ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you to watch

ITT: Shit movies Sup Forums tricked you to watch


ITT: pleb filter that OP failed

Tremors is an amazing movie.

I always hated that poster though. Graboids look nothing like that,

So why don't you list a few? Your pic is unrelated.

Can we hijack this thread and compile a list of plebfilters? I'll make a graphic
I think Only God Forgives and Force Majeure should be on the list

fuck off redditor
movie is awesome!

every horror recommendation from Sup Forums has been garbage but this one takes the cake. It's literally a dumb teen slasher on par with House of Wax.

Ooh, I'll add that to the pleb filter list along with the VVitch, Inherent Vice and The Master. Thanks for reminding me, pleb

using "pleb" unironically actually makes it illegal for you to even discuss movies

the master was good tho


To this day I am still mad I wasted 2 hours of me life on that movie.

>Graboids look nothing like that
the tongues/tentacles look just like that

it's actually a clever poster that keeps the whole monster hidden while making you believe that that's it

Tremors is a great really fun horror movie set during the day.

There isn't any other fun, horror movie set during the day.


>Shit movie

Spotted the pleb pulling the crybaby newspeak tactic. It didn't work for Hillary, it won't work for you. You're a pleb, you talk like a fag and your tastes are retarded

way to false flag trying to make Trump voters look like morons, CTR. How many Sorosbucks today?



>I'm a huge pleb that didn't like It Follows, take me seriously
Yeah, neck yourself


shit tv show

outed. Better luck next time, Shillmissile

Boring as fuck. There wasn't one explosion!



Lol so random XD

>he hasn't watched every Marlon Brando movie at leas twice

you only need to see Apocalypse Now and only about 41 times

There was though


You have shit tastes OP

You actually watched the first Caddyshack? You poor soul. Caddyshack 2 is the Sup Forums approved one, the first film is only really enjoyed by casuals or idiot masses.

You have to be trolling.

i really hate this movie

it was a different time, and as a non american this really didn't help

watch the second one. i swear, it's completely different