Post smelly album covers

post smelly album covers


I don't understand. No heterosexual men listen to Nicki Minaj. Who is this album cover trying to snare?

Holy shit

what the fuck is that


Look like Kanye


lmao this bootlicking alt right shite licker


lmao at this fag

Doing God's work, user.


look at how sweaty they are

Very glad to see another obeseposter. As I say, another fat female popstar has to be a good thing.




Great minds stink alike






It's for money user.

You just answered your own question. It's trying to snare straight dudes.





i feel like OP is a disgusting fart fetishist rusing us for fap material

these don't smell, faggot


I'm sure MC Ride actually smells LIKE SHIT

Probably smells the worst.










I quite like the concept of taking a fat shit on structured society but I despise the presentation of rap/hip-hop.
Music for this feel?


Smells good though

Blink 182

Does this count as cheating?



I smell semen

based spongeposter



wtf is this

It's supposed to inspire sex positive feminists and women of color

i love that there's always some disgusting kind of "ideas" brought forward on slam/goregrind/whatever cover. and they always cram so many ideas into them

>i wanna uhhh chick on a table disfigured in uh a really bad way.
>oh and uhh she must be pregnant
>gotta have a sledgehammer lying around
>put some kind of tool through her eye i don't care which




Probably smells sweet





what does this smell like? heroin or some shit like that?

smells like iron

No heterosexual men wouldn't want to fuck Nikki Minaj either. Think user.

There was a small family of rodents happily residing in her hair. Poor things had to vacate when she died.

>tfw tried to fap to topless Janis Joplin when I was fifteen

Didn’t work, she just looks too smelly. If you can’t ejaculate to something at that age you know there is something seriously wrong with the fantasy,


>this entire thread

yea lemme get uhhh ded bitch...... and a mf..... uhh...... zombie chowin down on her intestines u feel me..... an a gotdam...... nother sledgehammer cause u know how it be

mfw looking back at the thread i made

Came to post this

Ok that is hideous.


These can't be real. No adult could be that self-unaware, right?