Experimental / Avant garde albums by popular artists


Just because it's shit doesn't mean it's experimental.

Scott Walker - Tilt

Dunno if this qualifies since it's a bootleg.

t. culturally illiterate brainlet


didn't he literally just add distortion over a daft punk track lol
wow the ceiling is set pretty low here huh

Zappa's, Bjork's, Caetano's and Buckley's albums are good. The rest is a failure. Yeezus isn't experimental but nice try.

Anthony Braxton - For Alto

>White Album
Interesting pick. I wouldn't call it avant-garde, apart from Revolution 9.

If you think Lulu is of any worth, you don't have the right to call anyone a culturally illiterate brainlet.

No. You're stupid.
I bet you think rap sucks too?

The only thing MGMT experimented with on this album was their sexuality.


avant garde a clue

Passengers too.

on sight is literally a house song by daft punk they added distortion to. they probably were thinking 'wow somebody somewhere is going to think this is experimental hahah'
clipping's early stuff is objectively more deserving of the spot


How is trend-hopping on midcity and TNGHT (s/t) 'experimental'?

Hip-hop with industrial elements in 2013 was only new for casual hip-hop fans.


Guns n Roses - Chinese Democracy

Meme answer aside, I would say this one. To think the same guys who made “Electric Feel” and “Kids” (ironically) also make I love you too, death and An Orphan of Fortune is pretty crazy released on a major label in the present day.


