Why type of stance is this called?

Why type of stance is this called?

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Looks like she just left a fuck-session. Gave her a real raw dog.


I wish we could deport Canadians.

shes a big girl

The "trying to hold in the semen" stance.

The upright cunt.

see this?

this board is full of teenage boys, and that's why it's shit.

>makes fun of white people
>SHE'S white

Why do white people sell out their own race like this? It's pathetic.

Asian here

>Why do white people sell out their own race like this? It's pathetic.


A trait bizarrely exclusive to white liberals.


The "Tory" Stance

You're talking as if asians weren't the most self-hating collective in america, always trying to look 'white' and hide their features (very common on women)

Watching Liberals/Progressives scramble to explain away events like the Orlando shooting were hysterical.

They were DESPERATE to blame the issue on "guns" and constantly had to tap-dance around the fact that a fucking Muslim immigrant just murdered more fags in 5 minutes than "gay-bashers" have killed in 50 years.

The denial was especially great.
I talked to Liberals, both in real life and on Sup Forums, that REFUSED to acknowledge the shooter's allegiance to ISIS when the fucker outright took a break from shooting fags to pledge his allegiance to ISIS.

Shit was fucking amazing.

Pledging isis=/=being in isis

If I went on some fucktarded shooting spree and screamed Islamic or isis shit while doing it, that doesn't mean I've ever actually been affiliated with the group. And of course isis didn't deny it, they're publicity whores

why are you so obsessed with liberals Sup Forums
do you have a gf?

Spoken like a person with no Asian friends

The condescending cunt.


see this?
this board is full of reddit, and that's why it's shit.

Why does this matter again?

So shouting "gas the likes fuck niggers KKK everyday" during a shooting spree is fine as long as I've never met any members?

Because people are misrepresenting what happened. Not defending Islam/isis/this guy or anything, but people seems to be intentionally spreading a false narrative. This dude clearly had no relationship to isis prior to his death

Pledging yourself to ISIS does actually mean being in ISIS. They encourage people in America and other countries to openly pledge themselves during their acts of terror, and use ISIS resources to plan their attacks, but they don't make you come out to Syria to sign a contract.

ISIS is actively recruiting disaffected young men in Western countries to do exactly what Mateen did, which is carry out ISIS terror attacks.

No, it just means you're not actually part of that group and you're pretending to be because you're a lunatic

But Trump is a member of the KKK because David Duke likes him.

Seems more like he was auditioning desu


I dare you to find a more intellectually dishonest segment in late night "comedy".

>clicking that
I'll take your word for it. I'm not giving her my clicks. I gotta say, TBS has done a great work unJUSTing themselves by putting some really quality shows on the air, but this disgusting mess sticks out like a sore thumb.