Tfw we don't live in a world where Tolkien died at the Somme and modern fantasy trash literature/cinema was never...

>tfw we don't live in a world where Tolkien died at the Somme and modern fantasy trash literature/cinema was never invented

if only those damn krauts fired ONE shell at the right target

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JK Rowling would have still come along. She was not influenced by Tolkien in the slightest.

>being butthurt at speculative fiction

Yeah OP, culture would be better off if every movie was some Oscarbait dogshit about divorce or adultry or the Holocaust, and completely devoid of any imagination.

>completely devoid of any imagination.
that's exactly how it is today thanks to people who do nothing but copy&paste the same shit that bong wrote 80 years ago

He looks a little like Mosley here.

Tolkien led quite an interesting life desu.

>brought up poor
>couldn't marry an older woman
>took part in some bloody wars
>writes to keep his war buds entertained
>they all die
>comes back after losing most of friends
>older gf is engaged to be wed to a richer and more successful gentleman
>tolkien is a poor fag with no prospects
>cucks the richer fag
>becomes a professor for shits and giggles
>writes a book


So it's his fault that people shamelessly ctrl+c/ctrl+v his amazing writing? Kys

I don't give a shit whose fault it is, if it could have been avoided it would have been better.
Now go suck his dead dick, faggot.


>John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on 3 January 1892 to Arthur Reuel Tolkien (1857–1896), an English bank manager, and his wife Mabel, née Suffield (1870–1904). The couple had left England when Arthur was promoted to head the Bloemfontein office of the British bank for which he worked.
wow such poverty

Post more images, fag, since you cannot refute the statement with words. Fag.

Shit hit the fan when his dad died

No it didn't.

>Tolkien family life was generally lived on the genteel side of poverty. However, the situation worsened in 1904, when Mabel Tolkien was diagnosed as having diabetes, usually fatal in those pre-insulin days. She died on 14 November of that year leaving the two orphaned boys effectively destitute.

damn your dangerous. please dont hurt us.

or you could, like, you know, like stop reading shitty books and watching bad movies.

>the genteel side of poverty

>Mabel Tolkien taught her two children at home. Ronald, as he was known in the family, was a keen pupil. She taught him a great deal of botany and awakened in him the enjoyment of the look and feel of plants. Young Tolkien liked to draw landscapes and trees, but his favourite lessons were those concerning languages, and his mother taught him the rudiments of Latin very early.

>Prior to her death, Mabel Tolkien had assigned the guardianship of her sons to her close friend, Fr. Francis Xavier Morgan of the Birmingham Oratory, who was assigned to bring them up as good Catholics. In a 1965 letter to his son Michael, Tolkien recalled the influence of the man whom he always called "Father Francis": "He was an upper-class Welsh-Spaniard Tory

Oh what a plight, learning botany and Latin before being adopted by rich elites

Just for the starters

>Rowling maintains that she hadn't read The Hobbit until after she completed the first Harry Potter novel
-from your link, asshole

Won't somebody think of the impoverished bank manager's kids :(

>What is lying.


currently learning latin and botany on skid row, this gives me hope

Yes, yes, all women are liars. Back to /r/theredpill

People would just be copying something else. Erasing something that's actually original does nothing to get to the root of the problem.

Yes, yes, there are actually original plots. Back to Aristotle/Poetics

She also said that she didn't write anywhere that Hermione was white.
It's like you want to be being lied to.

Says the nonce who foolishly believes that JRR Tolkien grew up poor, because it suits his white victimhood mentality. It's 2017, grow up.

>ywn live in a reality where the Turks killed one of the Kardashian's ancestors during the Armenian genocide.

Never trust a mudskin to do a job right.

Even wealthy people didn't grow up with half the luxury virtually anyone in the west can have today. Tolkien by comparison had it pretty shit.

What the fuck kind of strawman is that?
I never said I believed that and even if I did what difference would that make?

You mean the modern technology which actually makes everyone's lives worse? Pretty sure JRR Tolkien hated that shit.

the edge itt is off the charts

>JRR Tolkien hated that shit.
it's ironic he used a typing machine and paper. So many trees died.

yeah sure feels awful having reliable surgery, media, central heating, cheap and bountiful clothing, easy world travel, massive range of food and drink, welfare, fast cars, computers, medicine and so on. Fucking retard.

BASED Tolkien

All of that existed not only in JRR Tolkien's adult life, but also in his childhood. All of it. Every single thing you listed he had access to.

Invoke the r-word all you like, but you're the one who is ill-informed.

Ummm no, JK Rowling never had an original thought in her head. All of her "stories" came from ripping off better authors whilst she was on welfare. Potterfags go back please.

>invoke the r-word all you like

don't have to you continue to demonstrate it's appropriate use.

Are you seriously saying that post-war Europe had the same standards of living than right now?
I'm not him, but I have to ask too whether you're a fucking retard.

You don't even know how to properly use "it's" and you're deigning to insult others' intelligence? Go hang, you know nothing of Tolkien and I'm through talking to you, trash person.

Mate I've sat at Tolkiens fucking favourite writing spot and drunk pints in the shitty now renovated chain pub he used to frequent.

We would be much better without it.

its kinda unfair. if anyone makes a fantasy world and it resembles medieval cultures AT ALL it will now be a tolkien reference or inspired by because retards can't look at something as it is and must always say

>uhhhh well its LIKE Lord of the Rings soooooo.

problem is that Tolkien cornered the market in historical-based fantasy so there's so many ways a writer can infringe on his works.

But what about CS Lewis?

Another rags to riches inspirational story

None of that, you cheeky sod. Tolkien wrote mythology and was an all round top bloke. Don't blame him for the stupefyingly awful D&D rubbish that came after him, devoid as it is of thought and poetry, concerned purely with adolescent escapism and allegory.