US theatrical release coming to an end

>US theatrical release coming to an end
>Already out in most global territories, including China
>Box office receipts winding down
>Social media buzz almost dead

And this screener is still nowhere to be found.

Let's face it. "Screener Season" is a thing of the past. Hollywood has won the piracy battle. All the major release groups have been punked out.

This will have dire consequences for all forms of kino piracy in the future.

How poor do you have to be to not afford a cinema ticket?

And a cinema is a better experience anyway, big screen, good sound etc.

Some movies are worth actually going to the cinema for.

Rogue One is such an example.

It's going to make over a billion dollars.
Stop acting like that's a failure.

i imagine it's hard to leak something that has your name plastered on every frame

No, it's not. It's going to do just under 1 Billion

most people who want the screener have already seen it in theatres.

Wide China release is on 20th January.

Saw it in the theater twice m8.

We both know the movie theater experience is fucking garbage

>people crinkling popcorn bags
>fat people stuffing their faces with crunch popcorn for the entire movie
>some asshole checking his phone every ten minutes
>people talking
>people constantly getting up
>theater usher walking by with a flashlight every 20 minute

Except you're an idiot and the screener is out everywhere literally right now

>kino piracy

unless you have a 50" or greater tv with external speakers plus some actual organization for your pirated material such as Plex (pic related) then it is NOT piracy kino

No it's not. It was on the 6th. Previews started on the 5th. The movie has basically bombed in china

I think TFA ruined Star Wars for China

I saw Rogue One in theatre, it was full of children and i didn't even hear anyone talk except the one next to me when some dude said "Sister" and he was confused.

Where the hell do you live ? In a zoo ?

lol nice proof faggot

That looks like shit. Your taste in movies is shit.

>Saw it in a theater full of children
>Things that never happened

Stop with your pedo fantasies

Yeah and its much more fun throwing your trash around the theater

Kill yourself you dumb nigger
(You) and the only one for you

>cinema is a better experience anyway

Yeah! I love the little plastic glasses they make you wear and how dim it all is, and how it gives you a headache.

And it's a social event, you really feel part of society when everyone laughs at something that isn't funny and you feel peer pressured into going along.

>he didn't hear
They already caught the guy that leaked fences
screener season is DEAD FOREVER

>Lying to strangers on the internet

Look mom I did it again!

You know you don't have to see movies in 3d?

The rest is just autism

rate my organsation

Release groups have said they will release a bunch of screeners. They will do it eventually.

But they are stupid thinking if they take longer to release them, Hollywood jews won't wan't to catch them, and rape their asses.

Kickass and Megaupload took down stuff every time they received a DMCA complaint and yet the owner of Kickass got arrested, and Megaupload's owner got all his stuff worth many millions taken away from him.

also the faggots that bring crisp packets in my kinohouse

Its in alphabetical order user.

You lose massive points for referring to the first film in a series as '1'.

windows puts it at the end of a trilogy if i leave out the 1. checkmate user.


My cinema releases every single goddamn movie that came out in December in March. So no thanks, I don't think I'll wait that long to see it.

>referring to the first film in a series as '1'
should i refer to it as '0'?

A cinema ticket costs $17.50, I can do a lot more with that money than waste it sitting in front of a guy who won't stop talking and behind a guy with a fucking afro.



Absolutely badly named

I bed you don't even seed, at least put the year on them.