Primer (2004)

I don't understand.

Please help me understand? I'm so distressed.

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I fucking hate shane carruth

It's hard to understand. I didn't get it on my first watch and I read a synopsis online.

I recommend doing this. While it's not a great film, I really admire what they did.

they turn on box
then later they go in box
then they come out box when they turned it on
one of them figured out you can bring modules with you and make new box in the past so you can essentially reuse a box
the old man shit is NOT explained, it's supposed to show that shit is not totally in their control

Primer wasn't difficult to understand but his other movie Upstream Colour is a fucking pretentious indie 2deep5u turd that tries to be different, kinda like Lynch but it's just a really confusing pile of mess. Now watch fedoras telling me otherwise.

>"Primer explained"

Upstream Color wasn't that hard to understand either. I concede that it's presentation is extra artsy but I don't think its particularly pretentious.

>I don't understand.

Upstream Color was easy to understand after you read his original intent which was the multi-stage parasite but Primer is a different beast altogether.

>boxes inside boxes
Also the father in law thing isn't explained, it's to show that things can get out of hand quickly

here's a secret

people like it not because they understand it, but how legitimate and well done the production was on the movie considering it was done by one guy for no money.

One thing that confused me the first couple times I saw it was that I didn't understand how they are able to go so far back in the end of the story (seemed like it was back before they ever had a box which obviously wouldn't make sense). But it turns out I was forgetting that Abe had already built and used the box before the scene where Aaron is on the bench listening to "March Madness". So they aren't going back further than the first box after all.


The worst film I have ever seen in my life.

I watched it because I was promised pretty visuals and style over substance, instead I got a somewhat complicated (not really, but it was intentionally confusing) plot, and some music that was the only indicator of the climaxing moments. Director should stick to teaching time travel to fifth graders.

Really? The very worst?

I respectfully refuse to accept an explanation from a girl.

pretend its a trap

If I'm completely lost by the time they meet up to see the blonde guy's double enter the storage facility, does it mean I'm stupid?

>The worst film I have ever seen in my life.

Have you seen 5 films in your life?

I'm sorry but yes

>My first time with a woman was after watching this at her place

Bizarre to say the least

Time travel sci-fi got you two in the mood?

his smug cunt face and his obnoxious interviews. you can just tell he thinks he is the smartest person in the world

>The worst film I have ever seen in my life.

what are things with people with 80 IQ say alex

I'd feel that way too if 90% of people told me my movie was impossible to follow when it's only a slightly above average mindfuck.

I'm glad I was able to put my sexism aside and watch the video. I understand better now.

What in your opinion is a more complex film then?

Kung Pow

What I don't understand is that they were watching football and the outcome of the match was different?

It wasn't different. They were concerned it might become different but it was a last-second play that finalized the score. I assume they only knew the score going in.

ITT: Movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching

Oh ok thanks.

Abe was sleeping with Aaron's wife? Or was it just a crush he had on her that Aaron noticed?

Just watch Steins;Gate and its same

I think just a crush. Idk though that aspect was not very explored. Also did Abe have kids or were they his siblings? And either way why was he so skittish around them?

They were friends and Abe was not married. He was the boyfriend of Rachel who is the daughter of Granger (the rich guy they were trying to get to fund their projects).

I have completely forgotten, how did the time machine work on that? How did it even look like?

Abe lives with friends?

He's just around a lot because he has a crush on Aaron's wife I suppose.

Chinese cartoons are for plebs will never reach the complexity seen in Primer or even other simpler Hollywood mindtwisters.

>just watch a weeb take on the concept of time travel, trust me it's better
yeah no

I'd rather even read H.G. Wells' novel than stoop so low

If you need to look up material to fully understand the plot of your film, then your film is a failure by definition.

Are we referring to the same thing? There are a couple scenes where Aaron visits Abe and there are kids around that are not adequately given context, but neither Abe nor Aaron seem to want to spend any time around.

You can get it eventually by watching the movie multiple times. How do you think these graphs and explanation videos were made in the first place? Looking up these is just a shortcut for people lazy to watch the movie multiple times.

At the end scene at the airport Aaron tells Abe that he should make a copy of his wife and kid so "he could stop feeding of him" or something.

I like Carruth's work, but his need to be so deliberately oblique makes me think he's a bit autistic.

Though Upstream Color was a gorgeous film, and I think it was better than this

From what I recall it's always Abe visiting Aaron's house and not the other way around? There's only 1 kid and she's the blond haired girl Lauren - Aaron's daughter.

In fact I think the only house we see in the movie is Aaron's.

the problem is that the whole purpose of watching Primer is to understand the plot. There isn't some underlying theme to grasp (other than "Timetravel can lead to some pretty crazy shit). Its just a Rubick's cube with no payoff

there are many infographics on reddit

No there is one scene (I think after they first open the small box and get knocked out cold) where Aaron visits Abe and even specifically tells him to meet him at the door because he doesn't want to interact with these mysterious kids in question

While I disagree about there being no themes to be found in the movie, some people consider solving a puzzle to be its own payoff.

>Its just a Rubick's cube with no payoff
You can't say there's no payoff. Just the fact that he was able to pull it off deserves appreciation.

>women think that men try to save their lives so that they can feel powerful and gain adulation from women
>its not because men genuinely care for the wellbeing of others regardless of gender

honestly kill me

Oh now I remember. He was just referring to the freeloaders in his house in a derogatory manner. The camera pans to the couch and it's a grown man crashing at his house.

What's hard to get?

I've seen this film only once and it was with my buddy Carter. We were launching stacked funnels and making petals and we could still understand it. What's wrong with you people?

don't lie asshole

Don't kill yourself over the ramblings of a delusional feminist.

>and it was with my buddy Carter. We were launching stacked funnels and making petals
what did he mean by this?

They were buttfucking each other.

Who's lying? If my Plywood Chorus hadn't just farmed an 8-slit frond, I'd school you on the true meaning of Primer.

Different time lines, different divergent points, chaos effects, etc.

Also the MC travels through "timelines" mainly because he's somehow able to keep his memories while everyone elses changes