What did people think happened before the events of Star Wars in the years before the prequels were released...

What did people think happened before the events of Star Wars in the years before the prequels were released? What kinds of weird fan theories did people have about pre empire life before we got a canon explanation?

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Anakin not being an edgelord

When I was an 8 year old living 4000 miles from the US, I was aware that the emperors name was palpatine and that Darth Vader fell into lava during a duel.

Clones were the bad guys.
Clone wars was like a decade or so.
Both Boba Fett and Leia were involved/faught in the clone wars.
There were years of peace between the clone wars and the rise of the Empire.
Palpatine was president of the Republic.
All of these came from the EU books prior to the release of they prequels.

We hoped it was something cool that would make for incredible movies some day, and we clamoured endlessly for it

Sorry bout that

Darth Plagius force fucking momma skywalker.

Same here (except I lived in the US). That's all I knew about the pre-OT universe for a long time, and aside what's mentioned in the OT, it's all I'll ever need to know.

>leia in clone wars

no, nobody thought this. Ben Kenobi fought in the clone wars and he was way older than Leia. ROTJ fully established that Leia and Luke were both younger than the generation that fought the clone wars.

People kind of knew that Vader was wounded in the clone wars but the clone wars themselves, we didn't know shit except that they happened and both clones and jedi were involved.

Sith were something we knew nothing about before the prequels, as far as canon went there was no indication that the Sith were an order. Vader was Dark Lord of the Sith but we didn't know that it was an orderly title or that there were sith lords other than Vader. Zahn tried to write a story about how he got that title but Lucas told him no, so apparently Lucas knew what he was doing with that title as far back as 1990.

>TFW I was about 10 years old when AOTC came out

Thought the Clones would be the bad guys until the battle at the end. They were clones of Jango Fett, after all.

Even though the Clone Wars cartoons were pretty awesome, I can't believe they continued to use the stupid "ROGER ROGER" droids. I thought they were universally despised from Episode 1

If you have the time and go back far enough, this is a great read about what people actually thought about Return of the Jedi in the early 80s. People fucking hated it.


Keep in mind, this is the early 80s in the internet's infancy. This is mostly nerdy technical college dudes that posted this shit. Fun read nonetheless.

>However, in Marvel Star Wars, the Clone Wars were said to be at a time late enough that Leia Organa was a notable figure, a grown-up Boba Fett fought in the conflict, and "The Emperor" was already in power; these errors would be collectively retconned by having Leia be mistaken for her mother, Darth Sidious later becoming the Emperor, and "Boba" actually being a rogue clone who was rumored to be the offspring of Jango Fett.

Me too. I knew Anakin and Obi Wan had a fight on a larva planet and thats where Anakin lost his limbs

Probably the stupidest theory I hear was that Obi-Wan was a clone, and that the clone wars was literally a bunch of Obi-Wan clones fighting each other.

That's probably why people hated the prequels: They don't match up with their overly-specific and autistic theories about what life was like before the Empire.


Yeah. I recently rewatched TCW (2008) in its entirety and I fucking hate the droids in it.

Still not as bad as the Stormtroopers in rebels though

>Ruling the evil space empire
are an evil count, James Earl Jones (a Negro)
> In another gaffe later in the movie, a robot supposedly manages to go up
and down a staircase, even though it is quite obvious that it is
structurally impossible for the robot to do so
Holy shit these people were us back in the day

uokvax!jab Feb 17 23:28:00 1984

So, did we ever decide if there's going to be any more SW movies? I
remember George Lucas saying that he was going to take two years off
and then THINK about maybe making the first trilogy --- but he also spent
a lot of money advertising "The Revenge of the Jedi" in order to keep
attention off the real plot of RoTJ.

I hope he does, since the light shows that IL&M have been putting out
(the simulation of "Project Genesis" on ST: TWoK comes to mind, along
with RoTJ) have been well worth the price of admission. (Hell, if I could
only borrow one of those "light creatures" from Poltergeist, I could really
scare the natives come Halloween!)

I suspect, however, that the first trilogy will not be quite as "action-filled".
There's a lot less going on --- only the tranformation of a republic into an
evil empire. If we could only bring Hari Seldon in on this...

Jeff Bowles
Lisle, IL

I assumed that the clone wars was really far in the past like Obiwan was in his 20s when he fought in them and was the last Jedi.

I also assumed people like sheev and yoda used lightsabers in their youth and since then maxed out there abilities into force powers

I too wondered about the lightsabre colors. Probably the main motivation
for different colors is visual: nobody's blade should be same hue as that
of someone he's going to fight in that movie, else the action is more difficult
and less aesthetic to follow.
Now, what about varying POWERS of these eveready switchblades?
Luke's new one clanged and recoiled off the railings in Deat Star II,
but Darth's sliced right thru them. Both these guys were slicing up the
pipes and cables in Bespin's basement with each missed swing; note Luke
had his old (father's -- hey Darth, ehn/where"d you lose it?) sabre.
Also Luke started off TESB by slicing the belly of an ATAT open.
SO--either these gadgets have different settings (like Star Trek phasers),
or Luke's handmade replacement in ROTJ wasn't quite up to Radio Shack
standards. mike k

didn't know much but I was sure there would be a 50's cantina owned by a guy called dexter jetster

>hey Darth, ehn/where"d you lose it?

I come from the future and Vader is a real estate speculator in Mustafar, he gave the saber as part of his downpayment for his evil lava castle in Mustafar. He was a good friend.

Me too
How is it
When did they tell us about their final duel on a volcano?

Notice that they refer to Darth Vadar as 'Darth', that's because they didn't even use the term Darth Sidious until much later. They assumed Darth was part of his title.

>When the original Star Wars trilogy was filmed, the Emperor was unnamed and his throne-world unidentified. The name would not be used in film until the prequel trilogy and the first mention of the name Palpatine came from the prologue of Alan Dean Foster's 1976 novelization of A New Hope, which detailed the Emperor's rise to power.

>"Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within the government, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be elected President of the Republic. He promised to reunite the disaffected among the people and to restore the remembered glory of the Republic. Once secure in office he declared himself Emperor, shutting himself away from the populace. Soon he was controlled by the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the people for justice did not reach his ears."

I always thought the republic and the empire had a long war and the empire won.

Also, old republic Mandalorian wars movie fucking when?

I know Lucas mentioned a lava planet duel as his idea of what the prequels might include long before he made the movie

And that's from the prologue of the New Hope novelization. Here's the rest:

prologue (sic)

ANOTHER galaxy, another time.

The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater than distance or time. No need to note where it was or whence it came, only to know that… it was the Republic.

Once, under the wise rule of the Senate and the protection of the Jedi Knights, the Republic throve and grew. But as often happens when wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and attain the awesome, there appear those evil ones who have greed to match.

So it was with the Republic at its height. Like the greatest of trees, able to withstand any external attack, the Republic rotted from within though the danger was not visible from outside.

Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within the government, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be elected President of the Republic. He promised to reunite the disaffected among the people and to restore the remembered glory of the Republic.

Once secure in office he declared himself Emperor, shutting himself away from the populace. Soon he was controlled by the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the people for justice did not reach his ears.


Having exterminated through treachery and deception the Jedi Knights, guardians of justice in the galaxy, the Imperial governors and bureaucrats prepared to institute a reign of terror among the disheartened worlds of the galaxy. Many used the imperial forces and the name of the increasingly isolated Emperor to further their own personal ambitions.

But a small number of systems rebelled at these new outrages. Declaring themselves opposed to the New Order they began the great battle to restore the Old Republic.

From the beginning they were vastly outnumbered by the systems held in thrall by the Emperor. In those first dark days it seemed certain the bright flame of resistance would be extinguished before it could cast the light of new truth across a galaxy of oppressed and beaten peoples…

From the First Saga

Journal of the Whills

“They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes.”

Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator