His second best album

His second best album

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His best album

Agreed. What do you think his third best is? Most people would say highway 61

they'd be wrong. Its John Wesley Harding

Based as fuck. Wasn’t expecting you to say that, it’s sneaky his best folk/country album. My third favorite too. What do you think of Nashville Skyline, his pure country album?

I'm a big fan of it, I think it achieves exactly what it is perfectly. One More Night and To Be Alone With You are perfectly comfy country songs

Here's my top ten. I think I'd struggle to find someone who'd agree with me but fuck them.

>1: Modern Times
>2: Blonde on Blonde
>3: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
>4: Bringing it all Back Home
>5: Blood on the Tracks
>6: Love and Theft
>7: Time out of Mind
>8: John Wesley Harding
>9: Highway 61 Revisited
>10: Tempest

How do you guys feel about his creative resurgence in the late 90s? I think the writing he did on Time Out of Mind and Love and Theft is among his best ever.

This is good, but can I ask what makes you rate Modern Times so highly? I prefer Love and Theft and Time Out of Mind.

I'll volunteer a top 10 of my own. His strongest songs in no particular order. What'd I leave out?

>inb4 Like a Rolling Stone; I know it should be up there, but I don't want to bump any of these.

Mr. Tambourine Man
Desolation Row
It's Alright Ma
Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
Visions of Johanna
Chimes of Freedom
Boots of Spanish Leather
My Back Pages
Ain't Talkin'

Well you can see I love his modern period: I think that he has absolutely been on fire since the late 90s. It is my favourite period of his career now. Funny thing is, if you read the lyrics from the much lamented mid 80s to late 80s period he was always writing excellent lyrics, these songs were just mired by absolutely shit production and a terrible, kitschy sound. Under the Red Sky and Empire Burlesque could have been brilliant albums. Actually I'd go as far to say Under the Red Sky is a pretty decent album as it stands.

He made it evident it was extremely difficult working with him but I think Bob Dylan has a lot to thank Daniel Lanois for. Things started turning around from Oh Mercy! and since Bob started self-producing in 2001 his albums have been even better. My suspicion is he found a middle road between his old working practices and Daniel Lanois's more meticulous methods.

>Modern Times
I think it's his most beautiful, mature and existential album. His writing is absolutely stellar and there are no wasted words. The classic, old time arrangements fit the bill so perfectly. It works equally well as an album you can listen to intently, play in the background or energetically dance to like a numpty. It's just sheer perfection to me.

Love and Theft and Modern Times are not far behind at all in my judge of quality, it's just that those first five albums I chose before them are also fucking brilliant.

I did wee cover of When the Deal Goes Down here if anyone is interested:

I have to say, I adore Spirit on the Water. It's one of his tenderest love songs ever. And Ain't Talkin' is a masterpiece, one of the highlights of his modern period.

I'm sure you've heard it already, but on the off-chance you haven't, listen to the Tell Tale Signs installment of The Bootleg Series. It shows just how much work went into revising and arranging the lyrics on his modern trilogy.

agreed. red river shore is tremendous

Old fag here, spent 2 years backpacking the world in the early pre-internet 90's. Sony walkman cassette player and 4 cassettes, this was one of them.

No Nashville Skyline?

country sucks

What was your favorite place you went?

What were the other 3?

Nah. It’s a very good lighthearted, upbeat album with one classic original song (Lay, Lady, Lay). The quality of the songs as a whole isn’t up there with the likes of Tempest (choice 10).

What kind of album do you think he will bring out next? I'm hoping of a continuation of Tempest, but I am afraid that era is over.

I suspect Triplicate is the studio album. It just seemed to have an air of finality to it, a farewell album. If so it is a very sweet way to end things.

Would be nice to be proved wrong though. There will of course be more bootlegs to come too, pretty fucking good ones I reckon. I desperately want more Blood on the Tracks and Desire takes.


I don't think Dylan will write original lyrics again.
"Tempest" is an allusion to a farewell play that Shakespeare wrote near the end of his career, The Tempest. At the end of The Tempest, the wizard Prospero (essentially Shakespeare's self-insert) gives a "retirement speech" disposes of his magic book and staff, swearing never to practice magic again. Some have read it as Shakespeare's personalized farewell to the theater, and to writing: this was the last play Shakespeare wrote unaided (he did collaborate on a few other plays with other writers, though).

I think with the album Tempest, Dylan links himself to Shakespeare, and is essentially saying that his writing career is over. The fact that he hasn't released a single original song since 2012 maybe confirms this.

Dylan had been hinting for a long time that his writing days were coming to an end. In '91 he said:

>"there was a time when the songs would come three or four at the same time, but those days are long gone...Once in a while, the odd song will come to me like a bulldog at the garden gate and demand to be written. But most of them are rejected out of my mind right away. You get caught up in wondering if anyone really needs to hear it. Maybe a person gets to the point where they have written enough songs. Let someone else write them."

I think Dylan chose 2012, the year when the world was supposed to end, as the year when he would release his last original material.

I personally would love to hear him return to the sound of Time Out of Mind. Most likely, though, we'll get more cover albums. But what do I know? He could surprise us and start writing again tomorrow.

t watches Polyphonic YouTube video where he uses the chord charts in D but its really in G

>shiksa on shiksa


John Lennon really was a deeply jealous and bitter character.

haven't really listened to anything he has done past the 70's as his voice went to shit.

60's/70's dylan is god tier though

Turkey - spent 6 months there. Back then, it was a backpackers dream. Accommodation, 3 meals, bottle of vodka every night for less than $50 a week.

A bit vague, but I think it was the Pogues If I Should Fall From Grace, and the Cure's greatest hits. It was the early 90's!!

forgot file

tangled up in blue
shelter from the storm
subterranean homesick blues
i shall be released
forever young

to add a few imo

the best is definitely one of these two, but Desire is my favorite.

Why is that one your favorite? I have never understood the acclaim for Desire.

Emmylou Harris' backing vocals. Scarlet Rivera's violin work, and the general instrumentation/world-folk influence on the album.

Cool. I'll give it another listen, try to appreciate it more.

if you swap forever young for you ain't going nowhere, that's probably my top 5 too

I've literally never listened to a Bob Dylan album in my life

Are you everyone I know IRL?

It's not easy to be a Dylan fan. If he would at least put his music on YT and streaming platforms, maybe my friends would get into him. But as it is, everyone just whines about his voice if I even mention that I like him.

i can't help but imagine people who say this haven't listen'd to him in the 60/70's

>streaming platforms
Eh? All of Bob’s stuff is on Spotify and Tidal excluding bonus disks of those collections the Dylanologists pay through the nose for. Can’t speak for any other steaming platforms.

Studio songs without a music video not on YouTube but they seem to have eased off a lot on the bootleggers (not that you want to introduce someone to Dylan with something filmed badly under a sweaty armpit). That said:

>Some of those bootleggers, they make pretty good stuff
>Plenty of places to hide things here if you wanna hide ‘em bad enough
(Sugar Baby, Love and Theft)

he has tons of live performances on youtube which are amazing.

ill take a good live performance of a dylan song any day over studio version

nah he was just dickin around he loved Bob