schtick is getting memed on by turbonormies and he will soon be a footnote in comedy history

adult swim was never actually funny, just different

way too much "random" humor

>lower ratings than other cancelled shows

And the problem here is?

Why do you adult swimmers think it's so hilarious to purposely make shows look like they have the production budget of a public access channel program?

>all this shows is that adult swim is steadily getting less viewers
How so?

This is true. So are all tv channels though because more Americans are cutting the cord every year.

Sam's already a footnote in the history of adult swim. He will have zero mentions in "comedy history".



>history of adult swim
it has no history
it's a shitty cuck network of no importance or relevance

Jesus Sam...stop...get a fucking job.


3/10, lacks subtlety

he did it the absolute madman

kek is Sup Forums still whining about this show being canceled? these kids couldn't handle the real world and got btfo, find a new favorite show.

top kek

good to see he's still getting work

actually it's basically a comedic institution, you might be able to recognize this if you were less triggered about mde being cancelled
of course they are, you know it takes them forever to process anything

Like moths drawn to a flame

Has he been taken into custody yet

no. let it go.

unlike Sam...maybe these fine ladies would cheer him up.

Only going to stop posting this when Sam stops shilling

lmao you wish

She's not a lady.

post feet

It'll feel like someone travelled back in time and sabotaged our universe if this is the first and last television outing we see from Hyde and co. The "optics" of the whole thing...This show is the first thing in at least a decade I can think of that's gotten this sort of "too hot for TV" reputation. It just seems like insanity for someone to not pick them up. Just goes to show the power of SJWs I guess. Oh well at least Trump won

>This show is the first thing in at least a decade I can think of that's gotten this sort of "too hot for TV" reputation. It just seems like insanity for someone to not pick them up.

There's always Channel Awesome.

i'd fuck the one on the right no problemo

vid related:

If you can't fuck a passing tranny it means you are unsure of your heterosexuality and therefore gay.