This is a list of essential hacks in all mediums

This is a list of essential hacks in all mediums.

Remember, liking at least 3 people on this list makes you an absolute pleb, not able to appreciate higher forms of art.

so we're supposed to hate mainstream and popular things eh? popularity=/=good?

kys Sup Forums nigger

The plural of medium is media

I like Stockhausen, Tchaikovsky and Lynch.

Explain to me why and how I am a pleb without using buzzwords.

>having a discernable style makes you a hack
Kill yourself and I hope you regret the time it probably took to make this poor bait wasn't used to improve your shitty life

Joke's on you, only people on here I've even heard of are Kanye and Miyazaki

>David Foster Wallace, Franz Kafka, Cormac McCarthy

10/10 I'm mad, well done, ya got me.

When did this board fill up with such pedestrian fucking retards?

Probably around the time you showed up.

I used to like Takeshi Kitano movies, they were my favorite films

Too bad Sup Forums hates it now and I cannot continue liking

You enjoy shallow and meaningless filth masquerading as art. You have succumbed to their puerile lies.

In short, your taste is middling. Which is worse than having poor taste.

>Damo Suzuki
>Hideaki Anno
This is bait, ambitious bait, I'll give it that, but still bait.

It's not "bait"

It's an honest evaluation of artists and their hollow "art"

If you can't see that, there isn't a lot of hope for you.

Other than the directors and actors (and kanye west lol) I have no idea who any of these people are

>roger waters
Hi Gilmour

I've seen this image posted a few times. Personally, I'd add Ravel, PTA, Monet, James Joyce, and Aphex Twin to the list.

>Mike Patton

Nice try, 15 yo kid inside.

This is obvious bait.

If you have watched, for example, more than Satántanó, Werkmeister Harmoniak and Turin Horse you will see that Bela Tarr isn't a hack. His early movies like Family Nest and Macbeth are notably different.

>honest evaluation
>it's just a list of names

where is james cameron?

also, what's wrong with de palma?

Well shit if (You) say it then it must be true
Pack it up boys this guy has us pegged

>no tarkovskij
>no truffaut

Step up your game.

John Zorn in the list what the fuck happenned to Sup Forums is full of redditors that hate everything isn't ma memes.

>A hack

I would love to punch you straight in the face.


I really like:

David Foster Wallce
David Lynch
Kurt Vonnegut
Cormac McCarthy
Coen Brothers
Bela Tarr
Christian Bale

Go ahead, tell me why I'm a pleb.

Tbqh, the definition of hack does sort of include Kafka and DFW. Kafka especially is a bit of a one-trick pony. His trick is profound and changed literature, but it's still one trick.

>His early movies like Family Nest and Macbeth are notably different.

It's the same trick man. Macbeth just took his "long shots are artistic per definition" M.O. to a ridiculous extreme.

weak ass bait

There's an explanatory footnote m8. It's even written at an 8th grade level.

Being glib doesn't excuse anti-intellectualism or dishonest art.

>kim ki duk
impossible to disagree with this one,good chart

I don't know how an evafag can claim to have any idea what art is.

He's right too, Waters a SHIT

>Micheal Gira

Every Swans album is the same shit and you know it.