Math Rock is one of the most misleading and pretentious labels for music ever...

Math Rock is one of the most misleading and pretentious labels for music ever. It gives off airs of being all intellectual and sophisticated but that is totally contradictory to this style. Its not mathematical, its beautiful, its intuitive, its abstract - calling it Math Rock implies it can be distilled down to some equation or that there is some book learned way of interpreting it. Its stupid ironically, I wouldn't even call this rock, but maths? Thats just pathetic

What would you call it?

>Math Rock
it's not the musicians who came up with this term anyway. blame the journalists

good thread

math is beautiful intuitive and abstract

i have no idea pls help me

It's really just Alternative Tempo Pop. Hardly anything rock about that shit either

what are you listening to, user?

post prog rock

fucking this

>starts thread about math rock
>posts post rock album
I bet you think Americ Anfootball is math rock too.

>having this narrow of a view of maths

but the post rock bands are shit musicians and barely know how to play their instruments so this cant be a post rock album

dunning kruger in effect

Well really it's just Technical/prog post-hardcore but that takes to long to say

>learning maths

trips and dubs confirm

dubs cement the notion that math is for losers

i remember when math-rock and post-rock was thrown onto fucking anything that's just instrumental
pic related, please explain to me how this is post or math

are you saying that i'm so dumb that i think math is cool
